Where My Texans At??



  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    Austin here, and yes, it's crazy hot. I do all my exercising inside these days. Definitely looking forward to the fall when I can enjoy getting out more. Seems like this summer has gone on forever.
  • Stacera
    Stacera Posts: 347 Member
    Fort Worth here and yes.. just blazing hot!!! I was doing a boot camp 3 times a week all the way up til July and could not bear the heat anymore.. I mean it was still 100 at 10 last night and was 107 at 5!!! I dehydrate so easily and turn into a puddle as it is... I attempt walks/jogs in the early morning just as the sun is coming up but it's still upper 80s at that time... for the most part I do my work outs inside.. not worth the chance of heat exhaustion or heat stroke.

    I keep praying for rain.
  • Stacera
    Stacera Posts: 347 Member
    I'm near Houston to and all I can stand to do is swim! It's been ridiculously hot lately!

    I love swimming too.. about the only thing I can do outdoors workout wise, besides early (EARLY) morning walks but doesn't the pool water feel near bath water?? ugh.. can we atleast get out of the 100s?? lol!
  • Lsqueezy
    Lsqueezy Posts: 128
    San Antonio here and yeah I exercise outside even though it's hot as Hades! I saw a quote on here that said "Sweat is my fat crying". :sad: I just think of that when I'm exercising outside and sweating buckets!
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    Dallas and omg no!!!!! i can't even stand walking the breezeway in my apts to my air conditioned gym!!!!
  • pammiegirl1117
    pammiegirl1117 Posts: 69 Member
    Houston/Katy in the house!!!! I try my best not to be outside if I can help it. It's just too damn hot!!! We don't have water restrictions yet, but I know they're talking about it.
  • Sheeshy
    Sheeshy Posts: 133
    I'm in the southeast Panhandle and it's HORRID! We even set the national temp record one day in July!! Water restrictions made the public pool close early, so there went our main way to keep cool. I'm definitely not exercising outside! My family has a state parks pass, and we love to mountain bike, but it's just too hot. The most we've done is a leisurely evening hike. Even my 4 year old doesn't want to go out much now that the pool is closed, and she's a park fanatic as most 4 year olds are... I'm a summer girl, but I find myself looking forward to winter :grumble:
  • StellaBby10
    HOUSTON HERE!!! And it has been VERY hot!!!!!! But YES I have been exercising outside.... I just wait until about 7:30p sometimes 8p when the sun is starting to go down so it's not so bad... I just run and walk ...everything else is done indoors!! :smile:
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    Just outside of Ft Worth. So hot my friends are all posting items that they have found melted in their cars on their Facebook pages. I have one friend that bakes cookies on his dashboard when the temps get over 100, so that's fun at least.

    I don't exercise outside but I do a bootcamp in a warehouse complex so the air conditioning can't keep up. Sometimes it's hard to catch your breath and I feel like I can't keep up. I'll be grateful for it to just get down to 100 again.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm up by Dallas and my A/C went out on my car on my way to work yesterday morning...not good times and not a great way to start the day. I drive at least an hour each way to work. I drove directly to a mechanic to have it fixed. I got lucky and it was fixed yesterday. I'm ready for winter...and when winter comes I'll be ready for summer!! haha...this heat is crazy!
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    Arlington here!!!!! Yep its a scorcher all right! Did yall catch the youtube video of the guy making smores on his dashboard? He is from Fort worth. Which BTW i hate that people call FTW funky town!

    P.S. My husband and I will live in our hood forever just so we dont have to deal with those horrible HOAs! Damn dictatorship if you ask me! Thats some BS! Omg what will people think if our lawns arent perfect? That there are droughts in texas and it gets hot as SH&T up in here! So if you cant stand the heat stay out of texas. UGH people are so dumb! You all have my sympathy dealing with the HOAs.
  • Hattie2879
    Hattie2879 Posts: 131
    San Antonio here! And like everyone else has said, yes, it's HOT. And NO, I don't workout outside. I don't even like walking to my mailbox (it's a few houses down the street). :tongue:

    Oh and it's Friday, please don't get me started on HOAs. :explode:
  • patty9013
    patty9013 Posts: 230 Member
    Bedford here. I don't remember the summer of 1980 being this hot but of course I was 18 and a high school graduate. Enough said!! (too dumb to notice:laugh: )
    But yeah the HOA thing is dumb.Conserve water for our future you big dummies:sad:
    Have a great weekend everyone and be careful if you are going shopping! :tongue:
  • AngieMMc
    AngieMMc Posts: 152 Member
    Fort Worth here and I agree, it's HOOOOOT!! No exercise outside for me, I am not sure i could do it! Come on fall!!!
  • Loveebbs
    Loveebbs Posts: 300 Member
    Close to Dallas it was 109 here with a heat index even higher yesterday. Suppose to be at least 107 again today. We're under a stage 2 water conservation. The water level has become so low our water has started tasting like dirt. Literally. We had to go get a water filter. I try and stay inside as much as possible.

    The water in Forney tastes funky too now and I have no cold water in the afternoon everything that comes out of the pipe is warm

    My parents stay in Forney and they said the same thing about the water..........

    I'm in the DFW area (Arlington) and this heat is killing my electric bill because the A/C is on 24/7.
  • Dylanzmom
    Dylanzmom Posts: 120
    San Antonio here and I agree it's too hot!!
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    im originally from san antonio, but living in va because my husband in the army...we'll be back home in a couple weeks on leave. my dad says even the mesquite trees are starting to die.
  • Dylanzmom
    Dylanzmom Posts: 120
    So I'm laying outside right now bc my son decided he wanted to play in the water. Well its only 99 out here not hot at all lol
  • RocketsGirl75
    H-town here and hell no I only go outside to get in the car and then immediately go inside in the air!!

    I am a delicate flower and I need the a/c!

  • LCDMomma
    LCDMomma Posts: 67
    Lubbock, TX here, and we are also HOT!!!!! Never thought I would be ready for the winter but I'm looking forward to some cooler days!