Looking for KETO friends!

Hi everyone,

I am on day 3 of Keto.. have not yet gone into ketosis :s

Anywho, i am looking for some friends following this same lifestyle so feel free to add me !


  • melindacrowhurst
    melindacrowhurst Posts: 1 Member
    I’m doing my research on Keto now and plan to start very soon. How have you enjoyed it so far?
  • HulkV2
    HulkV2 Posts: 32 Member
    Once you get past the keto flu it should be smooth sailing. Takes a while before you enter ketosis but stick with it, it's worth it.
  • EV_Simon
    EV_Simon Posts: 3 Member
    HulkV2 wrote: »
    Once you get past the keto flu it should be smooth sailing. Takes a while before you enter ketosis but stick with it, it's worth it.

    Actually, as long as you consume electrolytes you won't get keto flu, read up on keto flu treatments and you will find it's down to a loss of key electrolytes (sodium, potassium and magnesium), you also need to ensure that you drink plenty of water every day.

    Another benefit of increasing your electrolytes will be a reduction in cramps, I used to get painful night cramps but now I consume more of the above electrolytes and I haven't suffered with cramps for a while now.

    I am re-starting my keto way of eating today (I had a couple of weeks off), it's been good for me so far in that I've lost 14kg of excess weight, it's also been something that I've managed to stick to longer than I did anything else (Paleo, Cambridge diet, Slimming World etc).
  • KADC57
    KADC57 Posts: 9 Member
    I have been doing prep work for starting the KETO diet about a month now: research mainly through YouTube, purchasing a monitor for keto and glucose, creating meal plans, buying supplements like MCT oil, foods and drinks and decreasing carbs (from about 100 to 20 daily in 2 weeks). Was determined that I would do this diet right and not fail. My plan was to start today but since Wednesday, when I hit the 20 carbs mark, I have been feeling awful, have all the signs of Keto flu. Have been drinking electrolyte drinks and already on a high dose of potassium for a health problem but the problem continues. Wondering if I cut off the carbs too quickly and even saw a couple of videos stating for the older folks who have been on a high carb diet for years (that's me) they will need to slowly decrease carbs over a 30 day period. Pretty sad to have KETO flu before starting the KETO diet. LOL Anyways determined to stick with this diet as my weight is now starting to kill me with damaging multiple organs.
  • maxinefurness
    maxinefurness Posts: 318 Member
    I’ve been trying to start it this week (last 3 days). I’ve enjoyed it and lost around 2-3lbs already. I had a bad meal last night though 😫 definitely not in ketosis yet though.
  • EV_Simon
    EV_Simon Posts: 3 Member
    KADC57 wrote: »
    I have been doing prep work for starting the KETO diet about a month now: research mainly through YouTube, purchasing a monitor for keto and glucose, creating meal plans, buying supplements like MCT oil, foods and drinks and decreasing carbs (from about 100 to 20 daily in 2 weeks). Was determined that I would do this diet right and not fail. My plan was to start today but since Wednesday, when I hit the 20 carbs mark, I have been feeling awful, have all the signs of Keto flu. Have been drinking electrolyte drinks and already on a high dose of potassium for a health problem but the problem continues. Wondering if I cut off the carbs too quickly and even saw a couple of videos stating for the older folks who have been on a high carb diet for years (that's me) they will need to slowly decrease carbs over a 30 day period. Pretty sad to have KETO flu before starting the KETO diet. LOL Anyways determined to stick with this diet as my weight is now starting to kill me with damaging multiple organs.

    Out of interest, how much water are you consuming each day? As for the electrolyte supplements, what are the dosages like for each micro-nutrient?

    I'm a 49 year old man, I went cold turkey when I started, went from 100+ carbs a day to 30 but at the same time I went from 1/2l of water to 3+l of water a day, I also started using High 5 Zero electrolyte tabs (4 - 6 tabs a day.

