HELP-10lbs to go...not sure what to do!!!

char2009 Posts: 68
edited October 1 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm at my 10lb mark-as in I have 10lbs left to go. But the scale isn't moving, or it goes down a bit one week, then back up the next. I workout everyday (6-7days anyways) and my calorie intake is set at 1270 and I rarely am to that with my my exercise. I want advice on what I should do to help increase my weight loss. Should I be uping my calories to actually get the 1270, uping my protein, uping my weights??? Its very frustrating when you work hard all week and see nothing!! I've been dieting and working out daily since march 3rd and since then have only lost about 11-12 lbs. (march 3rd weight: 169.2 today weight: 157.4) I started taking my measurements this past week and I know muscle weighs more, but I just want to see that scale go down!! I'm 5'8 so I think 150-145 area would be great for me. Have a toddler and the mommy tummy is still there (when i bend over :( ) I want to tone and gain muscle and lose this fat! (this is also the lowest I have been since highschool-or I'm very excited to get below 155!!)


  • The last pounds are hard to lose - I had only 10 pounds to lose, and I lost the first 5 easy, but then I hit a 3-week stall. Now, my weight is dropping like a fly, because I upped my calorie intake! Try changing your settings to lose 1/2 pounds a week and see what happens. Congratulations, you're almost there~
  • Ann_Marie_76
    Ann_Marie_76 Posts: 152 Member
    I am in the same boat as you, so I would love to know what else I can do also. I have managed to lose 7 pounds and have 5-10 left to go! I would love to lose 10, but I am getting discouraged. I run 2-3 days a week and do weight training/circuit training 2-3 times a week. I stay within my calories and nothing. In fact, I am up a pound this week!:sad:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    I would definately recommend eating more calories and possibly backing off on some of your workouts (particularly if you are doing a lot of intense cardio). If you can increase your protein that might be helpful but overall I don't think you are eating enough. I know it it hard to think that you have to eat more to lose but that was my experience.
  • coatsie79
    coatsie79 Posts: 187 Member
    If you're maintaining exercise and eating a healthy balanced diet and you've reached a plateau it terms of weight loss/gain, it could be your body telling you that it's reached a comfortable weight. I'm no expert though.
  • You definitely should be eating your exercise calories back. Good luck!!
  • bobby1057
    bobby1057 Posts: 5 Member
    You should still be able lose weight at those calorie numbers. I would make sure most of your calories are coming from proteins, fruits, veggies and healthy fat. Also doing resistance training and intervals could help as well.
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    First congrats on your progress so far!! I'm down to my last 5 lbs and it gets harder to lose but not impossible. For me, I recently raised my calories and that got things moving again. If you don't already have your goal set to 1/2 lb a week, now would be a good time to do that. At this stage in the game, you do need to make sure you are as close to your calories for the day and that includes eating your exercise calories. Make sure you are netting at least 1200 a day. Add strength training if you aren't already do that, increase the intensity of your workout (you don't have to workout longer), just harder. It takes that little extra now to burn calories when you get closer to your ideal weight. Always always drink lots of water too. Hope these tips help. Good luck!
  • bobby1057
    bobby1057 Posts: 5 Member
    Eating your exercise calories back doesn't make much sense.
  • daram05
    daram05 Posts: 80
    First and foremost, congrats on making it so far in your weight loss journey. This has (and based off what I have ready from others) been one of the most difficult things to do. But, the great thing about it is, we're still in this fight. It is very refreshing to know that I am not the only one going through the last 10lbs challenge and that there are others who can recommend suggestions.

    Just this week I spoke with my trainer and like "jennieodwyer" stated, an increase in calories or protein is essential. In my case, I wasn't getting enough protein (though I thought I was). That is why I joined MFP this week.

    Hang in there and it will come off in no time! Good Luck!
  • Skylee10
    Skylee10 Posts: 3 Member
    Mentally it is not going to be easy to intentionally go up in calories after being so disciplined, it seems counter-intuitive, and I cannot guarantee it will work for you - but, after starting at 216 I stalled out at 197 and then again at 187 (only 2 pounds to go at that point!), consistently running 4 miles in about 30 minutes 4 times per week and other than a few beer nights never went over my calories. I doubled-down on the discipline, so to speak, when I stuck for 3 weeks at 197 and another 3 weeks at 187 - the last week still stuck at 197 I was probably an extra 1,000 cals under for the week, and still didnt move the scale. The advice out here and on the internet suggested going up in cals - but I had such success cutting and while the "theory" made sense of why to go up in cals, I couldnt do it. Then I went on a week vacation, and while I still paid attention to cals, as a guy, try telling people cooking special vaca meals for you that you arent hungry, or are watching your cals. Ummm, I know it is 2011 and all, but that doesnt go over well with mothers, grandmothers, wives, etc., who put special effort into making something for you. So I ate. Was over everyday that week by 200 - 300 cals. Weighed-in when I got back from the lakehouse... and... I had dropped 2.5 pounds (i kept up my running schedule on vaca).

