New to My Fitness Pal

Hi everyone, I am new to this website. I have been trying to loose weight since the beginning of June. I am down 13 lbs. Which to me is awesome, just have a ways to go. Hoping I can reach my goal. Currently I way 178.6 and I would like to be 125 lbs. Ready to take that leap :)


  • Welcome! This is a awesome site. Congrats on your weight loss. Feel free to add me!
  • SweGuy
    SweGuy Posts: 78
    Welcome and you will find a lot of encouragement here - remember, that even the longest trip started with a step and you have taken that step...
  • gitsmom
    gitsmom Posts: 15 Member
    Welcome to MFP!!! I am a newbie of 3 weeks now and it is a great place for encouragement, everyone has been wonderful here and I love the accountablilty :0). :smile:
  • ConnieSG
    ConnieSG Posts: 376
    Welcome to this awesome website. You will find all of the encouragement you need. Feel free to add me!
  • Kristy144
    Kristy144 Posts: 166
    Welcome! THis is the best site ever! :) Good luck to you on your weight loss journey!
  • packerfan1
    packerfan1 Posts: 93 Member
    Hi and welcome to MFP!! You can and will reach your goal:) Good luck. If you like you can add me as a friend.
  • wolf23
    wolf23 Posts: 4,240 Member
    Welcome, this is a great community!
  • Autumn15
    Autumn15 Posts: 213
    You have come to the right place to take that leap. You will find lots of friends and information here to help you on your journey. Take it one day at a time and keep stepping. It sounds like your already off to a great start. Best of luck on your new adventure. :smile:
  • bin062
    bin062 Posts: 1
    Hello. My name is Robbin. ( In my profile picture I am standing with my brother), I am knew to this as well. My sweet cousin Becky told me about this site. Right now, I weigh 237 and my goal is to go down to 135lbs. It's been YEARS since I was ever that small. Please keep me in your prayers for me to get this weight off. I know with the help of the Lord and family, I can do all things thru Christ which strengtheneth me.
  • your gonna love this site...just keep focused on your goal and you're gonna do great!!!
  • nannyx6
    nannyx6 Posts: 72 Member
    welcome I am enjoying this site and hope you do too
  • Congratz on your weight loss, and welcome to MFP! :-)