How can I shave off a few calories?

Can someone please take a look at my food diary for tomorrow. I want to shave a few calories off but I don't know what I should remove. TIA


  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I just checked the first day and you need to eat veggies instead of fried food. cut out the processed cheese. Why are you eating fast food?
    This is a joke right?
  • rajivdubey
    rajivdubey Posts: 382 Member
    Don't eat any red meats, or and thing which is deep fried. It helps you lose plenty of weight.
  • maryd523
    maryd523 Posts: 661 Member
    Well, getting rid of 800 calorie sodas would be a really easy way to start. You might want to reconsider what you are looks really unhealthy. All that fast food and processed junk. Sorry, but it's the truth.
  • knowmydestiny
    knowmydestiny Posts: 104 Member
    drop the sausage.
  • I just checked the first day and you need to eat veggies instead of fried food. cut out the processed cheese. Why are you eating fast food?
    This is a joke right?

    Not a joke. I wanted to see in black and white what my diet was really like. Kinda drives the point home.
  • drop the sausage.

    Thanks. That's what I was thinking.
  • You can go really far with: Fruit, vegtables, brown rice, lean meats, beans, low fat dairy, whole grains etc. Watch your portions too. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    Okay. start drinking 8 cups of water. if you want pop try diet, hopefully you will hate it and then just quit it all together. I once stopped drinking pepsi for 2 weeks and i lost 10lbs. lol
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Why not exercise a bit. It doesn't take a whole lot to burn a couple hundred calories.
  • Well, getting rid of 800 calorie sodas would be a really easy way to start. You might want to reconsider what you are looks really unhealthy. All that fast food and processed junk. Sorry, but it's the truth.

    I know right! I wanted to start my diary off with the way I actually eat on a regular basis. I want to see exactly what i'm doing wrong. What I was wondering about is my meals for tomorrow.
  • I_GoT_ThIs
    I_GoT_ThIs Posts: 170 Member
    definately quit the soda. I was a hard core dr pepper drinker and i was drinking over my 1200 cal food allowance. It makes a huge difference. Also, I agree with the others. The fast food on a regular basis is not good. I understand every now and again, but make the smartest choices you can. Alot more veggies and fruits would help also. :)
  • Kalrez
    Kalrez Posts: 655 Member
    If this were me, I would halve the sausage (100 cal instead of about 200) and probably skip the blue cheese (saves 100 cal).

    That would put you under your calorie goal. If the blue cheese is dressing (I forget if it's dressing or crumbled cheese), then have it on the side & dip your fork in it to get a little of the flavor in each bite. You'll use a lot less dressing and won't really notice that big of a taste difference. If it's crumbled blue cheese, just skip it.

    btw, welcome to MFP! It's great that you logged your fast food. It's better to be honest with yourself about what you're eating rather than try to fluff your log. You're smart enough to know that the fast food isn't doing you any favors, but seeing is all written down like that really makes a difference.

    Welcome again, and Good luck!
  • Nikkie_too
    Nikkie_too Posts: 495 Member
    Past days are past. That's what I tell myself after a day of junk food. :)

    You asked for feedback on Saturday's diary:

    - Omit the whole egg in your breakfast and have just the two scrambled whites (about 80 cal).
    - At lunch, you might be able to reduce the blue cheese by about half (50 cal). Blue cheese and feta are strong flavors and a little goes a long way.

    Keep the sausage - it's going to provide you with some satisfying protein, fat and flavor in your dinner.

    You've got some good choices there for Saturday. Good luck with it! :)

  • Why not exercise a bit. It doesn't take a whole lot to burn a couple hundred calories.

    That's a good idea. But I don't want to get into the habit of thinking I can exercise for the sole purpose of eating more food. I want to exercise to get my strength back. (and look hot in a skirt)
  • Thanks so much for all the advise everybody! This helped a lot. I am officially obsessed with mfp!
  • MrsPhan11
    MrsPhan11 Posts: 2,502 Member
    definately quit the soda. I was a hard core dr pepper drinker and i was drinking over my 1200 cal food allowance. It makes a huge difference. Also, I agree with the others. The fast food on a regular basis is not good. I understand every now and again, but make the smartest choices you can. Alot more veggies and fruits would help also. :)

    Agreed. Drop the Burger king and the processed meats. Your sodium is twice the Max amount! You are not drinking enough water and getting way too much salt which is a dangerous combo.
  • dos317
    dos317 Posts: 5
    that seems like a lot to have at breakfast.. cut out the pankcakes
  • JenEd26
    JenEd26 Posts: 4 Member
    Try to cut out fast food, fried food, and sodas all together!!! It's not just about the calories -- think of all the sugar, sodium, preservatives, chemicals, saturated and trans fats you are consuming.
    STARSHINE1975 Posts: 168 Member
    I say just go for a walk to burn off the extra 166 calories. I think 30-45 minutes depending on your pace will do. That way you get to keep the sausage and won't feel deprived. Get it done in the morning that way you won't find an excuse later to not exercise.

    Good luck and welcome!
  • Shalimarmandy
    Shalimarmandy Posts: 409 Member
    If this were me, I would halve the sausage (100 cal instead of about 200)

    I agree with this... you can also try cutting the portion size of your pasta OR try a lower calorie pasta... The main this I saw was that you were slightly over on calories and sodium and you hit your max on the fat. So look at the things high in calories, fat, and sodium and try to reduce the portion size (I don't agree with anything that says to cut something out) Moderation is key. I try to hit around 500 calories for Lunch and Breakfast and then 500 calories for dinner and i save my other 200 for snacks -yum yum! But this is just what I do. Find what works for you and stick to it :)

    Good luck to you!!!