100+ pounds to loose need friends to motivate me

king73nate Posts: 1 Member
I’m 19 soon to be 20 and I weigh 381 pounds 😬 need some friends for advice or other who are doing the same journey as I am.


  • paulcpatterson
    paulcpatterson Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 55, and 13 months ago was 367 lbs and today am 205 lbs and hope to get down to 175 soon. I started by quit eating out all the time, I might eat away from home once a month now if that. I started intermittent fasting where I eat two meals a day in an 8 hr window and fast the other 16 hours (including my sleep time). There are plenty of videos on intermittent fasting and how it can help people get rid of their diabetes too.

    Dr. Jason Fung is one person you can find on YouTube who speaks how fasting and intermittent fasting can lower your insulin, thus make losing weight occur too.

    Cutting out processed foods, sugar, and carbs is in my opinion going to help you lose weight and be healthier. I think sugar is poison to our bodies. I personally like the LCHF (low carb/high fat) way of eating.

    Check out Christine Cronau videos on YouTube, she suffered with her health and weight at an early age and has been eating LCHF for over 14 years now and looks and feels great, doesn't hunger, doesn't have any health issues and that's what I'm striving for too.

    I eat for my first meal mostly 5 eggs cooked with a tablespoon of butter, 5 pc of bacon, and small amount of ketchup.

    My wife makes me black bean soup which I'll eat some weeks, but lately have been eating seasoned pressure cooked chicken, small veggie side (creamed spinach, broccoli, red potatoes), some times some small amount of popcorn with butter or 6 chips with some guacamole.

    I started walking several miles a day when my weight came down, today I actually walked sixteen miles, but this is rare, I do walk a lot between 8 to 12 miles, although this isn't required to lose weight, just feels good to me.

    Good luck

  • indajo9615
    indajo9615 Posts: 1 Member
    I have 100+ pounds to lose also!
  • GinnyTag
    GinnyTag Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there! I also have 100+ to lose. I am working on changing my mindset which is the hardest. Instead of thinking of it as losing I am trying to think of it as what I am trying to gain. I am trying to gain energy, gain confidence, and gain playtime with my son. Remember it is not going to be easy and you will stumble along the way but stick to it. I know we can do it.
  • SunflowerW10
    SunflowerW10 Posts: 17 Member
    I have 100+ pounds to lose, too. No advice but we’re on a similar journey 😊 Best of luck with yours!