Your rock bottom

I am dedinerly a serial starter. I have also probably tried every single fad out there. I cannot find my rock bottom. That one thing that makes me just say I'm done with this overweight life and onton my new one.


  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,482 Member
    Are you asking my rock bottom?

    I though I was going to die. And soon.
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    Yeah, add me to the "looming threat of death" group.

    But it was also anger. I'd believed so long I had no control over my weight that being threatened with death was my push to actually research and learn so I could prove that I could take control.
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    I had lost about 30lbs then I regained it really quickly. Along with the re-gained weight I had the added bonus of developing Osteo Arthritis in my hips and knees. The pain was excruciating but since losing over 30lbs it has improved no end. Not exactly a "Rock Bottom" more like a warning shot. Also I didnt like the way I looked in the mirror. I have another 30 lbs or so to go to goal. Hopefully this will be the last time.

    But it is not a good idea to wait until you find your "rock bottom" just start now because by the time you hit your rock bottom it might be too late.
  • RunsWithBees
    RunsWithBees Posts: 1,508 Member
    My rock bottom was learning I had the beginnings of liver damage from NAFLD and I was still in time to reverse it instead of heading towards a future liver transplant. Also my blood glucose was just about up to prediabetic levels and diabetes runs rampant in my family, that’s one family tradition I did not want to continue. The previous poster is correct, don’t wait any longer!
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,321 Member
    My rock bottom is now. I can't get motivated. I'm fatter than ever...only a few articles of clothing fit...I'm tired and sore all the time and I'm so ashamed of myself that I'm avoiding social situations.
  • andrea76figueroa
    andrea76figueroa Posts: 13 Member
    I have started with small xhangeaaaaa. I gave up soda and alcohol and I am trying to so a salad for lunch in the Hope's of eating g healthier and saving money and I'm determined not to five up. I'm just frustrated I am prediabetic have osteo arthritis and 2 beautiful boys I want to do this it just doesn't seem to be enough to change my mind.
  • thynmint95
    thynmint95 Posts: 5 Member
    Add me, I’m here for support