Lacking in confidence

I’m a 5’10 female and 20 years old, I currently weigh 12 stone. I’ve fluctuated in weight from 9 and a half stone to 14 stone over the last 2 years. As it’s getting to summer I’m struggling to find the confidence to get my arms and legs out. I still feel like the 14 stone overweight girl I was 6 months ago. Does anyone have any tips? Any help or advise would be greatly appreciated.


  • juliebroughton34
    juliebroughton34 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi I understand you might feel strange exposing parts of your body you’re not so pleased with, but you’ve lost a lot of weight now, you’ve done so well, you need to be proud. Just one question ( and I used this myself a lot when I was your age many years ago) why is anybody else’s opinion more important than yours? Why does it matter what they think, surely if you think it’s ok why should anyone else’s opinion change what you wear? What makes them more influential over your actions than your own opinion does? Aww, that’s more than one question I know but you get my gist. It’s that realisation that you’re an adult, in the past everyone and his dog told you what to do, wear, what to say and don’t say well that stops now you’re old enough to say no this is me and this is how I am if you don’t like it don’t look. Just do it you’ll be great ❤️