mummies question

Page2777 Posts: 91
edited October 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
im a mum of an 8 month old so i can give a million excuses why i cant fit in time to exercise but i cant keep bu**shi**ing myself anymore so mummies with young children what exercise do you do and how do you find time with work or housework to do it all


  • I have four children 8, 6, 1 and 6 months.
    Housework IS an exercise! Remember that first off!
    I also use the stairs! Running up stairs for TEN minutes solid burns off 171 calories for me! Try fitting this in? Also taking your baby for a walk in a stroller for 20 minutes, the fresh air will make babies sleepy and you can collapse when you get in ;)
  • springtrio
    springtrio Posts: 429 Member
    Housework waits. When I was fat, you could eat off my kitchen floor. I'm by no means a slob, but it comes second. I exercise early in the morning before my kids get up for the day (have a babysitter come and sit with them), or late at night after they're in bed. My health comes first. Housework second.
  • I have a 14 month old, walking carrying infant- that's an exercise we do a lot! I took my birthday money and joined the YMCA for 3 months at a flat rate. They will watch him for 1.5 hours, and i swim or lift weights 4 days a week. I feel like a new woman when I'm done, so I know it's time well spent.
  • horsepullerlovesme
    horsepullerlovesme Posts: 228 Member
    i have 8.
    19 ,18 ,16 ,11 ,8, 8, 3.5, 5 months i love to excercise in the morning when nap time. i do my wii. love my wii.
  • It's a hard balance, he's crawling everywhere now. I prioritize mopping the floors, and laundry gets pushed to weekends. I make dinner 3 nights a week, and try to make enough for left overs.
  • Kalee34
    Kalee34 Posts: 674 Member
    I have 4 kids(ages 7, 5, 3 1/2 & 2), plus 1 on the way. Before I got pregnant, I would try to do at least 30 min of pilates a day. Also, pull out the stroller and go for a walk, my kids always love going for a walk!
  • hannahcf
    hannahcf Posts: 64 Member
    I have 4 children (7, 5, 3 and 1) and for me it's a matter of aiming for as many different exercise time slots as possible and hoping that at least a majority of them actually happen! So for example: early a.m. if possible, depending on baby's feed times and husband's work schedule, I go for a run (usually manage 2 or 3 times a week); during the day I try for as many as possible of the following - walk with kids pushing double buggy or carrying baby in back pack, or fast walk if someone is around to watch the kids, play football or tennis with kids in garden ( very amateur but better than no exercise), walk/run up and down stairs for 5 mins at a time, occasionally swim with kids when husband is around, doing housework in at least half hour stints as fast as possible - more effective exercise than doing it a little at a time... And each evening Monday to Thursday I do an exercise class or a DVD, and sometimes DVDs on weekend evenings too, or failing that at least a walk. Also 10 mins of toning exercises each evening. But didn't start all that at once - built up gradually over a couple of months. Good luck with finding what works for you:)
  • My wife, just gave birth to our 2nd child about two months ago ;-) She's now focusing back on fitness. Currently, she's doing a full body circuit routine at home for 30 minutes/ 3x a week, then doing 40min elliptical/treadmill at the gym 3x a week (which is when I have the daddy duties). She mainly, does the circuit training when my daughter is sleeping either early AM or whenever our daughter takes a nap during the day. She goes to the gym at 10pm, when both kids are asleep....Just trying to make it a must do, but without taking away from your family :-)

    Basically, she craves out 30 to 45mins a day for "me" time, but we call it FITNESS TIME. LOL

    Wife's Routine
    Monday: Circuit 1
    Tuesday: Cardio
    Wednesday : Circuit 2
    Thursday: Cardio
    Friday: Circuit 1
    Saturday: - OFF
    Sunday: Cardio
  • Page2777
    Page2777 Posts: 91
    blimey your wife is superwoman! i think i need to aim a little lower than that coz im never gonna manage that
  • blimey your wife is superwoman! i think i need to aim a little lower than that coz im never gonna manage that

    LOL. It sounds like allot, but its actually doable for her. I would try to break-down how much time you can crave out for fitness each day and/or week, then create a great fitness routine around it. But, I find it best to have a plan schedule, it can really help you stick to a goal :-)
  • Hollie55
    Hollie55 Posts: 65 Member
    I have 4 young kids, 6yrs, 3 yr old twins & a 7 month old. & I make exercise part of my routine. I get everyone ready in the morning & drop my eldest at the bus stop at 8.30 then I go to the gym & I am generally home by 10/10.30 depending on if I do a class or not. When I get home I have a snack & then do my housework. I pick up my eldest from the bus at 3.30, comehome & then I help her with any home work & stuff. Then I start dinner.

