Can't afford to go to the Gym...



  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    Yes…, walk & then walk some more. That is what I did. My small town doesn’t even have a gym, so that’s all I could do. (I now run) Take some music & lose yourself in it. You’ve got this girl…
  • msallymae
    msallymae Posts: 112 Member
    literally ive run, and walked outside. sit ups and squats i do in my living room and kitchen. before my stepmom "handed me down" some weights to work on w/ my arms, i swear to u! - i used slimfast cans!
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    You DO NOT need a gym to lose weight! WALK! it works! Im proof.

    ^^ This.....ok, I'm not proof because I suck at being regular with exercise. BUT a good friend of mine who is very asthmatic (sp?) lost around 80lbs by just walking and portion control. She started out with half a mile a day then worked her way up. It's been about a year and she now walks 8-14 miles a day (broken up throughout the day).
  • JG2724
    JG2724 Posts: 3 Member
    A gym is not necessary just as long as you put your cardio in by walking outside or if you have steps in your house or buidling go up and down several times. If you can buy dumbbells, start off with 5lbs or 10lbs and there are plenty of strength training exercises you can do with those. Check out your local library because you be surprised all the things that can be checked out having to do with fitness and also thift stores or Goodwill. You will be surprised what you find in there maybe some good DVD's or medicine ball, etc. Good Luck just don't give up.
  • penmosha
    penmosha Posts: 132 Member
    Loads of great advice here thatI agree with. Start with regular walking ad then, when you are fitter, start to add some jogging. There is loads that you can do at home. You can find loads of excercise routines on youtube.
    If you have a smart phone there are loads of apps that can help. I use Cardio Trainer for Android to track the calories / distance and transfer over to here. Just get out there!!!! X
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    You don't need a gym to move. Take walks, dance in your living room. Buy some fitness DVDs if you want, or you don't have to. Just move. :)
    You don’t have to even buy the DVDs. Walk to the library & check them out for free! I’ve been doing Bollywood & Belly Dancing to mix it up lately. All from the library…
  • If you have Xfinity/Comcast cable..there are FREE exercises on the Sports/Fitness section of On Demand. otherwise you can go to directly and get exerecises...etc. I've lost weight without a gym membership! Best wishes on your journey! :flowerforyou:
  • Fit4_Life
    Fit4_Life Posts: 828 Member
    You DO NOT need a gym to lose weight! WALK! it works! Im proof.

    I don't go to the gym. Library's may have some exercise Dvd's. There are some free apps for toning your body. Enjoying the outdoors on nice days are always good for walking or hiking. Doing a little mowing and/or landscaping around the yard. Every little bit helps, and it's a start.

    Good luck to you~
  • rllewell
    rllewell Posts: 234
    I have always been a Gym rat but that is what motivates me. I wake up early, take my work clothes to the Gym, work out and get dressed and go to work. The Gym is also my morning bathroom 6 days a week so the membership cost is not just for having a workout facility.

    However a Gym is not required for everyone. Develop/Find routines that motivate YOU to work out 4-6 times a week and go for it!
  • pope369
    pope369 Posts: 159 Member
    Not sure if you download and listen to music, but I just got turned on to free podcasts of workout music. The really get me moving! I like "Techno Sweat Workout" and "Motion Traxx" but there are several others and in seemingly every different rate of beats per minute (bpm). The 135bpm ones are excellent for a nice brisk walk! Visit iTunes and search "Workout Music Podcast".

    Good luck!
  • rayneface
    rayneface Posts: 219 Member
    SO awesome - it helped me lose so many inches and eating well helped get the pounds off. I 100% recommend it... I do the workouts in my livingroom.
  • valerieschram
    valerieschram Posts: 97 Member
    Have you heard of the 100 Workout? You can google it. You will also find other people's variations on it.
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    I manage okay without a gym membership. I must admit though without a gym membership there really isn't a massive choice of things you can do unless you spend the equivalent of a gym membership on various dvd's. If like me your nowhere near a library and there isn't free on demand classes so your not necessarily going to enjoy the stuff you have to do and that can make it harder to keep up with.
  • Libbyly
    Libbyly Posts: 175
    I hear ya - penny pinching to the max these days.

    I started a Couch to 5k running App last week.

    Honestly, I'm so unfit. I didn't think I'd be able to run for 20 seconds but it builds you up gradually. I'm on week 2 day 3 and am up to running 90 seconds a time. It's a killer - I'm so red faced and sweaty when I get home and I feel like Free Willy running down the road in my crappy jogging gear but I'm so far past what people think at this stage. Going to stick with it.
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Nope. I'm 52 lbs down and I cant afford the gym either