gained 1lb - feel like crying

Well this is my third week on mfp and I had promised I wouldnt weigh myself for a while but this morning the temptation get too much (i felt slimmer this morning). Anyway to my frustrations I have gained a pound. My diary is open so if anyone would like to view it and give me some advice I would really appreciate it. I know about 2wks ago I had a chocolate binge but that happens during TOTM. I also think I will be told Im not eating enough cals as this a problem I have posted about before. Well hope someone can help. Thanks


  • How long ago did you weigh yourself?
  • jameslucy
    jameslucy Posts: 85 Member
    I weighed myself 3 wks ago and then first thing this morning.
  • weight usually tends to fluctuate. i was noticing that i wasn't loosing weight for 2 weeks and i had a chips ahoy cookie binge and finally about the third week i lost about 3 lbs. maybe weight yourself a few days after your TOM, but be proud of yourself its only a pound and you can do it!!!!
  • ladyjoie
    ladyjoie Posts: 165 Member
    Try eating back your exercise calories. Also, don't use the scale as your only measurement - if you have a measuring tape lying around somewhere, take some measurements!

    More than anything, though, I would say try to work on your self-esteem. One pound doesn't mean your body is going to look any different, and from you profile you've lost 3 1/2 stone already - that's a real achievement!
  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    Just had quick peek at your should be trying to eat a bit more. MFP recommends that you eat back some or all of your exercise calories.....some do, some don''s personal preference. Try and get your net calories to be 1200 and make sure you drink plenty of water. Don't be's still early days. Be patient :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Sorry, not very good at putting my thoughts into words.....

    Sue :smile: x
  • my weight fluctuates up to 5lbs day to day. yesterday i wes 3lbs heavier than today. Im not saying its the correct thing to do weight yourself daily but it just shows how much it changes
  • I noticed on your diary that you are generally in the red on something. Try for a week keeping within the balance of EVERYTHING. I found this to be the key for me :)

    Are you being truly honest with what you are eating, sorry to ask, but there have been days where I have forgot and added it later, so now I add stuff BEFORE I eat it and plan my meals out, if it's not in my diary, it doesn't go in my mouth. A hard disclipline but I am so body conscious at the moment.

    Don't be disheartened by a pound, not to be crude, but are you constipated? This could where your 1-2lb is hiding!
  • Dragongrl
    Dragongrl Posts: 186 Member
    Did you know your body weight can fluctuate as much as two pounds a day? That's just water, baby! Or it could be muscle. With all that working out you've been doing you've probably gained alot! So don't be so hard on yourself! Whenever you weigh, weigh at or around the same time of day you always do. First thing in the morning is probably best. And like others have said, don't go by your weight alone. Use that measuring tape. You can still weigh the same but your body is definately changing. Remember, muscle is denser than fat.
  • Try not to get too disheartened, i weigh and measure myself every month now, first month 8lb & 8 inchs lost, next month, gained 2lb stayed same measurements, lost 1% body fat and 1 point of my BMI. I agree with others who have said measure yourself, if your excerising too then muscle weighs heavier too x
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    Did you know your body weight can fluctuate as much as two pounds a day?

    Actually much more than that! Mine fluctuates up to as much as 7 and I would assume a heavier person would see greater fluctuations.

    Don't sweat it, honey. Just think of it like this: Did you eat enough calories to gain a pound of FAT? If not, then it's not fat. And it will go away soon. Breathe. :)
  • Emma1903
    Emma1903 Posts: 195
    Try eating more cals and less carbs 200 carbs a day is way to much! Try sticking to under 100carbs a day and see how that goes
  • Paddy31
    Paddy31 Posts: 115 Member
    If that's all you're eating I'm surprised you're not fainting.

    I'd suggest weighing your foods. For example, you put in a 25g portion of MacDonald's French Fries. That's about 5 chips. Is that all you had?

    The other thing is that you've already lost loads of weight before starting this, which is amazing.

    Don't be too stressed, keep at it and try eating enough for your BMR and exercising. You are so close to your target and the last bit is always the hardest.
  • PhilipByrne
    PhilipByrne Posts: 276 Member
    Did you know your body weight can fluctuate as much as two pounds a day?

    Actually much more than that! Mine fluctuates up to as much as 7 and I would assume a heavier person would see greater fluctuations.

    Don't sweat it, honey. Just think of it like this: Did you eat enough calories to gain a pound of FAT? If not, then it's not fat. And it will go away soon. Breathe. :)

    Okay, that's two posts on entirely different subjects where I've totally agreed with you. Spooky.
  • smoore85
    smoore85 Posts: 68 Member
    Dont be dishartened,, drink plenty of water, eat atleast 1200 cals a day as if u eat less u are likely to not lose, i know its hard i have trouble sometimes eating all my cals but try fruit to bump cals up,, also if u havent been toilet for a few days this can cause u to gain weight i have this trouble and once i have been weight always goes down slightly,, also try taking measurements these may show a difference even if weight stays the same, i take mine every week on weigh day, try waist, stomach and legs im sure u will notice the diff, also i have noticed if i have a bing day 1 day a week it seems to kick start my motabilism in to gear,, keep ya chin up, u can do this,,
  • jameslucy
    jameslucy Posts: 85 Member
    Thaks everyone dont feel as bad now. I do find it hard to eat cals without going over on something else. I will take measurements and see what happens and Im not getting on those scales in a hurry again.
  • martinh78
    martinh78 Posts: 601
    I stalled last week and put on a little this week, but my waist measurement has come down by 1.5".

    Go figure?

    I weigh in twice, once on a Friday for the rowing challenge, and my normal Monday. There's always a difference between them, Monday I am lighter than Friday.
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    Okay, that's two posts on entirely different subjects where I've totally agreed with you. Spooky.

    You know what they say...great minds...

    :tongue: :drinker:
  • PhilipByrne
    PhilipByrne Posts: 276 Member
    Okay, that's two posts on entirely different subjects where I've totally agreed with you. Spooky.

    You know what they say...great minds...

    :tongue: :drinker:

    Isn't there also something about 'fools seldom differ'?
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    Okay, that's two posts on entirely different subjects where I've totally agreed with you. Spooky.

    You know what they say...great minds...

    :tongue: :drinker:

    Isn't there also something about 'fools seldom differ'?

    :laugh: Good call!
  • jameslucy
    jameslucy Posts: 85 Member
    sorry just going back to my other post about not being able to eat the cals. If u look at my diary I have entered what I plan to eat and exercise today. U will see I have loads of cals to eat but Im over on protein and have just about to go over on sugar.