Breastfeeding and getting in shape

I would love to get in shape and lose 35 pounds. I and 165 now. Have any of you lost weight while breastfeeding?I’m working out and I want to lose the weight but I know I can’t deprive myself of too many calories or I want not produce enough breast milk or healthy breast milk for my son? Is the trick just getting my calories from healthy food? Any advice or tips would be very helpful.


  • kmguh
    kmguh Posts: 13 Member
    For me, the trick was drinking enough water. Breastfeeding made me so thirsty, and sometimes I would mistake thirst for hunger. So when you think you’re hungry, drink a glass of water first and see if that makes the feeling go away.

    Also, be careful when you stop breastfeeding. With my first child, I continued to eat like I was still breastfeeding and put on 10 pounds really quickly. Enjoy the extra calories now while you can!
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    edited May 2019
    When I was nursing I set my diary to maintain current weight and ate that amount of calories. Breastfeeding burns roughly 500 cals a day, so I just let that create my deficit. I lost weight really easily. Alternatively you can set your diary to lose weight and then manually add breastfeeding (I think it's in the food database and it logs negative calories to your diary. Either that or it's in the exercise section)
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    I agree with kmguh I packed on some pounds when I stopped but realized I was still eating the same amount y craving the same amount as when I was breast feeding. Guess when your ready to stop lower your calories change your diet up.
  • hist_doc
    hist_doc Posts: 206 Member
    I didn't lose much weight breastfeeding (well, it took 15 months!) my first child because I was simply eating too much and didn't accurately track my calories to know that this was the case. (It also didn't help that I had a nutritionist tell me that if I didn't eat enough that my body would go into starvation mode--yeah, you read that right!) With my second (they are 11 years apart), I had learned to track calories and I was able to use breastfeeding as my deficit. Essentially, I had to tweak my intake to figure out what would allow me to lose a pound per week, and then 1/2 pound per week. Before I knew it, the weight was off. Good luck and enjoy your baby!
  • monicauebbing7
    monicauebbing7 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey I'm also breastfeeding. And just trying lose 10 ish pounds that won't budge. This is my second baby and she is 5 months old. With my first it took me awhile to figure it out but I had to track calories because I was just eating so much from being hungry from breastfeeding. now I know what to do I just really struggle with actually doing it and could use an accountability partner. I was looking for someone in a similar situation so if you want an accountability partner message me thanks.
  • nasima100
    nasima100 Posts: 13 Member
    Im in the same boat!! Im breadtfeeding my 3rd baby and i have a little over 10 pounds to lose and im not losing any weight. The weight came off quickly with the first 2 but this one is completely different!! I know ive been eating too much and not working out except walking. Ughhhh