Need advice from another new mom



  • geojulia
    geojulia Posts: 9 Member
    To geicko: Thanks for the advice AND the helpful statistics! The pounds did indeed melt off after the birth....I'm just dealing with the last pesky 10 or so pounds. I honestly had no idea so many women (around 25%) actually gain weight during nursing! That's crazy. How many calories do you really think I burn daily by breastfeeding? You log 300, so do you think it's closer to that than to 500?
  • geicko
    geicko Posts: 151
    How many calories do you really think I burn daily by breastfeeding? You log 300, so do you think it's closer to that than to 500?

    I have no clue honestly... I don't usually add them in but your post got me thinking that maybe I shoul and the food entry I chose was that, 300 :embarassed:

    I log my food (getting enough protein is hard for me) but I don't diet and I don't really care if I'm over as long as I eat when I'm hungry.

    Sorry, not really helpfull !