Body Reshaping Methods

I am a mesomorph at a healthy weight but my Aria scale has me at 32% body fat. Here’s my problem. If I dip below 130 pounds I look frail and people ask me if I am sick. I lift weights, and this week added HIT. I have been following Paleo for 2 weeks. My goal is to lose body fat, not get thinner. I’m thinking redistribution. Has anyone had success with this and how did you do it?


  • Joanna2012B
    Joanna2012B Posts: 1,448 Member
    edited June 2019
    I have most definitely had success on body recomp. I did it by lifting weights. I know absolutely nothing about Paleo, so I can't comment on that. How often do you lift weights? Are you progressing with the weight as you go? Are you eating at maintenance? I don't know what your stats are, but I am going to guess that your Aria scale is not correct.
  • skippygolunks
    skippygolunks Posts: 24 Member
    I am being very cautious on adding weights. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and my hands and wrists can be a problem. I used to lift heavier, but I have had to dial it back. I’m sure this doesn’t help. I haven’t been eating for Maintenence. I am consuming 1500. That being said, it isn’t effecting the scale really. I just fluctuate a pound or so. I’m also 62 so I’m trying to outrun aging muscle loss as well. I’m doing free weights 3 times a week, cardio daily and a30 minute dog walk daily. Here is what I really want: to continue to age gracefully moving under my own power. To lose the flab and be healthy and have a content outlook on life. I guess that is what everyone wants!
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member

    I should be able to assist you. I myself train with RA as well as train/coach others-some who deal with chronic pain and autoimmune disease

    OP what is your waist measurement?

    Are you currently on meds for RA? Has there been any recent med doses changes?

    On a scale 1-10, how would you rate your stress level from life?

    On a scale 1-10, how how would you rate how hard training is on average?

    What adjustments if any have you made on intensity, volume, frequency(adding/removing certain lifting slots) in the past two months?

    What lifts is the pain in hands/wrists the most noticable?

    What is your current cardio?

    Am I correct in understanding that you average eating about 1500 calories daily and the scale remains virtually the same for the past several weeks?

  • skippygolunks
    skippygolunks Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks for the help!
    Waist 29 hips 37
    I take no RA meds, but I do take Low Dose Naltrexone 3.0 mg (off label for autoimmune)
    Stress 4
    Training. Rate 4 or 5 . I decreased my weights upper body to: ( curls 12#, tris 10#, presses with dumbbells 10#)
    Body weight squats, walking lunges, single leg hip thrusts with #20 plate.
    Note on training- been inconsistent averaging 1-3 x week depending on hand strain. I have started wearing hand and wrist splints to protect hands and it’s helping. Weight training now possible 3x a week. I have improved in intensity over the past two weeks because splints protect my joints.
    Most painful lifts involve barbell. Close grip chest press and curls. Tricep Extensions and dips hurt.
    Cardio- 20 minute HIT 20 sec high, 1 min. Low. 3 x a week. Walk daily 30 minutes
    Been eating 1500 cal. ( Paleo) counting macros for 10 days. Last week I lost 2 pounds, this week no change.
    Thank you for your input. Btw, I am 62 and I have always lifted weights consistently until my RA diagnosis last May.
  • HermanLily
    HermanLily Posts: 217 Member
    Aria BodyFat is terribly wrong. If you go to the Fitbit blog, it's a complaint from everyone
  • skippygolunks
    skippygolunks Posts: 24 Member
    I sure hope so!
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    If I dip below 130 pounds I look frail and people ask me if I am sick.

    Because your face looks lean? There isn't much you can do about that. Fat can't be redistributed or spot-reduced without surgery.

    For strength training, lighter weights are fine if you do your sets to muscle exhaustion, which can give good results compared to heavy weight.
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    HermanLily wrote: »
    Aria BodyFat is terribly wrong. If you go to the Fitbit blog, it's a complaint from everyone

    When set to athletic mode, it was within 1% of dexa for me.