Hurricane Irene

Erica_theRedhead Posts: 724 Member
So who else is going to be a shut in for the next three days? How can one lose weight when your gym is closed and all you will do is sit in your house for days?! And what if the power goes out, can't even get those cleaning calories or video workouts done..


  • lolathompson
    lolathompson Posts: 70 Member
    I have a friend in Charlotte she hasn't said anything. Stay Safe.
  • elsham
    elsham Posts: 549 Member
  • theslackjaw
    My area is a potential bad flooding area. We won't feel the brunt of it like Virginia Beach or the rest of the coastal cities but we'll still get hit with pretty bad winds, rain and flooding in the valley.
    I suppose we'll have to resort to puddling jumping! :P
  • crazynay96
    walk up and down steps, squats, stand up sit down, jogging in place, jumping jacks things I do at home for cardio. If you have a hubby or partner you can put your feet together and cycle together with your backs supported. HTH!
  • TheMrsFitnessGeek
    TheMrsFitnessGeek Posts: 89 Member
    Weight training tomorrow morning early at the gym then Turbo Fire in the afternoon and then relaxing away from the windows :) I have to exercise away all of the emotional eating I'm doing worrying!
  • Erica_theRedhead
    Erica_theRedhead Posts: 724 Member
    walk up and down steps, squats, stand up sit down, jogging in place, jumping jacks things I do at home for cardio. If you have a hubby or partner you can put your feet together and cycle together with your backs supported. HTH!

    Ha, I do live on the 10th floor, so if the power goes out for my elevator = instant workout!
  • cwestcott01
    cwestcott01 Posts: 14 Member
    I live in NH and we will be hit Sunday with it. I expect I will lose power. I have a lil gym area in my basement, probably will workout there if it doesn't flood LOL! But if you have stairs in your house go up and down them like 30 times! Put MP3 Player on in ears and DANCE! Tomorrow I am doing Spartan Race which is an obstacle course 3 miles through woods and hills lol, don't ask me... Its my 2nd one this summer I did one and now I am addicted!!

  • EmilyPippin
    Oddly enough, I was thinking about that too. On one hand, it seems a little petty to be worrying about exercise. But really, we can't do anything to control the weather and any damage done by Irene. Worrying won't help anyone and trying to stick with our goals is one of the few things we do have some control over.

    I think we are going to have to fall back on the old stand-bys: running in place, jumping jacks, crunches, etc.

    Stay safe.
  • crazynay96
    But remember no power = no showers!!! Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww! lol
  • LifeJacketWaterJogger
    wow, great information on workouts at home.
  • LifeJacketWaterJogger
  • Zombella
    Zombella Posts: 490 Member
    I live in NE Pennsylvania and we are supposed to get some high winds and a lot of rain. I am REALLY hoping we don't lose power but as long as everyone stays safe that's all that matters.
  • 1smemae94
    1smemae94 Posts: 365 Member
    Hope everyone stays safe. Stay away from your windows and use your stairs. Or run in place, or jumping jacks.
  • sweetsapphire85
    Live in MD and we are getting started with the rain and high winds right now. I plan on using the bailing out the water from my flooded basement as my exercise (weight training and cardio) lol If i don't need to then all the better but i'm just preparing for the worst...
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    During the hurricane you will be doing lots of pacing, check the calories now. :wink: After you will be walking the neighbor hood looking at the damage. You may also be mopping up water, hand washing dishes and cooking outside which will also burn more calories. Make sure your washer and bathtubs are filled with water so you can flush and wash if the water goes out, hauling water will also burn calories. For now you might want to make sure all your laundry is done and if you have a lot of frozen meat you may want to precook come of it. Also make lots of ice and pack your freezer full and a cooler if you have a good one.

    One other tip, if you have a land line and a corded phone get it out because the cordless and cell phones would not work after we lost power in Hurricane Wilma. Get out buckets or emply trash cans if you have anything that vents to the outside (dryer, bathroom vents, etc) the hurricane took the vent tops off the roof and water poured in through the vents. More calories burned emptying buckets. :bigsmile:

    Hope I am not scaring you, looks like the force is dying down and you will all just have lots of wind and rain but please stay safe!