June Weight Loss Challenge



  • saltypickle
    saltypickle Posts: 307 Member
    Thanks for the support group!

    June start wt: 156.5
    June goal wt: 151

    June 01: 156.5

    Total loss: 0
  • lianasignorile
    lianasignorile Posts: 2 Member
    Start wt:185
    Goal for June 170lbs

    May 31: 185
    June 7:
    June 14:
    June 21:
    June 28:
  • Darny48
    Darny48 Posts: 4 Member
    edited June 2019
    Time to get motivated.
    June 1, start weight 196.2
    June 7,
    June 14,
    June 21,
    June 28,
    Would love to lose at least 10 lbs this month. I have a side bet with my husband and son.
  • fariiharhmn
    fariiharhmn Posts: 9 Member
    June start weight: 174 lbs
    June goal weight: 164 lbs
    ultimate goal weight: 100 lbs
    June 1: 174
  • rainebowsparkles
    rainebowsparkles Posts: 180 Member
    I’m in! I’m 10 days post c-section so no workouts for me but hoping the walking and diet cleanup will get my weight loss started.

    Start wt:212
    Goal wt:190

    May 31:212
    June 7:
    June 14:
    June 21:
    June 28:
  • Mz_Nurze
    Mz_Nurze Posts: 6 Member
    Decided to try a new lifestyle instead of another diet 😊. Creeping up on my mid 40's😶. This will be my 1st challenge here & i soo need the motivation!!
    Start wt:173
    Goal wt:165

    May 31:173lb
    June 7:
    June 14:
    June 21:
    June 28:
  • exitbuddy
    exitbuddy Posts: 10 Member
    Beginning a journey!

    Start wt: 207 lbs
    Goal wt: 199 lbs

    May 31: 207
    June 7:
    June 14:
    June 21:
    June 28:
  • honeyplum
    honeyplum Posts: 4 Member
    edited June 2019
    Start wt: 180
    Goal wt:170

    May 31:
    June 7:
    June 14:
    June 21:
    June 28:

    I need a challenge and motivation.
  • SteroidalLolita
    SteroidalLolita Posts: 122 Member
    edited June 2019
    Start weight: 208 lbs
    Goal weight: 198 lbs

    May 31st: 206
    June 2nd: 204
    June 9th:
    June 16th:
    June 23rd:
    June 30th:
  • KillerFrostie
    KillerFrostie Posts: 18 Member
    Hi everyone, I would love to join you in this challenge.
    Highest ever weight: 215
    Start wt: 200
    Goal wt: 130

    May 31: 200
    June 7:
    June 14:
    June 21:
    June 28:
  • JillyB2018
    JillyB2018 Posts: 36 Member
    Start wt: 13st 2.0lbs
    Goal wt:

    May 31: 13st 2.0lbs
    June 7:
    June 14:
    June 21:
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,283 Member
    My name is Donna. I am 58/59 years young, Happy Birthday to me on May 10th!!!
    5’ 5” tall and from the Midwest.

    I will be weighing on the first and last day of the month for a full monthly account.

    Highest wt: 253 (235 on MFP)
    June Goal Wt: 189.6
    Ultimate Goal wt: 145-153

    June 01: 195.6
    June 03:
    June 10:
    June 17:
    June 24
    June 30:
  • kahthompson1
    kahthompson1 Posts: 70 Member
    I will give this a try

    Starting Junes weight is 245.8
    Goal weight for June is 239.8
    Trying to lose 1.5 lbs per week
    Junes results
  • akcarter1968
    akcarter1968 Posts: 5 Member
    Coming back after a long eventful year, both fun events and stressful. And thanks to menopause, I've gained nearly 30 pounds since September! Can't make anymore excuses, I did this to myself, and need to get a grip! Hope to be down about 10 pounds by the end of the month.

    Start weight: 171
    GOAL weight: 138

    May 31: 171
    June 7:
    June 14:
    June 21:
    June 28:
  • jrortega1912
    jrortega1912 Posts: 315 Member
    Thank you for this challenge. I really need this!
    Start wt:160.0
    Goal wt:155.0

    May 31:160.0
    June 7:
    June 14:
    June 21:
    June 28:
  • Kickastina
    Kickastina Posts: 101 Member
    Back at it again! Let's do this everyone! :smiley:

    Start Weight: 186.0 lbs
    Goal Weight: 130.0 lbs

    June Start Weight: 167.3 lbs
    June Goal Weight: 162.0 lbs
    June Weight Loss: .2 lbs

    Slow start, but that's alright. The main thing is not giving up and staying consistent!

    June 1: 167.1 lbs
    June 8:
    June 15:
    June 22:
    June 29:
  • legere207
    legere207 Posts: 2 Member
    Hope it's okay to jump in. I'm new to the challenges and not sure how it all works.

    Start wt: 219.7
    Goal wt: 145

    May 31: 209.9
    June 7:
    June 14:
    June 21:
    June 28:
  • StatChicBayes
    StatChicBayes Posts: 362 Member
    I am going to be out of town during some of this challenge, so going to weigh in on Mondays as not sure that I will have a scale!

    57 yy female, 4'11''

    OSW 177.1
    Weight Loss to date: 31.4 lbs
    Ultimate Goal wt: 110

    May 31: 147.0; June Challenge Goal: 142.

    STG: Really hope to reach (and pass) my mid-point weight of 143.5 this month! Seems to be in reach but have lots of travel this month!

    May 31: 147.0
    June 1: 146.1
    June 3:
    June 10:
    June 17:
    June 24:
    June 30: Out of Town
  • firestarinfini
    firestarinfini Posts: 13 Member
    Start wt: 205.8
    Goal wt: 202.8

    May 31: 205.8
    June 7:
    June 14:
    June 21:
    June 28: