and the saga continues. . .

Iposted this 2 weeks ago:

"Ok so I have recently gotten back into exercising after a long time off post surgery. I own a treadmill and had been leisurely walking on it and walking my dog, but that wasn't enough.
I joined a gym two weeks ago to add some variery to my workout and to add weights in to get toned again too.
I rejoined the site and have been diligently logging what I eat and calories burned and have been eating back some of my exercise calories. Even when I have something as a treat, I make sure it fits into my daily allowance.
I used to weigh myself every day, but I have stopped doing that because if I'm up or the same it ruins my day. So I've been trying to go by how I feel.
I weighed myself about 2 weeks ago and decided to get on the scale yesterday. I was feeling good and thought I had dropped a few pounds so I thought it would be agood pick me up.
I was EXACTLY the same weight as I was the previous time. SO frustrating!!
I have had a few people tell me that when you're body goes through a trauma like surgery and when it is in pain, it goes into shock and it is impossible to lose weight. I prayed it wouldn't happen to me but I gained 25lbs post surgery and it just will not budge no matter what I do. I have tried different dieting approaches and now I am at eating healthy and exercising and this is not working."

I have not weighed myself since posting this and today I decided to. I can now report that the scale has moved. . .up. . .4 lbs.
I am by no means perfect with my diet, but I am logging everything that I eat, eating back most exercise calories monitoring my sodium, and drinking more than the recommended amount of water. I am more active than I have been in years and after having a sedentary lifestyle for months, one would assume my body would be shocked and start dropping weight, which is usually what happens for me. Not this time.
My birthday is in a week and I am devistated that I am turning another year older fatter than I have been in 10 years. I would expect this if I wasn't putting any effort in, but this is rediculous. I am trying to stay positive and keep up with it, but my morale is slipping.
I used to feel fantastic after working out, now I just feel sweaty and bloated.


  • kelleman1
    kelleman1 Posts: 148 Member
    I'm sorry you're having such a hard time.

    When you haven't been very active and you suddenly start being active, it makes your muscles hold onto water. Don't give up, you'll see results, soon. THIS very point in weight loss is where people get discouraged and give up, but don't be that person!

    Good luck! Keep at it!
  • loseatonlady
    Just small suggestion, which has really helped me get where I am - watch your carbs - try and really watch your # and types you're eating. I try and keep my carb count between 50-75 per day - not always perfect and I rarely, if ever have bad carbs after lunch - get them in early in the day when you have the most chance of using/burning them off.
    Bad carbs - being anything processed - such as white flour, grains, sugars. Even fruits - try and stick w/lower carb/gram fruits. I can send you list if you'd like.
    Best wishes and hang in there! It's a learning process that you constantly have to work on. NEVER give up!!!
  • njbooklover
    njbooklover Posts: 77 Member
    Are you sure your activity level is set to the correct setting? At first I had mine too high and I stayed the same. I don't know much about the surgery aftereffects. But sometimes it takes a while of doing what's right for our body to know that it can react by losing weight. You might just need to keep at it awhile longer. I know that is difficult to do when you are frustrated and feel like its not working. Have faith! Eating healthy and exercising is never bad, even if the results aren't what we want.
  • willowma
    willowma Posts: 35 Member
    What do you mean about my activity level set to the right setting?
  • willowma
    willowma Posts: 35 Member
    Since my surgery, I have been trying many thing to try to get the weight off. When I lost weight a few years ago, I was very successful doing South Beach, which limits carbs and then allows you to integrate good carbs back in. I have tried this lost a couple of pounds, plateaued and gained them back. I have tried weight watchers and now this.
    I don't by any means want to be skinny, I just want to feel comfortable again and be able to wear the clothes in my closet.
    I am so bloated and can't get over this hump :(
  • danlyn
    danlyn Posts: 157 Member
    Have you spoken to your doctor about this? The fact that you're bloated makes me wonder if something else is going on that possibly your doctor can help you with. Just a thought. My weight comes off PAINFULLY slow so I can certainly empathize with how you're feeling. Best of luck on this very difficult journey. I hope you find what it is that is slowing down your progress. :flowerforyou:
  • willowma
    willowma Posts: 35 Member
    I just booked an appointment with him.
    My throid is fine, I had that checked recently, but maybe there is something else wrong with me