ahhh! 5k tomorrow!! need encouragement :D

Tomorrow morning, at 10:00am Central Time, I will be running a 5k, my first in about 4 years. I am FREAKING out! I don't know why. I ran cross country in high school, so I am pretty comfortable with that type of race, at least in terms of what to expect.

But I have not been able to run all week, so I am just so nervous. It's silly, because it's not like I am thinking that I will have a chance to place or anything. This is a huge charity race for the Make-A-Wish foundation, so it's going to be hundreds of people. I guess I just don't want to disappoint myself. I am setting a pretty reasonable goal (I think), I just want to come under 30 minutes. That's a little faster than 6mph since it's 3.1 miles.

My husband is out of town so he can't be there to support me :( But at least one of my parents and my 5 year old son will be watching, and I would love to make my son proud of his mama!

Just wanted to get this off my chest so that I can actually sleep tonight :) If anyone has any words of encouragement or advice (or running mantras - currently mine is "Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional"), I would really appreciate it!


  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    dude you ran cross country in high school! YOU GOT THISSS!! Just keep telling yourself you are a pro (: 30 min should be no problem for you!! =] it's actually kinda good that you took the week off (well a few days at least) because you are well rested! =] no worries. you will do great!
  • tommys
    tommys Posts: 61
    Alise- very proud of you jumping back into jogging/running! I would like to do the same. I jog/walk 5 miles on the treadmill during my workouts but have not yet jumped out there and completed a 5K. You can do this! You have what it takes to be successful! Be sure an let me know how you feel when you cross that finish line! Good Luck!
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    You can do it! I ran a 5K in the spring with no training and was able to push myself to finish. I'm sure with your running background you'll have no problem! AND I bet you'll place higher than me.. I was 40th!

    Good luck! You can do it!

  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    You can do this!! Goodluck!!!
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    Tomorrow morning, at 10:00am Central Time, I will be running a 5k, my first in about 4 years. I am FREAKING out! I don't know why. I ran cross country in high school, so I am pretty comfortable with that type of race, at least in terms of what to expect.

    But I have not been able to run all week, so I am just so nervous. It's silly, because it's not like I am thinking that I will have a chance to place or anything. This is a huge charity race for the Make-A-Wish foundation, so it's going to be hundreds of people. I guess I just don't want to disappoint myself. I am setting a pretty reasonable goal (I think), I just want to come under 30 minutes. That's a little faster than 6mph since it's 3.1 miles.

    My husband is out of town so he can't be there to support me :( But at least one of my parents and my 5 year old son will be watching, and I would love to make my son proud of his mama!

    Just wanted to get this off my chest so that I can actually sleep tonight :) If anyone has any words of encouragement or advice (or running mantras - currently mine is "Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional"), I would really appreciate it!

    You so got this! Just think of that huge sense of accomplishment when you cross the finish line! I can only hope that I decide to run a 5K some day... but I'm totally not a runner. In the meantime, I will be cheering you on in spirit tomorrow!
  • crazy4flyers
    crazy4flyers Posts: 5 Member
    Races are a whole different atmosphere from the usual run around a track or neighborhood. The adrenaline rush from running in the middle of a crowd helps you through it. I always find myself trying to pace or catch someone faster than me and I finish in less time than expected. Just relax and enjoy yourself. I'm sure you'll be fine!
  • Krohnie
    Krohnie Posts: 286 Member
    You'll do great. It is nice to run on "fresh" legs, so this week off won't hurt you at all. You'll do wonderfully and you'll make everyone proud. Let us know how it goes!! Good Luck!
  • alise_lmx
    alise_lmx Posts: 292 Member
    dude you ran cross country in high school! YOU GOT THISSS!! Just keep telling yourself you are a pro (: 30 min should be no problem for you!! =] it's actually kinda good that you took the week off (well a few days at least) because you are well rested! =] no worries. you will do great!

    I forgot to mention high school was 11 years ago for me :laugh:
    Thank you for the support!
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    Best Wishes and just keep yourself properly hydrated
  • gargoyle999
    gargoyle999 Posts: 117 Member
    I'm doing my first official 5k ever tomorrow! And I was never a runner. 5 months ago I could barely go 1/4 mile at 4.5mph. Tomorrow I'm going to shoot for under 30minutes. Don't know if I'll make that but I'm going to try. I think you will find it easy! Good luck and have fun!!!
  • Good Luck!! I just started running in May and I am slow as a turtle, but I keep at it. Today in class we ran to the school field and did 10 hill sprints and 200 jumping jacks and then ran back to the gym. I have to say I was in second place for the first time today. Just tell yourself.....YOU CAN DO IT!!! Let us know how you made out.... Stay focus and positive... GOOD LUCK :)
  • Run4UrHealth
    Run4UrHealth Posts: 348 Member
    You will do great....I ran my 3rd 5k 2 years ago under 35 and I have never been a runner.
  • alise_lmx
    alise_lmx Posts: 292 Member
    You can do it! I ran a 5K in the spring with no training and was able to push myself to finish. I'm sure with your running background you'll have no problem! AND I bet you'll place higher than me.. I was 40th!

