Hello fellow fitness people :)

Hey guys,
I have recently joined MFP and thought I would message the community and say hello. :)
I have been really enjoying the functionality of the site and the motivation it gives as it is a really simple form of keeping track of nutrition and exercise.

I am always sceptical of sites that monitor calories as they tend to use templates that are not accurate to what you have actually consumed but this seems to be the best I have seen.

My name is Tony and I live in the UK (South East).

I am planning on losing just over a stone and toning, ready for a trip to Cuba at the end of the year. :)
This isn't my only reason off course as it is a lifestyle choice to get in better shape but at least it gives me a target completion date.

Anyway, hope to make some new pals on here and exchange workout tips etc so say hi and don't be shy. :)

All the best,


  • melanie3103
    melanie3103 Posts: 246 Member
    I won't be shy! Howdy... Welcome to the site!

    I love it too.

    I am looking for MFP friends too - let's motivate eachother...

  • reedee94
    reedee94 Posts: 25 Member
    Welcome Tony,

    Ditto on the site. My husband has been happily using it via his iphone and losing weight. He has never been into any other sites or plans so I joined and its a good site. Good luck on your weight adjustment. Cuba would be a great motivator.