Healthy snacks?

hsh0927 Posts: 259 Member
Here's the dealio: I'm a full time student. Monday and Wednesday I'm in classes from 8am to 4:50ish. It's 3 classes with a break inbetween them. The break isn't long enough to were it would be useful to drive all the way home to get something to eat. It'd just be a waste of gas. For now Tuesday and Thursday is 8-9:50 & 12-1:50 but at the end of September I start clinicals ("working" in hospitals) that will be from 7:30am-4pm.

I'd love tons ideas for snacks (and a few lunches) that I can easily take with me AND will fill me up. I'm tired of spending $1.50 on a bag of snack mix from the vending machine and still being hungry when I'm done with it. I don't want to take veggies because I do not have a way to keep them cool. I tend to get tired of things rather quickly though so I'd love as many ideas as you guys can give me!

The school offers some healthy options but not many. The only real healthy thing they have is a salad bar that sits out all day and has I don't know how many people pawing through it.

Thanks (=


  • EuroDriver
    EuroDriver Posts: 254
    i bring almonds, protein bars and cans of tuna with me as snacks... all high in proteins... but deff interested hearing in some more tips people have... stuff that doesnt need to be in the fridge or be cooked...

    oh just read that you wanted full lunch ideas too... if you have a fridge at work then bring cottage cheese and chicken breast..
  • lmaharj
    lmaharj Posts: 82 Member
    I prefer protein packs. If you bring a bottle of water and throw the powder in, it makes for a pretty filling snack.
  • Chunkabutt83
    whole fruits would be good or of course nuts, pretzels and granola bars
  • crazynay96
    10 or 5 calorie sugar free jello pack
    kellogs special k cracker chips (I love the sour cream and onion and 1 serving is 27 chips!!)
    organic pop tarts (much lower calories and actually they are very good)

    btw when I did clinical's I had access to the nurses unit and nurse's lounge (with a fridge)- you should as well and you won't be allowed to eat/drink on the unit.
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    light string cheese, carrots, pb+J's (love those LOL), uhhh.... protein shakes (just the powder, then you can add the water from a water fountain or something).
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    10 or 5 calorie sugar free jello pack

    Jello melts lol trust me.
  • mkMarcia
    I have a similar problem, my job has me on the road a lot and I have learned to keep a tote bag in the trunk of my car loaded with good choices. I take the time once a week to measure out portions into sandwich baggies and fill the toe with several choices (my own version of a vending machine LOL!). Some items: Special K cracker Chips - 30 chips = 110 cal, Chex Mix Chocoalte turtle mix - 130 calories, emerald on the go butty berry blend - 180 calories, raw almonds counted out, my own trail mix with nuts and dried cranberries. I also grab a fresh piece of fruit in the morning and always carry my bottle of water. Hope this helps :)
  • smbakke77
    smbakke77 Posts: 273 Member
    I bring a can of almonds to work with me....they are good fat blockers! I also have Fiber One 90 calorie bars and fruits like bananas as well. I'm a big fan of pickles too because typically they are zero calories or at worst 5 cals per.
  • hsh0927
    hsh0927 Posts: 259 Member
    I hate just drinking to get full though...I love to eat!!! haha
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    What about single serve oatmeal packets? Just add hot water.
    They also make single serve peanut butter now.
    Small bags of Terra or Pop Chips
  • grendel322
    grendel322 Posts: 105 Member
    I have a container of almonds I keep at my desk, but you can only eat about 20-30 of them because of the high calorie/fat content. I also tend to bring baggies with dry cereal. I keep an assortment of different cereals at home, so I generally have 3-4 different kinds on hand. You can usually munch on dry cereal and wash it down with water and get full for low calories. Rice cakes and peanut butter are good too! The cinnamon raisin swirl from the Peanut Butter Co is especially addictive! One other quick snack idea I picked up from someone at work is instant oatmeal/cereal packages mixed with hot water from the tea station. He puts two in a paper coffee cup, fills the cup with the hot water, and steeps it for a minute or two. I've done this a number of times now, and it's my "emergency ration" in my desk for those days when I just don't get time for a lunch and want something warm to fill me up and get me through the remaining hours of the work day.
  • LittleFootHafner
    - Almonds (other nuts)
    - Dried Fruit (raisins, craisins, apricots, etc...)
    - Whole Fresh Fruit
    - Trail Mix (nuts, dried fruit, dark chocolate, etc...) You can purchase this, or make it to suit your own taste
    - Whole Wheat Crackers (maybe even with PB as a lunch?)
    - Rice Cakes (come in tons of cool flavours for your sweet tooth, or savoury! My faves are caramel, white cheddar & tomato basil)
    - Melba Toast - also some cool flavours in the round ones!
    - Baked Wheat Tortilla Chips & Salsa for lunch

    Too bad you didn't have access to a fridge, there would be SO many more options...

    Best of Luck! :D
  • hsh0927
    hsh0927 Posts: 259 Member

    Too bad you didn't have access to a fridge, there would be SO many more options...

    I agree! It'd be soo much easier but the school does have a microwave in the caf so that is helpful, sometimes