Starting the 30 Day Shred!!



  • susioryan
    susioryan Posts: 180
    Bump! I am on Level 1 Day 9- I did today. Kicks my butt. I haven't lost anything or lost any inches but I am at that age where it is much harder to drop weight. It feels good though...
  • caitymay1
    caitymay1 Posts: 73 Member
    UUghh today was awful... I was so tired and just not in the mood to work out. I couldn't wait for it to be over, but I got it done!
  • susioryan
    susioryan Posts: 180
    Good for you CaityMay1! I had a day like that yesterday where the thought of doing the shred was ugh! but I did it and felt better for it.
  • I just did day 3 of level one, I'm looking for people to talk to through out these 30 days, feel free to add me :)

    yesterday was a little bit rough, 15 minutes in i almost cried i was that sore so i turned it off lol!
  • teachfl2
    teachfl2 Posts: 95 Member
    I did it back in July but only every other day. I ended up gaining weight but now realize it was water retention- I was majorly bloated and couldn't fit in any of my clothes. Once it subsided I was feeling great. I stopped at day 7 level 1 because I got sick and then went back to work and now I feel like a sausage in a casing :( Going to start back up September 1!
  • KimmyEB
    KimmyEB Posts: 1,208 Member
    Today I am going out and getting the 30 Day Shred workout DVD by Jillian Michaels, and I am VERY excited to start it!!! Has anyone done this before? How was the experience? Also, if anyone would like to start it with me today, i'd love to have a buddy that will do it with me :) It's very inexpensive, no more than $11, and you can get it at local stores such as Walmart, FYE, and Target!

    I'm sending you a friend request, I just started it myself, too! Finishd day 6 earlier this afternoon. The first 2 days were really bad, in terms of how sore I thighs especially. The first day I did it was hard, and then the day after, I spent all day walking around a theme park! But someone else said around day 5 it gets better, and I agree...for me, day 5 was much better. My thighs no longer want to die, and now I've noticed after day 6, my calves are feeling it. My boyfriend saw me working out in our gym last night, on our exercise bike, and noticed my calves look more muscular. And I wasn't fishing for compliments--he just looked at my leg for a little bit and noticed! :happy: And maybe it's just me, but after starting up the 30DS, I feel stronger, and I have a little more confidence.:flowerforyou:
  • CandyR1018
    CandyR1018 Posts: 101 Member
    I started this past Monday, I agree with the love/hate statements. I'm only on level 1, but it's a good work out. I find I'm sore in different areas, different days. I like that it's only 25 minutes, I log 30 because I march in place while i'm waiting for all the stuff i can't forward through.

    I REALLY didn't want to do it today but I kept telling myself it's only 25 minutes, I can do it! And I did!
  • KimmyEB
    KimmyEB Posts: 1,208 Member
    I started this past Monday, I agree with the love/hate statements. I'm only on level 1, but it's a good work out. I find I'm sore in different areas, different days. I like that it's only 25 minutes, I log 30 because I march in place while i'm waiting for all the stuff i can't forward through.

    I REALLY didn't want to do it today but I kept telling myself it's only 25 minutes, I can do it! And I did!

    I logged 28 minutes my first day, because when I added the minutes on the back, it equaled to 28. But then I realized, when Jillian is saying "this is only a 20 minute work-out"...I'm thinking she really means it's only 20 minutes. I don't think you're supposed to count the warm-up and cool-down. Do you have a HRM? If you're logging it as 30 total minutes of circuit training, it's probably gonna be way off, especially if 5 total minutes of that is just walking in place. Not sure how you log it, you may be doing it correctly, but I've noticed a lot of people up the time amount for the 30DS.
  • gitsmom
    gitsmom Posts: 15 Member
    Okay ladies, now i want to go get the 30ds and join in :0) It sounds like a great challenge and just what I need.

    Thanks for all the great info and good luck! Please keep us posted on your results.
  • I have no idea how to log this ether, i'm wondering if there is an average calorie burn , i dont have a hrm & there isn't a place in my town that carries any.

