Let's Do It!!

Hey everyone! I'm pretty excited to join this community and I'm hoping that this will help motivate me even more to get into shape. I've already been messing around with the app and I love it! Hopefully I can stick to it though :\ Please feel free to introduce yourselves!! I could use some buddies for some inspiration and motivation along this weight loss journey :) Have a good evening!!


  • welcome! you can add me if you like
  • neva4saken
    neva4saken Posts: 300 Member
    welcome to MFP this is a great site for the friends and motivation Ive been on for a few months and have thoroughly enjoyed the connections .. i support anyone looking to make a change for something positive and finally realize they matter enough to make themselves a priority good luck on your journey and if you wish to add me the honor of being your friend would be mine..
  • aprilhelmreich
    aprilhelmreich Posts: 40 Member
    I have been at it for maybe two weeks now and I LOVE IT!! Its a number game for me and it takes out the emotion when it comes to food. Its not hard but maybe for others it is. My test will be over the holidays. Feel free to add me!
  • Thanks for the warm welcomes! I'm already feeling the love here ;D