Preggo and fighting off Pounds

I'm Ashley I'm new to MFP. I've been walking/working out with my aunt and cousin every night...I'm trying to fight off gaining more than 15-20 pounds throughout this pregnancy, plus I'm fighting pre and post pregnancy weight! They say if you work out when you're pregnant that the weight comes off faster after you have the baby, and that giving birth is a lot easier. Well we shall see - if it's a lie at least I didn't sit on my butt for 9 months! I'll have a little bit of stamina built up to keep up with my amazing bundle of joy plus I will be ready to WORK OUT and kick some BOOTY when I have her!

Eating right is also a big part of my goal that's why I'm using this. I try to log on as soon as I eat something so I can have an idea of what's going on. I believe pregnancy allows 300-400 extra calories a day so I adjusted my goals to reflect that. I wish MFP had an area where you could put that you're pregnant and it could help figure things more accurately and help you keep track of healthy weight gain/loss....maybe one day **hint hint**. But for now I'll do my best and I'll add my two cups of pickles and ONE bite of oreo cheesecake to my diary. Goodthing there wasn't too much left in the pan haha. (Yesterday and that very moment, I realized I'm pretty pregnant because it didn't bother me one bit to take a fork full of pickles then eat that glorious piece of heaven)

I am going for now, my Aunt just suggested I introduce myself and she said I may meet a few other preggo people in my situation. Hopefully so. You don't have to be knocked up to be my friend either! LOL. Good luck to you all and if you need help reaching your goals there are plenty of cheerleaders on this site to push you through those days where you just think, "dang, i can't do this!!!!"


  • tulipsrbetter
    Welcome to MFP and congratulations on your pregnancy! I'm planning on getting pregnant again after I lose35-40lbs, and will continue to exercise during my pregnancy, so hopefully if will be easier this time around!
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    Congratulations on your pregnancy! I've never been pregnant so I can't really relate, but I'm sure it's a great experience. Welcome to MFP and good luck.
  • arh1110
    arh1110 Posts: 7
    Thanks! I'm trying to walk at least 2 miles a day, stretch, and be more active around the house and my aunt's house so I can get a little extra movement in there. Good luck with losing the weight and keeping up with it! Trust me on the days you don't want to work out it's great to do it anyways. The day I decided to stay home my back KILLED me. It's nice to move around, get blood pumping, and stretch those muscles out!
  • Michelle_M2002
    Michelle_M2002 Posts: 301 Member
    Hi. Welcome to MFP. Congratulations on your pregnancy! It's such a wonderful time!!

    When I first saw the title of your post I was a little worried that you were really trying to loose weight while pregnant, but after reading it I realize that you just don't want to gain a bunch of extra fat and then later BLAME it on pregnancy. LOL So that's good! Good for you for doing it the right way.

    I gained 35 pounds with my first son. I used my pregnancy as an excuse to eat whatever I wanted..and at that point in time what I WANTED was stuff like cake, muffins, brownies, etc....

    With my second son, I ate healthier and only gained 15 pounds.

    So how you eat WHILE you are pregnant DEFINITELY makes a difference in how quickly you drop your baby weight after your little bundle of joy arrives.

    I am just now down to the weight I was when I found out I was pregnant with my first son, and that was almost 7 years ago (I have 3 kiddos). So again..GOOD FOR YOU for taking charge NOW. It will also make your pregnancy easier. You're already going to be carrying around extra weight from the pregnancy itself, so minimizing the extra that you don't need is a huge help!

    Again.. congrats! And the best of luck to you.

    If you have any questions about pregnancy, feel free to PM me. I love talking to people about it and helping out the first timers. :)

    God bless!
  • staceyg63
    Congrats and good luck! It definitely helps to work out while pregnant. Helps with morning sickness, gives you strength to carry the big belly around later on..and helps give you endurance for labor :) I remember my doctor told me I didn't have to literally "eat for two" lol....but definitely give the baby what he/she's craving once in awhile ;)
  • arh1110
    arh1110 Posts: 7
    This is my first pregnancy so I'm not really sure what to expect. I just know I don't want to go past 300 again - baby weight or not! Friends, family, and doctor said working out makes the birth easier so I'm all for it!!!! Thanks for the support guys
  • bethrs
    bethrs Posts: 664 Member
    You should search Tam Tastic- she was on here and pregnant a while back and she did an awesome job of managing her weight safely when pregnant. She's amazing!!

    Good luck and congratulations!!
  • arh1110
    arh1110 Posts: 7
    My fiance poured me a second bowl of popcorn the night we found out I was pregnant after I told him I didn't want any more. He laughed and said "You're eating for two now!" I gave him a go to you know where look and said "Why in the hell are you trying to cut me back?!?!? YOU THINK I'M FAT?!?!?" And we busted out laughing.... I'm trying to cut back and eat like a "normal" (pregnant) person. ---There is definitely a difference between so called normal person and a normal pregnant person!
  • StaceyBinky83
    Great that you are keeping active during your pregnancy and eating well. I think it's guidelines from The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence(NICE) who advise extra calories are not necessary until the third trimester and then 200 extra cals per day is sufficient. Best of luck with your pregnancy and managing your weight :)