Weighing every day



  • bluesheeponahill
    bluesheeponahill Posts: 169 Member
    I weigh everyday and use Happy Scale and Withings trend app to follow my progress. I have a lot of ups and downs, but the trend apps show my trend is down and that’s what’s really helped. Just knowing regardless of occasional blips, I’m trending downwards.
  • rissa_rawrr
    rissa_rawrr Posts: 29 Member
    I weigh in twice a week. my fridays and my mondays, just to see how i do during my work week vs the weekends.
  • mhoward685
    mhoward685 Posts: 129 Member
    I weigh every day. It keeps me accountable. Doing this requires being aware of bodies natural changes and an awareness of what is happening internally. Hormone levels, elimination (or lack thereof :)), fluid retention, etc. can all show up on the scale. Being able to weigh and know what my body needs and provide that through diet/exercise is part of my healthcare routine.
  • smaerose
    smaerose Posts: 18 Member
    All of this is good info. Not the “weigh once a week or you are obsessive” tradition, which seemed odd, since you do eat every day (I hope). I, too, have found that the daily morning weigh-in helps keep me accountable.
  • ducttapebowtie
    ducttapebowtie Posts: 10 Member
    I weigh every morning, but put more personal focus on the weekly average. The scale is what shocked me into starting this journey, and honestly, even though I have a ways to go, seeing numbers I haven't seen since (probably?) high school is still really cool to me, and inspires me to keep my focus.
  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,295 Member
    smaerose wrote: »
    Most recommendations are to weigh once a week....

    I don't think this is true. I don't think there has ever been a study comparing, so it is still just opinion. Something close, The National Weight Control registry put out some "tendencies" of people who maintained weightloss and the most successful maintainers weighed daily...

    I think weighing daily can cause anxiy and obsession for some who are prone to that, but nobody disputes the value of remaining aware and mindful of where your weight control practice is.

  • TrishSeren
    TrishSeren Posts: 587 Member
    I weigh daily, but lately, due to my own lack of focus, it's rapidly trending up haha.
  • grinning_chick
    grinning_chick Posts: 765 Member
    edited June 2019
    I weigh daily. For a while, it could derail me, but I powered through it and now can use it as the tool it is meant to be.

    That may not be the case for everyone as I had to get very objective about the data in order to do so. If you find it is negatively impacting your weight loss endeavors, and you can't shake it doing so, then best thing for the short term is to find a weighing frequency that does work for you. Readdress your relationship with the weight scale at a better time for you like, say, maintenance.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    I have always weighed myself several times a week, but not every day. I am fortunate in that I have never been one to get too emotionally tied to the number on the scale, I think because I enjoy playing around with the numbers and it's always been just another number to me.

    Some people find getting on the scale every day stressful and do better weighing once a week or less often. Others find that weighing every day helps them to see how weight goes up and down and not always how you'd expect and THAT makes it easier for them to just look at it as a number.

    You just have to figure out which way is the most compatible with how your brain works :smile:
  • durhammfp
    durhammfp Posts: 493 Member
    I weigh daily, and then use that data to track a 10-day trending average. I find this feedback very helpful.
  • DietinhBloke
    DietinhBloke Posts: 20 Member
    edited June 2019
    I mostly weigh daily, i find it more inspiring than once a week.

    If I've put on weight compare to yesterday, first of all i know my weight fluctuates, but if its by a lot i know I've probably done something wrong and get to fix it straight away instead of waiting up to a week to realise.

    Something that i find useful for weighing daily is TrendWeight.com. It links into Fitbit or Witherings Scales (if you dont have a smart scale you can create a fitbit account and do it manually there, TrendWeight will pick that up) and gives you a trending weight based on daily weigh in's, you can see mine here, though i havent been weighing daily recently, hopefully should still give you a good idea: https://trendweight.com/u/d7d26d9a72ba40/
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    I mostly weigh daily, i find it more inspiring than once a week.

    If I've put on weight compare to yesterday, first of all i know my weight fluctuates, but if its by a lot i know I've probably done something wrong and get to fix it straight away instead of waiting up to a week to realise.

    Something that i find useful for weighing daily is TrendWeight.com. It links into Fitbit or Witherings Scales (if you dont have a smart scale you can create a fitbit account and do it manually there, TrendWeight will pick that up) and gives you a trending weight based on daily weigh in's, you can see mine here, though i havent been weighing daily recently, hopefully should still give you a good idea: https://trendweight.com/u/d7d26d9a72ba40/

    What could you do wrong that would have a significant fat weight impact on your scale in 24 hours? It takes 3500 calories to gain a pound of fat and even that number is not as assured when gaining instead of losing.

    Generally speaking the more a scale moves higher in a 24 hour span the more you should ignore it unless it is translating to enough water retention to cause edema and then you should see a doctor.
  • etherealanwar
    etherealanwar Posts: 465 Member
    I weigh daily and keep track of it on my Libra app so I know what I am trending at currently. Like others I want to avoid only weighing once a week in case that lands on a day which shows a gain or no loss which unfortunately would demotivate me.
  • pjwrt
    pjwrt Posts: 166 Member
    smaerose wrote: »
    A physician friend who has never had weight issues told me he weighs himself every day when he gets up. It helped him keep from letting extra poundage pile up. I started doing this as part of my weight loss/ management plan and it has been helpful, although weight may vary up to 3 lb from morning to morning. Most recommendations are to weigh once a week, but the daily weigh-in has helped keep me focused. Anyone else had success with this?

    Yep. Like your doc friend, it sets up my day for exercise and/or calories.
  • sytchequeen
    sytchequeen Posts: 526 Member
    smaerose wrote: »
    he weighs himself every day when he gets up. It helped him keep from letting extra poundage pile up.

    This ^^ It's not for everyone, some folks obsess or get upset at the upward movements, but for me I hop on every morning, just to look. I don't note the number down (well, only once a month), I just observe. It has kept me maintaining in a 2kg range for the last year.

  • jim9097
    jim9097 Posts: 341 Member
    Weighing everyday is not a bad thing if you don't have a mental disorder. If you don't find yourself questioning every little weight fluctuation then go for it. If you are someone who freaks out because your weight goes up 1 pound then don't. Some people just don't grasp the concept of water retention, poo cycles, etc...
  • _faedreamer
    _faedreamer Posts: 56 Member
    I weigh every day because I don't get worked up over the minor fluctuations and like having a fully fleshed out graph to look at of my weight loss over time. Some people are upset by fluctuations. My wife, for example, only weighs once a week because she's interested in seeing true losses/gains only, which is fine. I prefer to see trends, so daily works. I think it depends on the person, like most things.
  • cndkendrick
    cndkendrick Posts: 138 Member
    I used to, but I found it to be too nerve wracking. My once a week weighing is fairly new (3 weeks), but its helping me, psychologically, to stay on track throughout the week. With that being said, if i were in maintenance, i think daily w.i. would be good.
  • SugaSugaNooo
    SugaSugaNooo Posts: 106 Member
    Yes I weigh every day and kinda marvel at the fluctuations. In the past weight gains used to upset me (and when this happens to you you're probably better off weighting only once a week or once a month even), but I kinda like it, it's fascinating really.