Those on low calories eg 1300

What do you guys eat in a typical day? I’m really struggling to feel full & find myself ‘running out’ of calories. Thanks


  • suzanneinpalmdesert
    suzanneinpalmdesert Posts: 1 Member
    Eggs, bacon, cheese, avocado, fish, beef, pork, goodies made with Coconut or almond flour, nuts, etc.
  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    I sent you a friend request. You'll be able to check out my food diary and see my meals. ☺
  • goatelope
    goatelope Posts: 178 Member
    Hey I can’t add friends as the app doesn’t let me, but I find 1200 a day is usually ok, happy to share my ideas and recipes etc
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Lots of veggies, plenty of fish, poultry and lamb.

    I snack on nuts or cheese, often with a veg.

    One of my current favorites is lettuce wraps. I cook up ground turkey and a medley of vegetables and spices, spread some avocado on a romaine lettuce leaf and fill with my meat mixture.
  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
  • whmscll
    whmscll Posts: 2,254 Member
    High fiber cereal with nonfat Greek yogurt for breakfast most days;

    open-faced tuna or chicken salad sandwich with avocado on high-fiber/whole grain bread for lunch, sometimes with cherries or watermelon on the side (sometimes a hard-boiled egg); but today I had a quinoa and black bean dish with veggies and a dressing of olive oil and spices;

    high-protein afternoon snack (sometimes protein shake); but today was more carbs, a carrot with some hummus;

    chicken or fish often for dinner with some sort of grain (quinoa, brown rice) or whole wheat pasta with margarine and Parmesan cheese; sometimes baked fish tacos; and usually a large salad;

    plain Greek yogurt with sweetener and blackberries for an after dinner snack.

    I eat all my exercise cals back, usually with more carbs, sometimes with nuts and every once in a while a treat (I had a piece of caramel chocolate and a small serving ov Ben & Jerry’s Cherry Garcia ice cream yesterday after a 7-mile hike.
  • nooboots
    nooboots Posts: 480 Member
    I forgot to mention that Im learning to manage on smaller portions. So for example Ive managed to get wise to things like sandwich thins which means that I can have a 'burger' and I started off with 2 of these massive things but learned quickly that I only need one and only a small burger in it to be satisfying. So I have the cheese and gunge in it and I like it
    Also using mini flat breads, again my usual portion would have 3 of those with a whole pot of houmous, now I have one and half a pot for my breakfast, so using mini sizes of things to have the same food I like but smaller sizes.
  • Iwanttobetheoldme
    Iwanttobetheoldme Posts: 53 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions! I’m having Trouble finding how to add or accept friends on here?

    I love avocado, dark choc & nuts which are all quite calorie dense. I don’t exercise much which I guess means I can’t earn many extra calories.

    What foods would you recommend as really low calories?

    Things I’ve found to be quite low:
    Cinnamon (for mixing into yog or porridge)
    Porridge with skim milk or water
    Light babybel
    Raspberries, strawberries, blueberries
    0% Greek yoghurt

    Any other suggestions for when I’m running low? Thanks
  • nooboots
    nooboots Posts: 480 Member
    Im going to try to make my own houmous this weekend and leave out the tahnini which adds a lot of calories as its essentially a nut butter. So just chickpeas, garlic, lemon and probably water. Perhaps a little bit of natural yoghurt. I think that will be quite low in cals.
  • 3011sophie
    3011sophie Posts: 20 Member
    I'm aiming for 1200 on days when I'm pretty sedentary, 1300 if I end up doing more walking or going to the gym.

    Yesterday I had:
    Protein shake made with water for breakfast (~120cal)
    Edamame and black rice salad bowl for lunch (~400cal)
    Huge bowl of veggie stir fry with tofu and wholewheat noodles for dinner (~650cal)
    Plus a couple of black coffees and teas with semi-skimmed milk (total ~50cal)

    When you say you're not feeling full, is it that you finish your meal and still feel hungry, or is it that you feel hungry again soon after eating? If it's the first, you could try adding more low-cal veggies to physically fill your stomach. If it's the second, make sure you're getting protein in every meal (protein keeps you feeling fuller for longer).
  • nationalvillage3215
    nationalvillage3215 Posts: 78 Member
    I am trying to stick with 1200 cal/day..
    Breakfast: 4 tablespoons liquid egg whites, lots of chopped tomatoes, chopped green onion and 1 tablespoon mozarrella cheese.

