Ready to go again

Hi everyone!

I can't believe that in all of my years of struggling to lose weight I have never ventured across this site, but now that I'm here, I'm excited to say that it's going to be a part of my life!

Let me start off by saying that I am having a hard time coming to terms with the fact that at the age of 25 (almost 26) I have once again put on all of the weight I worked so hard to lose. A year ago I was around 170 lbs, eating healthy, jogging 5 to 7 miles everyday, and was generally happy with myself. Over the course of a year, I have put on 50lbs and am completely miserable. I promised myself that after I was under 200lbs I would never let myself go over it again, but I broke that promise and now I'm paying for it.

A week ago I decided I was done being "fat". I called my doctor and I am now on Phentermine again. I have been on it twice before and had awesome results. It's expensive, but I know it works for me. This week I started my exercise routine back up of walking 3 miles a day. I have reduced my calories to 1000 a day and I am really watching what I'm eating. I'm proud to say that I have already lost 5lbs!

I have to be honest for a second though. I am scared out of my mind. My biggest fear is failure. I want to lose weight so badly that I'm scared that I won't. I know it's foolish to feel this way, but I do! I guess you can say I'm looking for some support and to be supportive to someone else! I don't know what else to do besides give my best and try to think positive!

I'm sorry for making this so long, but I needed to get this out some where! Thanks for reading!


  • While I wish you the best, what you are doing now obviously does not work in the long run...and you've proven that.

    Healthy has to be a lifestyle, eat healthy (for most 1000 calories is far too little especially with exercise), move, and have a positive mind set. That's the only way the weight comes off and stays off.

    Get off the diet rollercoaster and start a healthy life plan with the tools that MFP'll be so much further ahead.

    Good luck!
  • Welcome!
    I hope you reach your goals.
    At least because you are afraid of failure, it will keep you motivated and harder for you to give up.
    I wish you all the best. (:
  • TrishB30
    TrishB30 Posts: 13
    Welcome to MFP!

    I would say I have to agree with SimplyDeLish 1000 calories with exercise seems so little to me. It would be healthier to keep in the range of 1200 calories or 1400 calories that way you won't feel like you're starving all the time, but it's your decision and if it works for you then I'm happy. Anyway feel free to add me and anyone else too for that matter. :)
  • Thanks for your input! I know it may seem like it doesn't work, but it does as long as I stick with it after I've lost the's when I decide to eat whatever and not exercise that it catches up! lol! As for 1,000 calories not being enough, I think you're right! I'm shooting for 1200 a's proving to be hard though because I'm not hungry! :) Thanks again!
  • katiepie111
    katiepie111 Posts: 83 Member
    hi! im the same as you, 24. lose then gain then lose then gain and one of my major obstacles in life is the fear of failure, add me as a friend if you want :) im trying hard to eat more than 1000 calories but it is definitly hard! but i know that if i at least document what i eat i still have calories left over :)