Filling breakfast ideas.....

Qbaimee Posts: 157 Member
Hey ya'll!
I am looking for new breakfast ideas that will keep me full until lunchtime or after (for several hours).

What do you eat for breakfast?


  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,727 Member
    I've been cooking up a zuchinni, half an onion, and two eggs for a scramble lately. If I don't have that I have Greek yogurt with berries.
  • MikePTY
    MikePTY Posts: 3,814 Member
    2% Cottage cheese (1 cup) and Pineapple (12 ounces worth) hold me over pretty good and they have around 350 calories.
  • forestfreek
    forestfreek Posts: 5,770 Member
    Oatmeal and fruit is always a good filler.
  • bllaura10
    bllaura10 Posts: 42 Member
    Lately I’ve been doing 2 eggs and an English muffin with some butter. I find this to keep me full until lunch. I tried oatmeal as it’s quite low cal high volume but it didn’t fill me as well.
  • wilson10102018
    wilson10102018 Posts: 1,306 Member
    How many calories do you have to work with? The question is pointless without a target.
  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    I have 2 options I usually go for - but in order for me t be full until lunchtime I need to eat a TONNE of food.

    1) Oats. Usually as a porridge - oats, almond milk, chia or sunflower seeds, cinnamon. cook it. add scoop of protein powder to the bowl and pour in cooked porridge (don't cook the protein powder). Then I add fruit. Apple or berries, or both, or stone fruit - whatever - depends how much I need to eat on that particular day. Sometimes I add peanut butter. Or even a square of dark choc. This concoction can range from mid 300s in calories to well above 500. Depends on quantities.

    Option 2 of oats - oats, whole eggs or egg whites, protein powder or peanut butter powder, seeds. mix it and cook like a pancake. Top with honey, Greek yoghurt, fruit. Peanut butter if you like too. Same calorie range as above.

    2) Eggs. I will eat 2-3 eggs, 2 wholegrain toast, cheese, and peanut butter. Again - calories will depend on how much I want/need to eat. If I need less calories I remove the cheese.

  • missysippy930
    missysippy930 Posts: 2,577 Member
    My current favorite is steel cut oatmeal with unsweetened coconut flakes and a tbsp of mini chocolate chips.
  • JessAndreia
    JessAndreia Posts: 540 Member
    The breakfast I eat that I find most filling is a tofu scramble wrap in a normal sized tortilla.
    The scramble is tofu, bits of roasted red pepper, black olives, nutritional yeast, turmeric and thyme. Prepared the night before. In the morning I add spinach and hummus to the wrap, and grill it in a panini press (this is just preference).
  • Qbaimee
    Qbaimee Posts: 157 Member
    edited June 2019
    How many calories do you have to work with? The question is pointless without a target.

    @wilson10102018 the question is "what do you eat for breakfast?" Your comment is pointless if you don't read the the post :)
  • Qbaimee
    Qbaimee Posts: 157 Member
    Thank you all for the amazing ideas! I am going to try a few. :)
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Two slices of toast with peanut butter and jam and coffee
  • gallicinvasion
    gallicinvasion Posts: 1,015 Member
    I eat a trail mix of almonds, granola, and roasted edamame.
  • bear2303
    bear2303 Posts: 252 Member
    i have oatmeal almost everyday. I'm usually in a big rush in the mornings so i go for the packaged stuff but the one i buy is actually steel cut and has quite a bit less sugar than the quaker stuff. I LOVE it! Keeps me full for a few hours at least and its pretty dang low calorie. On the weekends my go-to is a piece of toast and an egg!
  • lucadeangiles
    lucadeangiles Posts: 55 Member
    edited June 2019
    I have a few oatmeal variations I do almost every morning.
    40g oats
    8g chia seeds
    cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom, and liquid stevia
    about 3/4 cup water.
    chopped up granny smith apple (180g)
    mix it all up and microwave it all for a minute. Then I add in 40-50g egg whites and microwave and stir for 3 45 second intervals, sometimes an extra 30 seconds after, or until it’s all thick and dry. It can keep me full until dinner if I need it to, and the drier it is, the more filling it feels.

    About 300-350 calories depending on the size of the apple and how precisely I measure.

    Sometimes I’ll do the oatmeal,chia, and egg whites with cocoa powder and cherries, or frozen berries, or pb2 and bananas.

    I used to skip the chia seeds but my diet was really low in fat and I found I felt so much fuller and more satisfied if I added the extra 50 or so calories. Plus once they soak up the water, I get a lot more volume of food.
  • Qbaimee
    Qbaimee Posts: 157 Member
    @lucadeangiles thank you for that information. I have heard that about chia seeds. May be trying that out as well.
  • merijmaslo
    merijmaslo Posts: 4 Member
    I am burned out on a lot of breakfast foods but one thing I love and is healthy and satisfying is avocado toast. I use a single slice of healthy whole-grain or wheat toast, top with cottage cheese and 1/4 avocado. If I have tomato, I add that as well. It's very filling and very delicious! Thanks for all of the other suggestions here as well!
  • lucadeangiles
    lucadeangiles Posts: 55 Member
    Qbaimee wrote: »
    @lucadeangiles thank you for that information. I have heard that about chia seeds. May be trying that out as well.

    chia and egg whites make all the difference! Plain oats will keep me satisfied for a couple hours but add some protein and fat and I’m good all day
  • JohnPaulEightyOne
    JohnPaulEightyOne Posts: 127 Member
    I eat twice a day, most of my calories go to breakfast. I really just eat a bunch of food. 4 to 6 eggs, bunch of bacon, salmon, chicken breast, avocado, butter, ground beef, cheese, tons of green vegetables, etc. The only things I don't eat is grains and sugar (including fruit). No prepackaged foods or snacks, diet this or low fat that. Keeps me satisfied and the weight keeps dropping.