diet soda? Yay or nay?



  • vanityy99
    vanityy99 Posts: 2,583 Member
    100 yays.
    I don’t keep it in the house but when I go out diet sodas that’s my go to.

    Why does your hubby want you to stop?
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    I like diet soda and drink it occasionally (mainly Diet Coke and diet ginger ales, occasional diet root beer or cream soda). I limit it because I love coffee and don't really need more caffeine in my life. I also like plain water (ideally cold), sparkling water, LaCroix, homemade iced tea (I tend to use fruity or herbal teas).

    I find diet soda (as with other beverages) tend to make me less hungry, not more, and I sometimes went through periods where I drank no soda and at other times drank more (I took a break from coffee at one point), and it made 0 difference for me.
  • Marksgirl71
    Marksgirl71 Posts: 3 Member
    I love diet coke, and have drank it for years. I think one per day is fine.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,064 Member
    I enjoy drinking the equivalent of about 3 cans of diet soda per week.

    I like it and it has no ill effects for me - although I do take the point about osteporosus risk ( with all sodas,not just diet ones!)

    Given I am not in a high risk group and 3 cans per week is moderation in any language, that seems ok to me.
  • littlesallyracket
    littlesallyracket Posts: 2 Member
    Diet soda is essentially just carbonated water with some artificial flavourings (which have no additional nutritional value) added to it. Even when it contains caffeine, which is slightly diuretic, it can't dehydrate you. So if you were dehydrated while drinking it, there was definitely something else going on there to cause dehydration - either you were drinking less than you needed or you were sweating more, or something else.

    Some people get stomach pain from drinking too many carbonated drinks. Some people say it makes them crave sweet foods. Neither of those have ever been true for me personally, but if they're true for you then obviously you might want to think about stopping. Personally, I find it curbs any sugar cravings I might have, but we're all different.

    I know some people are convinced that the artificial sweeteners in diet drinks are bad for you, but personally, I don't think any of the studies stand up to scrutiny. Again, if you feel differently, stop drinking it - but don't stop based on being nagged by someone else. Decide for yourself rather than letting your husband dictate what you do and don't eat or drink. It isn't his choice.

  • floofyschmoofer
    floofyschmoofer Posts: 209 Member
    I drink an epic kitten ton of water so I allow myself a Diet Coke when my soul yearns for one. They're still a pleasure in this dark, critical world of ours and you can pry the occasional fountain beverage from my cold, dead hands.
  • KeithWhiteJr
    KeithWhiteJr Posts: 233 Member
    Diet Pepsi Cherry is a big "YAY!" from me.

    Also diet orange, diet root beer and diet 7-up! :p
  • bobshuckleberry
    bobshuckleberry Posts: 281 Member
    I don't care for it. probably should have more water than anything maybe make sure your water number is higher than soda!
  • mph323
    mph323 Posts: 3,565 Member
    Like some other posters, I've been drinking diet sodas since the '60s. I've lost weight and gained weight while drinking them and haven't seen any correlation with any health or weight issues. I drink a can of diet coke most days because it's a calorie-free treat and sometimes acts as a very mild appetite suppressant when I'm not really hungry but am standing with fridge door open scanning the leftovers :)

    If you want to cut back or stop drinking them for your own reasons, that's what you should do, but I think stopping alltogether because that's what your husband wants you to do could lead to some little seeds of resentment around the subject.
  • sammidelvecchio
    sammidelvecchio Posts: 791 Member
    I vote YAY. I love coke zero and coke zero cherry. Oddly enough I find it curbs cravings.
  • Wallelf56
    Wallelf56 Posts: 13 Member
    Gosh, some of you guys are lightweights :D I drink at least six 16.9 oz bottles of Diet Pepsi a day. As soon as my feet hit the floor in the morning, I'm headed to get ice and that first bottle. On the other hand, I don't drink coffee, tea, wine, beer or hard liquor.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,064 Member
    apullum wrote: »
    kimny72 wrote: »
    apullum wrote: »
    Let's look at how it is made...genetically modified E. coli are cultivated in tanks and fed so that they can poop the proteins that contain the aspartic acid-phenylalanine amino acid segment used to make aspartame. The bacteria poo is then collected and treated in a process called methylation (addition of methane based molecules to the process) in order to produce the sweetener.

    What do you think? Yummmm! Genetically modified E. coli Bacteria poo and methyl!

    Manufactured food-like products are something I like to work to avoid. I am not rigid on it and do still indulge once in a while. A case of diet ginger ale lasts me about a month at home..some things just go down better with a little pop.

    Too much of anything can kill you..even water~!

    You lost me at the part where you claimed that bacteria are capable of pooping.

    The stuff all over the internet about aspartame being "bacteria feces" involves a loose interpretation of what bacteria do chemically and some poetic license in the use of the word feces/poo while describing the patent filed back in the day for the process to produce aspartame. This is the linked source they all used:

    It's a great way to word it though if you want to creep out people who will never look into it themselves.

    It's funny how they don't point out various other things that are also created by using bacteria that have been genetically modified to produce it. Insulin, for example.

    Or natural things that are 'poop produced'

    Isn't honey the vomit of bees?? - using that sort of loose interpretation.