unsatisfied.... Help?

First of all, I'd like to say how proud I am of myself. Along with developing good eating habits (lean meat, vegetables, 100% whole grain, etc.), I have also managed to lose close to 15 pounds. I started off weighing 130-135 lbs and realize that this is not overweight by any means, but at 5' 2" tall I just wasn't happy with my body. I spent all summer religiously recording calories and changing my diet COMPLETELY. No more chips, no more bread, no more junk! I did workout tapes almost everyday and successfully lost weight and began a healthy lifestyle. Today, I weigh 118. This may seem like an ideal number, but I see some 5' 2" women on here that have their goal weight set to 115 or even 110! The only thing I have changed is that I've started running 5-6 days a week and have added strength training to 3 of those days. I still stay strict on my diet, but i'm still just not where I want to be. I'm still unhappy with my body, even with amazing results and progress.

My question is, if I feel like I'm working THIS hard while all the girls at school are eating chips and candy bars, why am I still not satisfied with my body? and how can I lose the 5 or so pounds that would make me feel more secure?


  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    Everyone i saw out of high school either looks almost the same, or gained some serious weight. People that can eat anything now and not get fat are enjoying it for a short time only. Eventually everyone's metabolism slows down and if they don't have right eating habits it will make them fat. I suggest getting a good workout online and try to concentrate on it. Make sure you are adding weight or reps every different week.
    oh and 5 lbs probably won't make much difference..
  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    Your body sounds fine as it is!!!! Don't forget, you're still growing and developing.....you will need some extra calories to give you energy as your body changes.

    My question to you is: would you really feel more secure if you lost another 5lbs?.....or would you be tempted to lose another 5 and so on? Would you know when to stop?.....you could be heading for dangerous territory.....I'm not being rude or offensive, but my advice is to stay as you are :wink:

    Sue :smile: x
  • lynnie30
    lynnie30 Posts: 105 Member
    Ug, as a middle school teacher I see this all the time-and by the time you are 16 and in high school it only gets worse. Making healthy changes includes having a positive mindset too (trust me, I know that is difficult). Easier said than done, is to not compare yourself to the other girls and work on your own self-esteem :)
  • Strong_like_Donkey_Kong
    Your body sounds fine as it is!!!! Don't forget, you're still growing and developing.....you will need some extra calories to give you energy as your body changes.

    My question to you is: would you really feel more secure if you lost another 5lbs?.....or would you be tempted to lose another 5 and so on? Would you know when to stop?.....you could be heading for dangerous territory.....I'm not being rude or offensive, but my advice is to stay as you are :wink:

    Sue :smile: x

    That is one of my problems. I don't know when I'll ever be happy. And I do understand that it is dangerous territory.
  • Strong_like_Donkey_Kong
    Ug, as a middle school teacher I see this all the time-and by the time you are 16 and in high school it only gets worse. Making healthy changes includes having a positive mindset too (trust me, I know that is difficult). Easier said than done, is to not compare yourself to the other girls and work on your own self-esteem :)

    Thank you. :) On good days, I do have a positive mindset. But, like you said, it's very difficult.
  • candb
    candb Posts: 238
    Everyone i saw out of high school either looks almost the same, or gained some serious weight. People that can eat anything now and not get fat are enjoying it for a short time only. Eventually everyone's metabolism slows down and if they don't have right eating habits it will make them fat. I suggest getting a good workout online and try to concentrate on it. Make sure you are adding weight or reps every different week.
    oh and 5 lbs probably won't make much difference..

    I agree with this. I'm 15 years out of high school and am Facebook friends with most of my graduating class. You'd be amazed how many of them have packed on the pounds. If you're unhappy with your body now maybe work on toning with an emphasis on body fat % or measurements, but not the scale (since that may make the number go up).
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    According to the internets, your ideal healthy weight is 122, and your ideal weight range if 109 to 136. I think the key word here is "healthy". We all wear our weight differently, so someone who is at 115 could look exactly like you at 118. As long as the weight is healthy for you and the lifestyle that goes with it is also healthy (which, from what you said, it sounds like it is), then that's all you should be concerned about. I know that easier said then done, of course, but think of it this way. You're learning to lead a healthy life at a key point in your life, as you're still growing and developing. These other girls aren't. You may feel like you're the odd one out right now (which, really, it doesn't sound like you are), but a few years down the road when you're well into this lifestyle, they're going to be the ones who want to look like you. Basically, just stick with what you're doing, because it sounds like you're doing it right.
  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
    Madison, are there any particular parts of you body that are making you feel insecure at your current weight, or are you just looking at the number on the scale and thinking that you'd feel better about yourself if it were lower?

    if it's the number on the scale and not what you see in the mirror that's bothering you, then you need to STOP and GET HELP because you're criticizing yourself and feeling bad about yourself for something that isn't even on you. The number on the scale is completely outside your body, and nobody else sees it but you, so there's no reason for you to think that you would feel better about yourself knowing that that number is lower.

    If there are specific parts of your shape you don't like, then weight training will help you get a leaner, stronger, more athletic, and more defined look, but only if you eat enough protein and calories to support that process. You didn't say what weights you're doing, but I suggest P90X. Doing P90X will a) give you serious new muscle definition, and b) help you realize that you are a powerful athlete. That's going to make you feel more secure about yourself everywhere you go. It's the secret knowledge of something about YOU that you can carry around with you into any situation to have more confidence.

    You might also try martial arts. That's another good way to get that confidence that you can carry with you everywhere.
  • Strong_like_Donkey_Kong
    Madison, are there any particular parts of you body that are making you feel insecure at your current weight, or are you just looking at the number on the scale and thinking that you'd feel better about yourself if it were lower?

    if it's the number on the scale and not what you see in the mirror that's bothering you, then you need to STOP and GET HELP because you're criticizing yourself and feeling bad about yourself for something that isn't even on you. The number on the scale is completely outside your body, and nobody else sees it but you, so there's no reason for you to think that you would feel better about yourself knowing that that number is lower.

    If there are specific parts of your shape you don't like, then weight training will help you get a leaner, stronger, more athletic, and more defined look, but only if you eat enough protein and calories to support that process. Don't add weight training to a starvation diet and expect anything good to happen.

    Honestly, It's a mixture of both. I want to look lean and tiny. I think I have an altered view though. Because my mom always says that I don't see myself the way other people see me. When I look in the mirror, I pick on my flaws. But who doesnt?
  • lynnie30
    lynnie30 Posts: 105 Member
    Are you involved with any activities in school? Maybe join a team or club :)