Hello everyone! (Another "newbie" post)

Hello, just thought I would finally break down and post on here after a couple weeks of browsing the forums. There are so many folks out there that are so darn inspirational!

Anyway, I thought I would share with you (or whomever) my little weight loss story. Mine was more of a "OK, that's it and I need to do something". It was a combination of a few events that happened in a couple months time, some of them are pretty funny in hindsight....

1) "Hey, you're missing your button on your pants...."

2) "Why are you sweating so much, it's only 75 degrees out and we've been walking for 5 minutes."

3) Looking at pictures of me on other social networking sites, realizing that I'm certainly not the most in shape person around.

4) My BMI kept me from earning $100 last year in our corporate wellness program.

and finally....

5) I dusted off the scale, and finally hit the number I feared I would see at some point or another (240), and I told myself if I ever got that high, that I would search the internet and find something to help me curb the weight.

I had a job that was very physical, lots of moving heavy items around, walking, and general cardio all day long. People actually back then said I was almost too thin, then I landed a sedentary job that mostly includes sitting in front of a computer most if not all day. I still try to get up and walk around the floor a couple laps a few times a day to break up the monotony of a day's work. Well a couple years go by and all of a sudden I increased my weight by 75%, and here I am. I'd like to get back (for starters) to 200 lb and also start doing some more exercising than what I am doing today, but I am in the "taking things day by day" mode at the moment.

Anyway, I started keeping track of my calories with this website/app on June 27th. Today marks the day that I have officially lost 20lbs, and I credit it to the community here and the site in general. I still have about 20lbs to go, but I wanted to share that success with you, and thank you for all of your support and the like.



  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    Congratulations and keep up the good work x
  • Good job on losing 20 pounds already!! :):):)

    I'm pretty new myself and I'm looking for motivation partners, so add me if you'd like. :)
  • wow, great job!! :)