    Good luck! You can do it!


    Ok that makes me feel better that you said you did it with no training - I didn't go all out and train like I did back in the day, mainly I just ran for endurance the last couple months, so I know that I can definitely do the distance. I just want to get a decent pace going, hopefully!

    Thank you!
  • chryciw
    chryciw Posts: 124 Member
    Just wanted to get this off my chest so that I can actually sleep tonight :) If anyone has any words of encouragement or advice (or running mantras - currently mine is "Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional"), I would really appreciate it!

    It's so nerve wracking, I know! Try to get a good night's sleep and all will be well. You're son will be proud no matter what!

    PS- The mantras I most often repeat to myself at the moment are: "The faster you run, the faster you're done" and "Move your @ss!" That last one is in the voice of Jillian Michaels. :smile:
  • alise_lmx
    alise_lmx Posts: 292 Member
    Alise- very proud of you jumping back into jogging/running! I would like to do the same. I jog/walk 5 miles on the treadmill during my workouts but have not yet jumped out there and completed a 5K. You can do this! You have what it takes to be successful! Be sure an let me know how you feel when you cross that finish line! Good Luck!

    Thanks! I will let you all know how it goes! :) Then I will try and get you to do a 5k lol
  • alise_lmx
    alise_lmx Posts: 292 Member
    Tomorrow morning, at 10:00am Central Time, I will be running a 5k, my first in about 4 years. I am FREAKING out! I don't know why. I ran cross country in high school, so I am pretty comfortable with that type of race, at least in terms of what to expect.

    But I have not been able to run all week, so I am just so nervous. It's silly, because it's not like I am thinking that I will have a chance to place or anything. This is a huge charity race for the Make-A-Wish foundation, so it's going to be hundreds of people. I guess I just don't want to disappoint myself. I am setting a pretty reasonable goal (I think), I just want to come under 30 minutes. That's a little faster than 6mph since it's 3.1 miles.

    My husband is out of town so he can't be there to support me :( But at least one of my parents and my 5 year old son will be watching, and I would love to make my son proud of his mama!

    Just wanted to get this off my chest so that I can actually sleep tonight :) If anyone has any words of encouragement or advice (or running mantras - currently mine is "Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional"), I would really appreciate it!

    You so got this! Just think of that huge sense of accomplishment when you cross the finish line! I can only hope that I decide to run a 5K some day... but I'm totally not a runner. In the meantime, I will be cheering you on in spirit tomorrow!

    Thanks Bethany! :) You're one of my all-time inspirations on mfp! And maybe a 5k can be your new goal since you recently met your goal weight? :smile:
  • ncgatorfan
    ncgatorfan Posts: 517
    You know I'll be there cheering you on sweetheart, right??? I'm the brunette next to you, running with you, cheering you on, pulling you along towards the finish line and pushing you on your back so you can go just a little bit faster. I'm there with you all the way, girlfriend. I would never let you down when you need it the most. I will also be there at the finish line to give you a great big hug and tell you that I'm so proud of you that you got back into running, that you're setting a fantastic example for your kid, and making your family so proud of you.

    I'm the one that's going to be here when you get back so you can continue running for your next charity run or even just your daily run. I know you can do this. You've proven to me and to yourself that you can do this as you have done this many times before. It's your tenacity and your determination that will get you under 30 minutes. But if you somehow don't make it under 30 minutes, just know that you have come such a long way to where you are now. We are ALL proud of you. Love you, girlfriend!!! Sleep well and knock 'em dead tomorrow. And don't forget, look for the brunette in the white t-shirt and running shorts. I'll be there right along with you!

  • alise_lmx
    alise_lmx Posts: 292 Member
    Just wanted to get this off my chest so that I can actually sleep tonight :) If anyone has any words of encouragement or advice (or running mantras - currently mine is "Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional"), I would really appreciate it!

    It's so nerve wracking, I know! Try to get a good night's sleep and all will be well. You're son will be proud no matter what!

    PS- The mantras I most often repeat to myself at the moment are: "The faster you run, the faster you're done" and "Move your @ss!" That last one is in the voice of Jillian Michaels. :smile:

    oh I like "the faster you run, the faster you're done," it rhymes and everything :) I think I will have to use that one tomorrow! thanks!
  • The greatest performers always get nervous before they go out and kick butt. So, you are in good company with your pre-race jitters. Just don't change anything at the last minute. No Beans and Chile for breakfast on race day for e.g. LOL You will do fine. Be sure to come back and tell us.
  • alise_lmx
    alise_lmx Posts: 292 Member
    I'm doing my first official 5k ever tomorrow! And I was never a runner. 5 months ago I could barely go 1/4 mile at 4.5mph. Tomorrow I'm going to shoot for under 30minutes. Don't know if I'll make that but I'm going to try. I think you will find it easy! Good luck and have fun!!!

    Congrats on your first ever 5k! I'll be running with ya in spirit :) I'm sure you will do great!