New MOMS 2011- extra baby weight

admira80 Posts: 2
edited October 1 in Motivation and Support
:flowerforyou: Well now that my baby is here and 9 months later, I gained nearly 85lbs with my baby girl. Its my first little one and my last little one. But now I am struggling with losing the weight. I was never overweight before. I dont have a problem getting to the gym or motivating myself to do it, but prior to having my daughter I was able to train 2-3 hours per day and mainly did low carb diet. Now everything has changed and at times I feel like I get stuck. Hope by being on here and keeping track of all the foods, it may change.


  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    Welcome aboard - you will find alot of support here. I have 2 babies (2.5 yr old and almost 14 month old). You can do this, just take it one day at a time. Children do change everything, but it is so worth it. Any form of exercise is better than nothing - just keep that in mind even if it is pushing your daughter in the stroller. I do alot of dvds at home and I run after my babies go to bed. Best of luck to you!!!
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    Well there are lots of moms here loosing bay weight, feel free to add me, I have a 4 month old and a 4 year old. We are all here for support!
  • YES! I am also a new mom and gained and kept on way more weight than I thought I would. I started doing My Fitness Pal about 5 months ago and I am very happy with the reliability of being able to track your calories and know that the weight will come off. It is pretty exciting. Keep with it and you will definitely see results and feel so much better ( and sexier again)!
  • Welcome! MFP is fantastic for support and meeting new people with similar goals. I posted a forum the other day that was all about losing the weight after your first baby. Here's my story:

    I had my first baby in April 2010, gained 45lbs during the pregnancy. I went back to work full time by July. I have a 1 hour commute each way and sit at a desk for 8 hours. I'm away from my baby 10 hours a day while I'm mostly sitting down. Once I get home my full attention is spending QT with my family until everyone goes to bed. I can understand as well as anyone what it means to be crunched for time or how it's hard to find time for exercise. For months and months I could not drop the last 15lbs (see my pictures), but then my best friend told me about MFP (love it here!). I'm sharing my exercise secret because now I feel so great and I want other MFPers to achieve their goals too!

    Here's the real secret - Forget Jillian! Jackie Warner workouts are perfect because they kick your *kitten* in 15 minutes flat. Short, maximum effectiveness weight training is really nothing more than muscle building cardio. And I don't mean bulky He-man muscles, I mean long, lean beautiful healthy muscles. Jackie is a professional, her workouts are safe, and I dropped the last 15lbs in 2 months before my wedding. Her video "Personal Training with Jackie: Power Circuit Training is a Godsent. I'm not kidding! There are 5 - 15 minute workouts and they work. I've always been athletic and these kick my butt. I sure feel it the next day! I know everyone loves Jillian M. but I don't have time for 60 minute workouts. I only have a short time between my daughter going to bed and the time when I've reached complete exhaustion from a long day. Jackie is the perfect solution for time crunched moms. Just don't buy her first video released in 2008. The workouts are still good, but the trainers are really annoying. She did it right with all videos after that.

    Plus, there are 5 different workouts, so you can do a different one every day. In fact you should because you don't want to focus on the same muscle group 2 days in a row (counterproductive).

    Good luck! Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Risty
    Risty Posts: 8
    Hey! I'm a new mom as well. My LO is 7 months on monday. I've lost the baby weight, but now I have all the rest of the weight that I needed to lose before getting pregnant (which is over 50 lbs, maybe even 60)! My LO is very high maintenance so I haven't been exercising yet. I've only been watching my calories and so far that's helped a lot! Good luck to you!
  • kelceyjean12011
    kelceyjean12011 Posts: 185 Member
    im a new mommy also:) our stories are similar...i was over weight when i got pregnant. put on 80lbs and ive lost 90 so far. you can do it! dedication and determination :)
  • Thank you ladies,
    It helps to know there are other moms out there who went/and are still going through this weight battle. I cancelled my old gym membership, which was totally out of my way and joined another gym, which is walking distance from my job. I definately dont have an excuse not to get there, so this week its been 5 days in the row ;-) Baby is a good sleeper, usually sleeps all through the night and is up around 6am, when I leave for the gym. My husband is great support and since he works 2nd shift, he is able to feed the baby in the morning and get her ready for daycare. Also another great thing is that my job requires alot of walking and running around, so I hope that helps as well. I am down 2lbs this week, my biggest problem is that I dont eat enough, or as much as Fittness Pal said I should... Not even near the 1200 calories. I just run around so much, that I totally forget about eating and with my job, I tend to lose my appetite. I am in the legal field and deal with Juvenile Offenders, disfunctional families, and work PT as a Therapist- so I deal with mental issues as well.... I do however at the end of the day, Thank God for the life and health I have. Since I am so new to this, could someone shoot me a note as to how to add you guys as friends.
    Be blessed,
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