    I love this dvd, i look forward to getting up each day and doing it , after gaining 85 pounds with my daughter who's now 3 months old, i'm totally motivated to do what ever it takes to get down to my pre pregnancy weight and lower, I put my all into the 30ds even when it kills me :)
  • I am on lvl 2 day 13 and like everyone else is saying work through it, watch your form though! I log it as 20mins of circuit training which is about 246 cals burned (?) I feel stronger and I've lost 2lbs but I feel more sleek and my clothes are def. fitting differently
  • KikiMcFoo
    KikiMcFoo Posts: 2 Member
    30 day shred was the first Jillian system I did- and it was such a great way to start!!!!! There were times when I would do one here and there but never stick with it, but when I committed to actually doing 30 shreds in 30 days with NO days off- it was awesome! I lost 14 lbs. A group of friends and I did it together so I had massive support. We also took pictures at days 0, 10, 20, and 30 to see our progress. Since then I've done her Ripped in 30 ( which has to be my favorite workout video of all time), No MOre Trouble Zones, Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism, and 6 week 6 pack. Since I began this journey in Feburary, I have lost 50 lbs. Good luck to you! And stick with it!
  • I've done the video about 8 times now, but only started being serious three days ago. I've noticed that i've lost my "second"chin i had lol , and ( this is weird ) but i noticed shaving my legs that my calves are much leaner and not flabby. If this is whats changed in about 10 or 11 times doing it, i can't imagine what it'll be like 30 days straight!! It's great motivation, plus i've lost 5 lbs :)
  • Meraid
    Meraid Posts: 148 Member
    I'm going to be starting it .. well i'd like to say right now, even though it's 10:30 at night. :3
    I've done it a couple days before and I'm always telling her on screen "No, no Jillian you don't understand.. can't breath... let me rest. What? New exercise? OHH jumping jacks!" and hop right back in :D
  • cowpoke06
    cowpoke06 Posts: 171
    I'm starting 30 day shred today with my sister! She lives in Ohio but we'll be together in spirit :) I got my new Polar FT7 HRM lastnight so i'm geared to go! I"m at work today until 5 pm and I'm antsy. I'm a little worried because everyone talks about how hard it is but I've made it through 30 days of p90x before so i'm hoping it's not harder than that ( I could never do a real pull up or anything, but I'm thinking about the intensity.

    I'm training for something called a Tough Mudder here in Michiganin April. it's a 12 mile run/obstacle course with swimming involved. Yes swimming-in Michigan-in April (ugh!)

    I weight 193. My friend who are doing it are doing p90x right now and then doing p90x 2 and then insanity. I started P90X (i've done the first 30 days a year and 25 pounds ago) but I'm just not ready for it. I'm really just too heavy. So I'm hoping that the shred will get me more to a level where I can train with my friends.

    Also, I keep getting TERRIBLE **** splints from running. I have new shoes, I think I'm just too heavy for that kind of activity right now.

  • susioryan
    susioryan Posts: 180
    Started Level 2 day 1 OMG. I could only make it through half the plank stuff. Burned 273 calories though- my HR was through the roof the whole time.
  • meggypooh
    meggypooh Posts: 84 Member
    I'm starting tonight, when I get done work! Im really nervous/excited! It looks like most everyone has had a lot of success with it, so I hope I will too!! I havent been too overly active in the last year or so...but last year I did lose 20 pounds using Billy Blanks taebo, and that was ok for me, not too hard! I hear Jillian pushes you hard but I am determined to make it the full 30 days with no breaks, and I'll be sure to post some before and after pics when I'm done!

    Thank you all for your motivation!!
  • laurenmXD
    laurenmXD Posts: 141 Member
    All you guys are making me want to give it go! i think i may go out and get it at the weekend! just hope that i can stick to it!
    Is there any other way of finding how many calories you burn on it without a HRM?
  • laurenmXD
    laurenmXD Posts: 141 Member
    Also does it burn fat not just turn into muscle ?
  • meggypooh
    meggypooh Posts: 84 Member
    I did Day 1 Level 1 last night. It was a good work out and went by really fast! My legs feel like jello and are a little sore today, but I'm ok with that because I know I got a really good workout in! I am going to do Day 2 tonight, hopefully I wont be too sore tomorrow!! Lol