    Couldnt believe it. And it was legit too - that weight never came back. I upped my cals to 1/2 pound a week and dropped a pound a week anyway down to 187. Got stuck there, and purposely started "zig-zagging" cals - one day 200 over, next day 200 under, etc. Bingo. Dropped the last little bit of weight and now a happy guy in maintain mode.

    I tell you all this not b/c you care about my story necessarily - just letting you know that it's worth a try. I wouldnt have believed it really either...

    ... failing that... um, what about taking up smoking or drinking more coffee? kidding.
  • deninevi
    deninevi Posts: 934 Member
    I think you should up your cals. take a day or two off each week of working out and change your work outs totally. If your body is used to the routine, it will not move. Hope this helps and good luck! You can do it!
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    I agree on changing your exercise routine too. It's time to trick your body. Our bodies get used to the same calories and the same workouts. Have fun with it and enjoy the journey:)
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    I am in the same boat as you. I am also 5'8" and my weight when I started back in Feb was 161. Keeping a 500 calorie defecit each week since then I have been as high as 166, and today weighed in at 162. i keep gaining and losing the same pounds. I currently workout 6-7 days per week as well. I have the bodymedia fit and my avg intake is about 1900 calories. I would recommend increasing your calories by 200 for a couple weeks and see what happens. Just dont make too many changes cause then you wont know what was the catalyst! (if you find something that works let me know LOL!!)
  • char2009
    char2009 Posts: 68
    Okay, so I just updated my profile-I couldn't bring myself to anymore than 1lb a week loss...and that brought me up to 1520 calories a day, which is insane!!! It seems like a lot, and is going to be a challenge to eat that much. I'll also try uping my protein. If this starts to work for me and then I plateau again maybe I'll try going to 1/2lb loss a week... thank you everyone for all your advice!! :D

    Also-just wanted to clarify what I am doing for exercise to everyone...When I'm not babysitting the twins (two weeks out of the month) I go for a walk with my daughter everyday (or 6days a week) I just calculated how far it is on google- 2.9kms which it says should take 35 mins walking. I push myself hard and do it just under 20. then I take my daughter to the park and walk home, which I go at an average speed- which is about 15-20 mins of walking.(I try to go with the twins, but can only do it when someone else is with me, and it usually takes 5 mins longer if I have someone with me, I guess I go pretty fast!) Every night (or 6days a week) I do circuit training, I push myself hard. I try to follow and try to incorporate some of her exercises into my own, but find hers very difficult to do!! I just increased my weights today to 15lbs. they were at 5...I only have two different weights so this is my option for uping. I also do exercise challenges from every now and then, like her 300 rep squat challenge (i'm only up to 100 without dying) and her 10min dead man burpee challenge (which last time I did I only got 75 burpees in) If I haven't gotten enough cardio in the day (when I have the twins) I do jumping jacks or "pretend" jump rope in my kitchen! I only do this for about 10 mins.
    For food I try to eat mostly veggies, fruit and meat, but have to have my carbs in there...mostly pasta (every now and then) Not huge on potatoes or rice or anything, I can't eat dairy anymore as it makes my stomache hurt a lot and swells to make me look about 3-4 months pregnant. :( Other foods do this to me, but I'm not sure what all my triggers are yet.
  • lp0007
    lp0007 Posts: 125 Member
    Hiya, just thought I would let you know my story:happy: for the last 3 weeks I was set to 2lb loss a week and lost zilch! I upped my calories to a 0.5lb loss this week and already I have lost 2lb and feel so much better! I feel like I might be at goal now as I am loving my new shape (am 5-7 and 133lbs). I definitely think the closer you get to goal the more cals you need. Oh and I have always eaten all my exercise cals. Hope this helps! More food is good!:happy:
  • NuttyBrewnette
    NuttyBrewnette Posts: 417 Member
    Congrats on your progress-great work. I'm there with you, last 10 to go....they will be a little harder, but that's okay.

    Here's what worked for me: changed my goal from losing 1 a week to .5 (more calories)
    decreased cardio minutes and added more strength training. I do this by using weights but also by pilates and yoga OR when I'm doing cardio, I make it hard, via incline or resistance. So I focus on working hard, rather than going fast.
    I also started eating cleaner-I had already limited eating out and processed foods, but I really focused on it, and the first week (this is the end of that week) I dropped 3 pounds. Whole foods, hardly any processed. lean protein with carbs, lots of fruits/veggies and eating more frequently (smaller meals)

    That is what is working for me, with the plateau and same pound or two up/down.

    I plan to continue and see what the next week brings. I'll adjust accordingly.

  • deninevi
    deninevi Posts: 934 Member
    You are very close to your goal weight! Let us know how upping the cals. goes for you.Good luck! You will get there! Hard work always pays! :)
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