That one body part...



  • Keto_Vampire
    Keto_Vampire Posts: 1,670 Member
    Back...most detailed/beautiful, overlooked/undertrained/neglected by most people, defines posture & CNS
  • mike_rom
    mike_rom Posts: 680 Member
    Back...most detailed/beautiful, overlooked/undertrained/neglected by most people, defines posture & CNS

    SOOO true
  • Keto_Vampire
    Keto_Vampire Posts: 1,670 Member
    mike_rom wrote: »
    Back...most detailed/beautiful, overlooked/undertrained/neglected by most people, defines posture & CNS

    SOOO true

    Yeah, also, soooo many different exercises & variations for hitting back & @ various angles. I can honesty say I've never gotten bored or felt things are getting stale/repetitive with back training even after 20 years of lifting experience
  • AquaMeow
    AquaMeow Posts: 296 Member
    JeBeBu wrote: »
    We so often discuss the hatred over one part of our bodies or another...we discuss the inefficacy of spot training...we talk about various exercises and training...
    But, we hardly ever talk about the part(s) of our bodies we actually like, maybe even love...even if still in progress...
    I will kick it off...I love my shoulders/upper arms. I recognize the work that has gone into those muscles...all the laps swam, all the bicep curls and pull-ups.
    Now its your turn to be kind to yourself and praise your efforts!

    I love my legs, lips, and hands. I hate my stomach but I'm working on it!
  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    Back...most detailed/beautiful, overlooked/undertrained/neglected by most people, defines posture & CNS

    My fave body part to train is back. And it shows LOL!

    If I spent half as much time that I do on my back on my legs/butt, I'd actually have a butt and more sculpted legs by now.
  • Keto_Vampire
    Keto_Vampire Posts: 1,670 Member
    edited June 2019
    Cahgetsfit wrote: »
    Back...most detailed/beautiful, overlooked/undertrained/neglected by most people, defines posture & CNS

    My fave body part to train is back. And it shows LOL!

    If I spent half as much time that I do on my back on my legs/butt, I'd actually have a butt and more sculpted legs by now.

    Yeah, every Monday I start the week off with back whilst the rest of the world (guys anyways) choose chest + bis or legs/"bootay" (gals anyways). Routinely always hitting up back first for ages. Can't ever get enough or bored with training back vs. other bodyparts; back is most complex in my opinion
  • bojack5
    bojack5 Posts: 2,859 Member
    My hands
  • _impressive_
    _impressive_ Posts: 155 Member
    My hugs. I can hug like you wouldn't believe. Related to shoulders I think.
  • laprimaJenny
    laprimaJenny Posts: 1,495 Member
    My heart, because it has no rest day.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    After 65 years my heart is still beating. Really like that.
  • hpg19
    hpg19 Posts: 10 Member
    Hmm. This will be a relatively short list. But my hands are ok, my face isn't too bad. My body needs an overhaul but I think iv got good 'framework' ? Ok I know I'm not a building but I have good potential to have a good physique IF I start bloody exercising!

    I'm gona go with my hands for now. Iv got nice slender wrinkle free hands with strong nails and I'm proud of em! 💅🏻🙏🙌

    I'll be the one to give you some praise. Your face is a lot better than "isn't too bad" 😊
  • hpg19
    hpg19 Posts: 10 Member
    My heart, because it has no rest day.

    You win 🏆

    Thanks for that remainder.
  • kimber0607
    kimber0607 Posts: 994 Member
    edited June 2019
    this is lame but going with my wrists..LOL
    also lame but second would be eyes....get a compliment thrown at me from time to time by strangers so they can't be half bad..right?

  • GymGoddessGoals
    GymGoddessGoals Posts: 2,146 Member
    My best parts are my legs, back and shoulders. My top 3 favorite workouts.
  • GymGoddessGoals
    GymGoddessGoals Posts: 2,146 Member
    My best parts are my legs, back and shoulders. My top 3 favorite workouts.

    Yeah but you listed three.

    Go to jail. Do not pass Go.

    Not the first person in the thread to do so. Probably not the last.
  • jrweeks1986
    jrweeks1986 Posts: 16 Member
    My abs...I don't hate em ;)
  • Makingchanges17
    Makingchanges17 Posts: 124 Member
    My eyes? I'm grateful for all my body does but I really truly only like my eyes lol