Third of a way to my goal, haven't noticed much difference.



  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    edited June 2019
    linsey0689 wrote: »
    For me at my heaviest, I didn’t look in the mirror much.


  • etherealanwar
    etherealanwar Posts: 465 Member
    When I began losing weight at 200 lbs and 5'4" I also experienced the same situation you are in. I was losing weight but it was not showing very much and I did not go down in size until 25-30 lbs were lost (from a size 12 to a size 10). The scale was what kept my head in the game because there is no denying that the number was going down. Eventually I could really notice a change in my face as apparently that is where I lose weight most evidently at first. I wish I would have taken measurements along the way because that would have been so satisfying to see the numbers decreasing. I highly recommend you keep doing that! Persevere and eventually the change will be so obvious you will not be able to miss it.
  • 150poundsofme
    150poundsofme Posts: 523 Member
    Someone close to me who was helping me lose weight asked me why do I always wear such long shirts and they are so big on you. The answer was that I didn't like wearing anything fitted cause I didn't want anyone to see my bulges. But I took their advice and bought much smaller clothes. And so guess what, I did look smaller. So you might want to check out the fit of your clothes.
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,913 Member
    5’7” SW 222, was wearing 22W when I wore clothes with non-elastic waistbands, but honestly, at that size, are any of us wearing anything but elastic?

    I didn’t start noticing clothes getting loose til I got under about 185. Instead, of noticing weight loss,though, the clothes I did have, got noticeably more comfortable.

    The next thirty pounds I dropped a size every few pounds.

    I am now down to 154, and am wearing 4’s. Yeah, got a muffin top but I’ve earned it and I do.not. care. My *kitten* is in those size 4 Lucky Brands,and if you don’t like it, you can kiss it, World.

    The belly is the last thing to go down for most of us. Unfortunately, it’s the biggest thing we see. You see that sucker and you can’t see anything else.

    “Fat Brain” is a real thing. I can still look in the mirror, see a bulging belly, and my eyes see absolutely no difference between 222 and now, size 22W and size 4.

    What helped me, in a weird kind of way, was I discovered my husband had a bunch of photos of me on his phone I didn’t know about. I had so few of my own. Looking at those was an eye opener, but you know what? As soon as I put that phone down, Fat Brain took back over.

    Right now, I really worry about getting vain, because I never used to look in the mirror and now I do compulsively; or going the other way and being combatively sweaty and mussed up to prove my hard work to the whole world; or needing reassurance all the time that I look better or different.

    Weight loss is downright confusing, and makes me feel a little (no, a LOT) mental. And needy. Needier than I ever was as a fat broad. Sometimes I feel like I’m losing myself in the process. That no one sees me except as a size. Like I was just a broad silhouette on the fringe of things. Like one of those wide projections that get narrower as you focus the lens, and no one could see me til I was in focus. I’m about ready to slug the next person who says “How much....”

    Your loss is there, your eyes just don’t register it. If you doubt it, go to the freezer, pull out a roast, and calculate how many roasts you’ve lost. Feel the weight in your hands, and know that it just doesn’t exist for you any more.

    You’ve done hella good. Keep it up! You are on the verge of seeing real change.

  • skippygolunks
    skippygolunks Posts: 24 Member
    Ask a friend if they notice a difference. You might have body dysmorphia. There are people who can’t see the way they really look. If you really haven’t made physical changes, are you building muscle? Start a resistance training program if you haven’t done so. That will really help.
  • texasredreb
    texasredreb Posts: 541 Member
    It's not just "fat brain" going on. My starting size is still my size. They are looser, but by no means am I in danger of my pants falling down. I did try to go down a pant size, but I couldn't get them up past my hips. I'm not imagining things. I wore a snug size 16 at 225lbs and I now wear a comfortable size 16 at 192lbs--this is in my favorite jean brand. I don't wear leggings, sweats, or any type of stretchy, elastic waisted pant--I never liked them and my jobs do not permit them. I can't pull a size 14 all the way up let alone even begin to button/zip them. My shirts are large or XL, depending on brands and styles. I did notice one elbow sleeve shirt is a bit looser in the upper arms and that a few of them seem less cropped. Today I tried on a large tshirt that I bought online and was always too small. It's still too small. It's tight around my entire torso.

    I've taken the before and afters every month and study them closely for changes. I'm wearing the same clothing and am posing in the same place. I can see a minuscule difference between first and last.