    I have to do what I can while miss 7 months sleeps or is happy on the floor. I tend to set the time & do my housework in 15 min bursts too.
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    I have a 9 month old - I work out at night after shes gone to bed. I usually do some sort of workout dvd. It's really the only time I have. I still can't mange to get myself up early to exercise. When it's cooler I plan to go for walks with her though. It's hard - you just have to do it!
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    There are many mommy and baby classes: yoga, aquatics, strollercize. Look up your city recreation centers website and the bigger gyms. Unfortunately most of these classes are morning classes as they aim for SAHM, but great if you are a SAHM.
    Also a a running stroller are the best investment for new mommies as far as exercise goes.
  • Michelle_M2002
    Michelle_M2002 Posts: 301 Member
    I have three children, 6, 3 1/2 and 18 months. I used to make the same excuses. But what it came down to is that I decided I HAVE to make time for myself.

    So I got a gym membership where the boys can play in the kids area. And I make time to go to the gym. Does it sometimes mean that I don't get my chore list done for the day.. yeah, sometimes. But my husband understands that I need this and has been very gracious.

    You have to MAKE time for yourself. And for me, it's gotten to the point where if I don't get to work out, it affects me emotionally, mentally and physically. I'm irritable, I'm unfocused and I don't have as much energy.

    Good luck, and God bless!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 49,043 Member
    Am a stay at home dad and do almost all the cleaning, cooking, laundry, bills, homework with daughter, yard work, but still find time to hit the gym 2 hours a day.
  • sistertransister
    sistertransister Posts: 56 Member
    I am a mother of three----3, 2 and 3 1/2 months. YOU CAN DO IT! :) you have to experiment with a few different things and find one that suits your family schedule. everyone's schedule and family temperments are different and just because something works for one mom or dad doesn't mean that it will work right now for you....and with children--their needs and temperments are always changing. so what works for you and your family now may not work in 6 months. so....
    1. Make a plan.
    I think that is half the battle for me. It effects the way I plan for cooking and meals and how I work my day. I know about myself that if I don't have a plan of when and how I am going to exerc... alot of times it won't happen. Gym membership is not somehting that works into our budget right now. So I am either walking, running or using DVDs. Currently I am trying to get up before all my peeps and get it done first thing in the morning. But atleast 1-2 a week I am not getting a chance to workout until after 11pm. I remind myself that 30-40 min for working out is doable. I can easily waste 30-40 min on Facebook or watching TV. I have to prioritize it for myself. For me it is a non-negotiable
    2. Make it a priority
    I do want my house to be clean and my laundry done and my home to well-organized. But I know at the end of the day--what has matter most to my children and my husband is a healthier, happier more active ME! :) so if the laundry piles up a little or things go undusted a little longer...that's ok!

    3. Involve your baby
    My children and I dance, play soccer, walk, chase balls and bubbles and take stroller rides...they even enjoy watching and helping me with my DVDs. i know you have a baby. I bring my youngest over to where I am working out and set her up in her bouncy seat or jumper. She enjoys watching me and that way I can also interact with her while I am huffing and puffing and sweating!! :)

    I agree with an earlier poster--don't try to do too much at one time. you can get overwhelmed and burn out and quit. Set yourself a 3 days a week goal for 15-20 mins. Work on successfully meeting those goals for a few consecutive weeks and then gradually add to it.

    You can DO IT!!!! You are worth it and so is your family!!!!

    I am always looking for encouragement and accountability. Please feel free to add me if you are looking for more friends! :)
  • stayathomezookeepa
    stayathomezookeepa Posts: 110 Member
    wow you have 8! You are my hero. I only have 2 and I get so overwhelmed. I dream of having a 3rd God willing I will.
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    if you don't work I don't know what the issue is. You have more time than working people to work out. What about doing something during your babies afternoon nap?
    go for a power walk pushing the stroller.
    take your baby swimming (thats quite hard work at that age as you have to carry them the whole time in the water)
    If you have a husband surely you can pop off to the gym after he goes down for the evening,
  • I've started taking my 4 year old to a parent and child dance class. I'd prefer aerobics, but see this a very good second best option. I fully participate in the class and get a great work-out!

    It's clear from all the comments that everyone has their own way of making time to exercise. I really struggle to align time and energy and so focus on being really active rather than trying to go to classes, etc.

    I'm new so please consider added my to you're network of friends.
  • kristen11joy
    kristen11joy Posts: 114 Member
    I joined a gym with child care -- I get a break AND a work out. There are also "mommy and me" swimming and exercise classes at our local rec centre. Nice way to meet other moms, too.
  • 5am workout! my youngest is an awful sleeper, so some nights i only get 5 hours of sleep, but i feel better after getting my workout in.
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