How to get rid of belly/pooch flab? [w/pic]

Hello everyone! I've been on my lifestyle/weight loss quest for about three months now, going on four. I've successfully lost about 20 pounds (I went about a month and a half before I started using MFP) but my biggest problem area isn't doing much in the shrinking arena. I've always had a HUGE pooch that sits right at my gut and I have no idea what to do to get rid of it! I've only seen like one other woman my size that's had one - it just seems so uncommon. :( It makes it very difficult to find clothing that looks good - shirts look terrible unless I have pants that fit all the way up to my waist (which are incredibly hard to find in the juniors section!) and dresses have to have a waist band in the precisely right spot otherwise I look pregnant.

I'm 20 years old, and my current weight is approximately 154.

On to the picture! Apologies for the messy room. ;)


Any advice would be appreciated!! I would love suggestions that DON'T involve a gym, however, as I will no longer have access to one in about a week.


  • karamae
    karamae Posts: 136 Member
    I don't have much good advice, except for spoil yourself and go for a good fitting pair of jeans from Nordstrom. I would have never said that 5 years ago, but recently I got some Big Star jeans, about $100, and they are worth EVERY penny. They sit higher on the waist but not super high like grandma pants. They are super slimming.

    Good luck, I know how bad it sucks to be self conscious about your belly!
  • floridabootcamp
    Hello Plutoniansmash! Unfortunately there isn't a way to target body fat in a specific area of your body. That is the most popular fitness myth. As you lean out your body will empty the fat cells in that area. If you have every had a c-section your muscles might not tighten back up like they were before the surgery. Also, if you have lost a bunch of weight you could be left with extra skin. If this is the case then getting it removed by a surgeon is the only option. Keep eating clean and burning calories with high intensity workouts and your body will keep changing. I hope this helps some....Have a good one!
  • BeetleChe13
    BeetleChe13 Posts: 498 Member
    My only suggestion is to try pilates. Every exercise in pilates focuses on your core, with several exercises targeting your lower abs. You could probably find a video to use at home for less than $10.
  • Gilbrod
    Gilbrod Posts: 1,216 Member
    I got rid of mines with lots of cardio. Unfortunately, that's one of the areas fat loves to hang out the most. Lots of lower back, upper ab and lower ab exercises with lots of cardio. Good luck. You can get it done.
    wow i commend you for posting that pic. i couldnt do it. i have the same problem area and i HATE it. it just hangs there. lol but it has shrunk since i lost 40 lbs but its still there. i do backwards sit ups and they burn that area you shoud try those. and if you find something that works faster and better pls share it with me. lol
  • Diosadealimentos
    Diosadealimentos Posts: 10 Member

    two possible options that would work (especially in combined) are start belly dancing and do nutritional juice fasting. There's a dvd called belly dancing for ab sculpting that I got on ebay...and for nutritional information and fasting format there's a book called staying healthy with the seasons by elson haas.

    best on your journey
  • kparks770
    kparks770 Posts: 113 Member
    Well it looks like extra skin.Im assuming youve tried situps etc? I used to be your size a long time ago.Well,this isnt the best thing cause it comes back if you dont keep working at it but when I was in my 20s I had a breast reduction and liposuction in my abdomen.Maybe just a tuck for you? Hope your not offended.I think you look good all over and its like loose skin from what I can tell.
  • melissarunner
    Well, I think cardio is what you have to do (and lots of it), and the add extra ab-focused exercises. I'm thin and have a poochy tummy (had 3 kids) and mine has gone down alot, Its still a work in progress though.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Cardio. I know you said you won't have access to a gym - so I would invest in a good cardio workout dvd (heard great things about JM 30 day shred). Unfortunately, our bodies lose fat from where THEY want to lose it and not where WE want them to lose it from.

    I've been running and doing circuit training and have seen a great change in my belly. Is it perfectly flat? Nope - but it is way smaller than it used to be.

