In need of some healthy support this week

Its getting more and more difficult to avoid unhealthy options especially when I travel for work. So far I’m down 8 lbs but last week was up 1.2 lbs. now Upcoming events and mandatory travel for work (this month) has got me worried. Any suggestions or support would be great!


  • Danp
    Danp Posts: 1,561 Member
    Do your best with the options you have. It's all you can do.

    Just rest assured that you'll lose just as much weight eating "unhealthy" options (whatever that means) as long as you maintain the same calorie deficit.
  • vazgirl
    vazgirl Posts: 2 Member
    Not sure how you feel about salad or boiled eggs, but when I travel for work I find the closest grocery store and buy the precooked eggs and a few salad kits. This keeps me from eating out for breakfast and lunch and they are low cal options :) Depending on how long I’m traveling I also buy snacks like fruit, veggies, and hummus w/pretzels. You’ve totally got this!! And if you cheat here or there don’t beat yourself up. We all have ups and downs 💜
  • tccroston
    tccroston Posts: 34 Member
    I travel a lot too. I keep my water bottle filled after I get through security at the airport, that helps me avoid being tempted to buy pop or sugar juices (plus airports charge a ton of money for that stuff).

    I also keep a bag of almonds handy for when I do feel like snacking.

    I usually grab some yogurt and a banana or two for breakfast from the hotel because options are generally limited. That leaves a majority of my calories for dinner.

    Although I’m going to be in Kansas City in about two weeks, and I know most of my calories will be stained with BBQ sauce. 😜

    Don’t panic. Just do the best you can... Try to hit the treadmill or elliptical at the hotel if you can, or go for a walk around town, if it’s safe to do so.
  • sriley721
    sriley721 Posts: 68 Member
    I am in the same boat. I travel about once a month and I find that planning is the key. I check restaurants menu online when possible and preplan my meal. I don't like to announce to coworkers that I am on a diet but a salad is something easy to get and nobody questions that order. I tell them that I like to eat light on travel weeks. Fiber One bars are always in my purse because airports are the hardest. Overall, I make out with less calories during a travel week than I do for a week working from home.
  • nmlamattina
    nmlamattina Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you, everyone. This is all very helpful.