Hurricane Irene & Overeating

Anyone in the East worried about overeating to prevent the "loss" of food in the refrigerator or to thwart stress? I'm always afraid of wasting money spent on food and don't want to fall into this trap.


  • statia152
    statia152 Posts: 558
    Not really. Most of the items in my refrige and freezers are meat and veggies and berries. I am planning on buying more sandwich items and canned goods (soups, veggies, brown bread ...) and fresh fruits. But I am really concerned about eating out of boredom. I'm expecting to be without power for about 5 days, so double workouts (by memory and notes) a few good books and as always, picking berries (if the wind doesn't destroy them) More concerned about getting the water needed for us and the chickens / horses. Already planning meals, cleaning coolers, grill gas (hell, I'll feed the neighbors with all the meat in our freezers). I live in Minot, Maine. I am in the direct path of the hurricane, and will be getting the East winds (the worst). But all will be fine, I have faith. I pray everyone is safe during this time, and remember, material items can be replaced .... family and friends cannot. XOXO ~ Statia (sounds like Stay - sha)
  • I am concerned about eating due to boredom too and if we lose power I won't be able to use my treadmill but I'm sure I will get plenty of exercise cleaning up. Stay safe.
  • SportySpiceVT
    SportySpiceVT Posts: 59 Member
    If the power goes out, I'll be eating a lot of ice cream to keep it from going to waste!
  • I hope you can find something to occupy your time if the power goes out and sending crossed fingers your way that overeating won't be an issue.
    It's calling for some bad flooding here in the valley. Hopefully everyone is safe! Many prayers to all!
  • grmpy1
    grmpy1 Posts: 462 Member
    Ways to keep your food in the frig longer....Turn the frig & freezer up now. Make as much ice as you can. Have a cooler and put the things you use the most in it. (milk, butter, etc) Opening and closing the doors raise the temp in the both the frig and the freezer. Don't open it unless it is absolutely necessary. Try getting bottled water and have it on hand. If you lose power for more than a couple days, use a gas grill (Outside) and cook up your freezer meat. And don't laugh at this a blanket over the top and sides of the frig. It will help insulate it.

    I have been in a few hurricanes and never lost any food. Once we didn't have power for two weeks!
  • nbates9254
    nbates9254 Posts: 17 Member
    grmpy1 (so cute!) thank you for the advice! I literally went out onto the sunporch and cranked up the fridge out there. We're making ice, and have coolers ready as well as propane for both the grill and our camp stove. I can't decide whether to close the windows on the sun porch or leave the screens down and let the wind whip through? I'm inland - just outside of Philly - but we're preparing for the winds, floods and power loss as well.

    All the best thoughts to those of you on the coast - be safe!
  • That's a great idea putting a blanket over the fridge. Kerri, I hear you on the ice cream. I already started on it last night :)
  • statia152
    statia152 Posts: 558
    LOL I don't have ice cream in my freezer! But I am baking off my cinnamon rolls and delivering to my friends / elderly neighbors. You guys had better be working off those calories by cleaning before / after Irene! I hope everyone in NC and VA is fairing well. Thank goodness it was low tide in most of those areas. I don't think the rest of us will be that lucky. Be safe and stay strong! XOXO
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    really?? it's one day. have the willpower and discipline to control your food intake. stop making excuses for why you can over eat, and make start making reasons for why you should stay fit and healthy.

    as far as your treadmill losing power, run in place, do jumping jacks, or something.
  • Hello Engineman,

    I live out in the country and we can lose power for weeks out here. By the way, if you can't say something nice keep it to yourself. We are all here to help each other out, not put each other down.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    I don't think I said anything mean. Tough love. I'm here to support ppl and get support too. My wife and I are working together to lose some weight. I told you to have will power and discipline. You've lost 12 lbs, and you obviously have the ability to lose more.