    Just keep going.
  • princess4mimi
    Someone posted this link yesterday and seems like its very effective try them out and it's free:

    Good Luck!!! :-)
  • plutoniansmash
    Karamae- At the moment I'm working on borrowed jeans!! My friend gave me 11 pairs (I kid you not, 11) of jeans she was getting rid of... I don't want to buy new jeans until I'm at my goal weight, which is about another 20lbs away. But when I get there I will definitely be splurging!

    Florida - I'm not sure if it's skin or not, it's so hard to tell. :/ It's definitely more loose and flabby down there than it was before, but I'm not sure how to measure how much fat is still hanging out.

    Beetle - Pilates is a fantastic suggestion! :) I was thinking about picking up some dvds for when my gym access is cut off, so I will def look into that!

    Gilbrod - Ugh, cardio, my favorite. :P I've been planning on upping my ab exercises... I guess now is the time to do it!

    FGFG - Haha, thanks. :) It's easy for me to share on the internet, but I would never show someone in person!!

    Dio - Belly dancing is another fantastic dvd suggestion! :) Will definitely look into that as well! I'm not a fan of fasting though.. My body is doing well on my current eating regime and I don't want to throw it off by making a dramatic change like that.

    Kparks - Not offended at all!! :) I'm glad to hear it looks mostly like loose skin, actually. I can't afford a tummy tuck (I'm about to go to Liverpool lol) but it's something to consider in the future if I can't get rid of it the old-fashioned way.

    Melissa - Oh, cardio, my not-bff. Haha.

    Chevy - I'm planning on buying the 30 day shred! It'll be the first dvd I buy!

    Thank you all for your comments and support! :)
  • Lolyballs
    Lolyballs Posts: 180 Member
    I agree with melissarunner. If you go to a gym, ask a trainer which machines focus on the abdominal muscles or what exercises you need to be doing.
  • Sanya77
    Sanya77 Posts: 172 Member
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    Have you had an exam to rule out any possible medical causes?
  • plutoniansmash
    Loly - I'm about to lose gym access. :(

    NotGoddess - No, I haven't, but I have a variety of stomach/digestive problems. I've had this since basically puberty, haha.
  • RTricia
    RTricia Posts: 720
    I commend you for reaching out!!!

    You will lose it, I know you can!! Mind over matter - think it will be done and it will be done. By you!!!

    Congratulations on your journey thus far - continue and know we are 100% behind you!!
  • ycc1964
    ycc1964 Posts: 699 Member
    I wish I could figure out how to down load picture to show you that I have the same concern (due to surgery) and have had a great reduction without much loss on the scale or in inches. There is a very old DVD called Callanetis by Calian Pincney who states in her review that "my only competition is plastic surgery". She is amazing yesterday I read that someone picked this DVD up at the second hand store for a little over a buck.
  • maryzcontrary
    I had exactly the same thing. Exactly. It is excess skin, and you can build the best 6 pack in the world, and still have it.. I had a tummy tuck, with no suggestion if you do. Get your weight where you want it and don't gain. It will show up as back slab! Which is what happened to me --- I have a flat tummy now, but gained and got these enormous muffins on my backside....
  • midwesthiker
    I have this too, but mine is from a surgery scar. I have been doing JIllian MIchaels DVDs and it has been shrinking. I bet in the last 32 pounds I have lost half of it. I did 30 day shred, Ripped in 30, and now do No More Trouble Zones and Burn Fat, Boost Metabolism. I can't afford a gym either, and since I have a scar there I wonder if mine will ever truly go away.
  • cjw6
    cjw6 Posts: 94 Member
    I have EXACTLY the same, and am a similar weight to you. When I lose weight, I lose it all over, but that SHAPE which I hate, stays the same. Its really depressing to have lost loads of weight and feel much healthier, but still look bulgy in clothes!
    Don't know what they are called, but those ab exercises where you lift your legs up feel like they are helping a bit, and I like the idea of pilates. Any other suggestions very welcome!