Overweight and overwhelmed

I’m new and I don’t really know how the posting works yet. I need to lose 100! 🙄 Looking for support and encouragement from wherever I can get it! 😁


  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Welcome! You can totally do this!!!
  • movgrl1
    movgrl1 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi and welcome! :) I sent you a friend request. I also have to lose over 100, we've got this!!
  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    Glad to meet you! Fill out your food diary and things will go smoothly. :*
  • hannahfrey
    hannahfrey Posts: 28 Member
    You got this!!! ☺️
  • MovingRumsAss
    MovingRumsAss Posts: 24 Member
    You can do this! One meal at a time. at a time, One day , and you see will where you can start to change your habits.
  • marezac6815
    marezac6815 Posts: 69 Member
    You can do this, don't get discouraged, one day at a time, log your foods, stay at or under your calories allowed, drink lots of water, exercise and you will do fine....It just gets easier as you go... I'm here to support you!!! I sent you a friend request.
  • boothb0752
    boothb0752 Posts: 3 Member
    All good advise. Also be kind to yourself. This isn’t a race, we need a life style not a diet. If you stumble get right back in track. Journal, I have found my stressers that way. I have found using protein powder in my water keeps me fuller feeling. Find one you can tolerate.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    You've totally got this. Take it slow. Make small changes at a time. Remember that you are relearning how to eat right and this needs to be a lifetime change. It won't happen overnight. Enjoy the journey.
  • tdaviscole
    tdaviscole Posts: 2 Member
    edited June 2019
    I most certainly understand it can be overwhelming. I've started my journey and I'm sort of feeling overwhelmed too. I think the key is patience and consistency. If we keep working at it, we will reach our goals.
  • smoofinator
    smoofinator Posts: 635 Member
    This really helped me for some reason: "Don't give up on a dream simply because of the time it will take to achieve it. The time will pass anyway."
  • stephaniepalahnuk48
    stephaniepalahnuk48 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi ! I'm new to this too and also have a 100 to lose. Any help would be appreciated.
  • EileenB1967
    EileenB1967 Posts: 11 Member
    I have 150 pounds to lose. would love more support and i will give you support right back.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I have 100 to lose as well - but - if I look at it 100 pounds at a time, it is just too much. I do 30 pounds at a time. First goal should be met this week. My advise is to make changes slowly and only add more changes once you are comfortable with the first. I logged food first, then a few weeks later reduced calories, another month and I started exercising. It has really helped. Best of Luck!!
  • texteach66
    texteach66 Posts: 92 Member
    Just remember - this is a marathon, not a sprint! I started in January 2016; I've maintained a 110 pound loss since May 2018. You CAN do this! I set the modest goal of losing a pound a week because it gave me enough calories that I rarely felt deprived.
  • roullmann
    roullmann Posts: 12 Member
    Hi, all! Five years ago I need to lose over 100 pounds and found a good program that worked: HMR. There are several options within the program, including an At Home program if you don't live near a program clinic. Here is the link: https://www.hmrprogram.com/ I liked this program because it was the first program that actually told me to eat if I was hungry! I lost 125 lbs and have kept most of it off for five years. I also highly recommend getting started by simply tracking what you eat (everything!) in MFP because it will give you a good idea of where you are spending your calories.
  • k8eekins
    k8eekins Posts: 2,264 Member
    I’m new and I don’t really know how the posting works yet. I need to lose 100! 🙄 Looking for support and encouragement from wherever I can get it! 😁

    Welcome Christine. When you do have time, please have a read through via this link to better gauge how you would like to approach your eating plan.
  • cake1508
    cake1508 Posts: 1 Member
    I’m new and I don’t really know how the posting works yet. I need to lose 100! 🙄 Looking for support and encouragement from wherever I can get it! 😁

    Keep at it! I lost 30lbs since last August on the Keto diet. I feel a lot better. There were days when I messed up but I just pick myself up, refuse to get frustrated, and keep going. Frustration is a temporary emotion! Don't stop!!! You've got this!!!
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member

    It took you a long time to put this weight on, so take a deep breath, relax, and know that it will take a long while to lose the weight.

    I have lost 140 pounds over the last 2 years. It has required what amounts to a huge change in diet and lifestyle, but it all happened in baby steps. I made small changes, worked to make sure I had that new habit solid, and then made another change.

    The biggest single thing to do is to not give up. Pay attention to what works for your body and mind, and work to get a little bit better most days.

    If info on habits sounds like it might help you, too, go check out the work of James Clear:

    - Motivation: The Scientific Guide on How to Get and Stay Motivated

    - Healthy Eating: The Beginner’s Guide on How to Eat Healthy and Stick to It

    - Atomic Habits: How to Get 1% Better Every Day - James Clear

    Best wishes for success on your journey!
  • trich97
    trich97 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello...I had 110 lbs to loose when I started last April. I have lost 64 lbs and moving forward. I set my goal 10 lbs at a time. When I lost those 10, then my new goal was to loose 10 lbs. And repeat. If I had not done that I would have been overwhelmed about loosing 110 lbs. I cut out sugar, processed foods, high carb foods, anything not healthy. Added fruits and vegetables, a few grains, and a little meat. I log what I eat everyday and that helps to keep me on track. I joined a gym and go 3-4 times a week. Remember, everyday is a new day. Look forward and not back. I know you will be successful!!