    Dinner - Going out to a locally owned restaurant for dinner tonight for a happy hour special bowl of steamed mussels. I have no idea what is in their broth so I looked up Bonefish Grill's steamed mussel appetizer and was shocked to read it has about 1100 calories! So that puts me at 1199 calories. I am hoping I can get by until dinner with just drinking lots of water. I miss having a couple of glasses of wine for dinner when we go out.

    Typical Snack/Lunch (but not today:( : I love Mission Carb Balance Whole Wheat tortillas! They are only 60 calories and 14 grams of fiber! I make a lunch burrito with one tortilla, 1/2 cup refried beans and hot sauce for a low calorie/high fiber lunch - 150 calories/20 grams fiber. I fix some veggies and/or fruit on the side.
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,101 Member
    I have two eggs with hot cocoa for breakfast.
    Overnight oats with blueberries and protein powder for lunch
    Yogurt for snack
    Boiled 4oz chicken breast and 5 oz broccoli for dinner.

    That's about 1100 calories but very filling. I hit my protein and fiber goals most days.
  • smoofinator
    smoofinator Posts: 635 Member
    Hard boiled eggs
    Scrambled egg whites with ketchup (love-it-or-hate-it kind of food)
    String cheese
    Fruit (I'm on a nectarine kick atm)
    Light ice cream (obsessed with Enlightened pints)
    Frozen meals if I'm rushed or don't plan (Lean Cuisines, Smart Ones)
    Low-calorie wheat toast with "zero" calorie butter spray (which does have calories that should be counted!)

    I leave a lot of room for snacks. Subtext: I leave room for some Oreos.
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    My diary is open and I'm at 1330.

    I try to aim for 100 calories per snack, 100 calories at breakfast, 200 for lunch, and 300 for dinner. That typically gives me wiggle room on days I have a cocktail or wine, and I adjust based on how hungry I am that day.

    My favorite food items are typically high protein, like fat free cottage cheese, egg whites, light string cheese, yogurt, hummus. Good luck! Wish MFP made adding friends a little less clunky because this would be a good thread for me to add from!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,713 Member
    I'm at 1200-1400 and eat a ton of veggies! I focus on large servings of vegetables with protein for each meal. I think my diary is open, I know it is for friends.

    Today I had a squash, mushroom, onion, and spinach scramble for breakfast. Lunch was a large salad with garbanzo beans and Bolthouse dressing. I switch between beans, tuna, and chicken on my salads. Dinner was Bok Choy and chicken with peppers and onions with a potato. Snack was Greek yogurt with strawberries. Oh, I had homemade cold brew with half-and-half for breakfast too.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,713 Member
    tmarie2715 wrote: »
    My diary is open and I'm at 1330.

    I try to aim for 100 calories per snack, 100 calories at breakfast, 200 for lunch, and 300 for dinner. That typically gives me wiggle room on days I have a cocktail or wine, and I adjust based on how hungry I am that day.

    My favorite food items are typically high protein, like fat free cottage cheese, egg whites, light string cheese, yogurt, hummus. Good luck! Wish MFP made adding friends a little less clunky because this would be a good thread for me to add from!

    @tmarie2715 I'm on an Android so don't know if that matters, but if you click on the person's picture you either click on it a second time or you choose the right option. I think I remembered it correctly!

  • TrishSeren
    TrishSeren Posts: 587 Member
    I don't eat a lot of convenience foods for main meals, I snack on Fibre One bars, smoked salmon, crackers with salami, popcorn, apples, carrots and hummus, boiled eggs.

    Dinner is usually some sort of meat/fish with veges.