    The flu like symptoms really could be a mix of not enough water and electrolytes, check your dosage against these recommendations - https://www.dietdoctor.com/low-carb/keto/supplements.
  • EV_Simon
    EV_Simon Posts: 3 Member
    I’ve been trying to start it this week (last 3 days). I’ve enjoyed it and lost around 2-3lbs already. I had a bad meal last night though 😫 definitely not in ketosis yet though.

    Carry on drinking the water and if possible exercise and restrict how much you eat today, it's better to exercise as soon as possible to try and get yourself into a fat burning state and eat as late as possible in the day (a single meal would be better with really low carbs).
  • OooohToast
    OooohToast Posts: 257 Member
    edited June 2019
    KADC57 wrote: »
    I have been doing prep work for starting the KETO diet about a month now: research mainly through YouTube, purchasing a monitor for keto and glucose, creating meal plans, buying supplements like MCT oil, foods and drinks and decreasing carbs (from about 100 to 20 daily in 2 weeks). Was determined that I would do this diet right and not fail. My plan was to start today but since Wednesday, when I hit the 20 carbs mark, I have been feeling awful, have all the signs of Keto flu. Have been drinking electrolyte drinks and already on a high dose of potassium for a health problem but the problem continues. Wondering if I cut off the carbs too quickly and even saw a couple of videos stating for the older folks who have been on a high carb diet for years (that's me) they will need to slowly decrease carbs over a 30 day period. Pretty sad to have KETO flu before starting the KETO diet. LOL Anyways determined to stick with this diet as my weight is now starting to kill me with damaging multiple organs.

    Hello there ! I've been Keto'ing for most of this year and just want to highlight that the level of carb reduction required to stay in ketosis is different for everyone. Personally, I think 20g is just too restrictive diet wise.

    My experience was keeping it at 50g NET for a few weeks to get into a decent fat burning state (shows as a marked reduction in hunger rumbles rather than super speedy magical weight loss) - I then increased my cardio (walking) and could consume 100g NET carbs and still stay in Ketosis (I was brisk walking 5 miles a day). Less cardio meant less carbs so it can be tweaked to meet your preferences.

    As mentioned above, drinking lots of water helps - I found eating as much veg as possible also helped. Cauliflower is your friend, as is spinach ! Adding salt to your meals can help with the KETO wobbles at the start as your body adjusts.

    Keto is not meant to be miserable :) and is maintainable without all the fancy add-ons - you just need to find the level that works for you as well as an eating pattern that works for you.

    Good luck !
  • slwoods29
    slwoods29 Posts: 4 Member
    av053989 wrote: »
    Hi everyone,

    I am on day 3 of Keto.. have not yet gone into ketosis :s

    Anywho, i am looking for some friends following this same lifestyle so feel free to add me !

  • slwoods29
    slwoods29 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi feel free to add me I’m on day 2 today done this before and lost two stone and kept it off for five years untill I got pregnant my daughter is 8mths old and have the last of baby weight to shift which is about 2 stone (I gained over four stone when pregnant 🥴) I know it works and fine the first two weeks the hardest then u start to feel fab xx
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    I am also in the planning/research stage and plan on going all-in on Monday, June 3.
    My story is I had Bariatric Surgery in Dec 2013 and lost close to 100 pds~ I was not the biggest person to have this done at only mid-200s but on a 5 foot frame it was just too much! I have kept most of the weight off but find that those "carb-cravings" will just NOT go away! (btw, I had a Gastric Sleeve)
    My post op diet was/is very similar to Keto so I am used to a low carb lifestyle. Just because it's familiar to me doesn't mean that it's an "easy" fix.
    I know now that sugar/carbs are my "drugs of choice" and breaking that dependence is NOT something that's easily fixed by any physical/surgical change to your body.
    It's an emotional process that requires dedication and commitment along with a willingness to explore the origins of your "addiction".
    I am glad to have found this thread and hope we can share our journey and support each other along the way!