Eating less moving more

Hey guys, so I was only eating 1400-1600 calories daily and I’m dying of hunger, even when I only burn 1900 calories a day. However when I workout and get 2100 calories burned for the day and eat 1800 calories a day I feel better. Do you think this is a fine way to lose weight or that the calories are too high? For some reason I only ever losing weight when I eat like 1300 calories but I can’t do that because I can’t even think properly I get so hungry! I know exercising alone without changing your diet does not result in weight loss but as long as I’m eating 1800 and burning 2100 is that still good? Thanks


  • ekta827
    ekta827 Posts: 5 Member
    I mean losing fat.
  • whmscll
    whmscll Posts: 2,254 Member
    edited June 2019
    I eat at 1300-1350 and am only hungry at mealtimes, except between lunch and dinner when I sometimes need a small snack. Perhaps it is WHAT you are eating? Not enough actual nutrients? Everything I eat contains protein, fiber, “good” fats and includes very few prepackaged foods. Almost nothing with “empty” calories unless I am treating myself.