Hello everyone

I just wanted to say hello to everybody using the site.

I didn't intend to join any sites like this, but i recently downloaded the app on my phone and realised how great fun it is!
i only have a few pounds to lose, but I'm a nutrition student so I'm very interested in sites like this. If you have any tips on losing weight healthily and fancy talking about healthy eating, then please get in touch!


  • slippymcgee
    Hi! I've been using the app and just found the site, too. I've lost 44 lbs. I think the biggest factor has been keeping track of my caloric intake. I keep it between 1000-1200 per day. And exercise, too. Good luck to you!
  • sunflower19621
    sunflower19621 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi. I just started this site last sunday. Although I have not lost any weight yet, I am under my calorie intake and exercise on a daily basis. I would like to loose more weight, but why isnt it coming off? will I start loosing inches? firming? also, do you need to eat all your calorie intake for the day? thoughts anyone?