    I'm losing weight and I'm happy about it. I don't know why I'm complaining...
  • nooboots
    nooboots Posts: 480 Member
    edited June 2019
    My goal is to lose 90lbs. I'm 1/3 of the way to my goal and I'm still wearing the same sizes that I started out wearing. I still look the same and I still feel the same.

    When did y'all start noticing changes and/or start losing sizes? I saw a recent picture of myself taken from 1/4 behind and I don't look any different at all.

    I'm female, aged 55.
    SW 225
    CW 193
    GW 135

    Some years ago I lost 4 stone which is a huge amount of weight, it was nearly a quarter of my body weight.

    I was wearing a size 26 (uk) when I started and wearing a 22 after the loss. It was very dispiriting to only go down one dress size after all that weight loss. I see people sometimes who have only needed to lose a stone or whatever and they go down 2 dress sizes!

    I dont understand it.
  • bluesheeponahill
    bluesheeponahill Posts: 169 Member
    I've lost 10 kilos, 20cms off my waist, 10cm off my hips. my hips are going to be the last to go unfortunately I have an apron so to speak. I do hope time will tighten it up.

    I have 26 weeks of progress photos. I can absolutely see the difference from week 1 to week 26 photos. but everything in between week to week? nope. some weeks I looked slimmer, other weeks bloated. but week 1, week 4, week 8 etc etc there's a fair notable difference. It will take time, much much much more time to see the difference.

  • sammidelvecchio
    sammidelvecchio Posts: 791 Member
    I have really been struggling to see the difference for me. I have lost 24 lbs, and some of the stuff you guys bring up are great points. Especially thinking about being the same jean size, but 24 lbs ago they were tight and I probably should have been wearing a size up, and now they are loose and i'm very close to a size down. Wow, I never even thought of it like that.

    I have taken pictures, and some days I look at them and see a huge difference, other days I don't. I did ask my sister to look at them and her reaction was a lot different than mine so it can help to have someone else you know will be honest with you take a look.

    I think also I just need to accept that 24 lbs for me is not going to be as a big a difference as people who have a lot less weight to lose. Some people only need to lose 30 lbs, and it could mostly be in their stomach so if they lose 24 lbs it will look like a HUGE difference. But for me, having a lot more weight to lose, 24 lbs is awesome and there is a physical difference, but with a long way to go its not going to look as drastic as it might for others who start smaller.
  • WholeFoods4Lyfe
    WholeFoods4Lyfe Posts: 1,518 Member
    IsETHome wrote: »
    Try a size down in bra. Also I noticed after 25 lbs my tops got longer..... tops 2x to xl or x and I went from 20/22 to size 16 (a couple of 14s and a couple of 18s). I went down from 42DD to 38DD. Also bathroom stalls got big, so did my bathtub. However if you were stretchy clothes they stretch smaller too....which is why it’s hard to notice weight gain unless you get on the scale.

    This is so true! I was just telling my friend the other day that after losing 25lbs my shirts now cover my belly and my pants are longer LOL

    OP - if you are anything like me, there is a good chance that when you started, your clothes were actually too small. As I was gaining weight, I kept squeezing in to my clothes, I could put them on and fasten them, but they didn't actually "fit". I'm down 25lbs now and my pants are actually fitting the way that they are supposed to. I can button my pants without sucking in my gut and my pants are no longer capris :)

  • texasredreb
    texasredreb Posts: 541 Member
    I'm sure I was asking a lot of my size 16's when I was 32lbs heavier. I know that factors in.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    edited June 2019
    1. Self perception is usually skewed. We are our own worst critics.
    2. The more you have to lose, the less visible early losses will be. At my heaviest, a 10-20 Lb loss or gain didn't make any real perceptible difference. Now, a 10 Lb loss or gain from my maintenance weight is the difference between visible abs, being a little soft, but still flat, and having love handles.
    3. At my heaviest I was stuffing myself into my pants...they got looser as I lost weight, but it took quite awhile to actually drop a size because I was absolutely stuffing myself into m clothes at my heaviest. I started at 220 and didn't drop a pant size until I was in the mid to high 180s. Part of that is that the belly is the primary fat stores for most men and many women as well and primary fat stores are a first on, last off proposition.
  • missblondi2u
    missblondi2u Posts: 851 Member
    Just chiming in to say you are doing awesome and to just keep at it.