Not new, but here in the community for the first time...

Hi, my name is Donna. I am a retired teacher, thank GOD I made it! I have been on every kind of diet there is known to woman and man. My first experience with myfitnesspal was a great one. I dropped 65 pounds, but got too sure of my self and gained most of it back...don't ask me how, but it had something to do with bread and pasta. They are not my friends, I know this. I have been reading ALOT about KETO, but I am trying to figure out how to eat and not eat foods that are good and bad while still being able to eat the number of calories that myfitnesspal tells me what to eat before I fall off into the dark abyss of hostess cupcakes and Mac and cheese. If anyone is on the KETO diet and knows what I am talking about, I would love to hear from you! Good luck everyone on whatever plan you have for the rest of your life. :)


  • LittleLightShine
    LittleLightShine Posts: 123 Member
    Welcome back! I recently experimented with Keto. I personally did not lose any more weight doing Keto than other diets I've tried (Whole30, Paleo). After eight months of experimenting and losing weight, I've landed on believing tracking what I eat and eating in a calorie deficit, no matter what type of diet, is how I lose weight. But finding an eating plan you enjoy is most important so if you like the eating style of Keto, go for it!
  • SenseSensibility
    SenseSensibility Posts: 2 Member
    Need to share what you don’t readily find on the internet regarding Keto. I am 59 and was in excellent health and fitness when I started apart from the not so excellent excess weight. With the wisdom of my years I researched carefully only Mds and scientists. After 6 months I have pneumonia which has come back 3 times in 6 weeks, bronchitis on top of the pneumonia, abnormal antibody levels ... I conclude this diet does not fit all. Be very careful and listen to your body not the scientists. has a good article on the dangers of too little insulin although there I go trusting in yet another diet advice website.
    My other confirmation is that a diet is a diet is a diet. You will not lose weight unless you are in deficit even on the Keto. I lost weight at the same rate whatever I did. It took me the full 6 weeks of feeling like hell on the Keto before the magic ‘adaptation’ but I stuck to it because I am older and wiser (yeah, right). I am now older and iller albeit thinner. Just wanted to warn anyone out there that if it doesn’t feel right for you, there’s no point really because it certainly does not make you healthier and it doesn’t make the pounds ‘melt’ for some of us.