Can't translate unhappiness with my body into actual action

EllEile Posts: 13 Member
I am really struggling with motivation and consistency and have been stopping and starting this effort for years (here and elsewhere).

How do I make the mental leap? Does anyone have any suggestions? I would also be happy to be friends or accountability buddies if anyone would like.

Thanks for reading.


  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    Welcome to the community! <3

    I found that taking baby steps worked.

    1) made my profile

    2) created my food diary and started logging my meals. This takes a bit of time at first but grows easier and faster daily.

    3) explored the community for support and helpful hints

    You can do this. We're here to support you. ☺
  • EllEile
    EllEile Posts: 13 Member
    edited July 2019
    Thank you both for taking the time to reply to me. I appreciate it and the words of support!

    I have started diving into the community and there is a real wealth of information there. I will keep doing this over the next few days and weeks.

    I logged my day for the first time in a while today, and I made myself be honest. I have this terrible habit of leaving out items that are just 50 or 100 calories by telling myself they don't matter. But honesty is important with this so everything got logged even though I was over my limit.

    Keeping it simple sounds good. Just log and see what foods are the best "value for money".

    Thanks again :smiley:
  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    Sent you a friend request. ☺
  • Girlheidi
    Girlheidi Posts: 60 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    Agreed. Sometimes the reason people keep falling off plan is because they made the plan more difficult than it needs to be :smile:

    If your goal is weight loss, pick a conservative rate of loss, get your calorie goal, and just start logging. Just eat your regular diet. Start paying attention to and learning from your diary -:what foods fill you up, what foods are a waste of calories. Tweak your diet as you go based on your own experience and results.

    Check out the Most Helpful Posts threads pinned to the top of each sub-forum and good luck!

    **do this**. Small steps and log it all. Small adjustments get you started. You will succeed, just start logging everything. It worked for me. Good luck.
  • giancarlov1191
    giancarlov1191 Posts: 493 Member
    LyndaBSS wrote: »
    Welcome to the community! <3

    I found that taking baby steps worked.

    1) made my profile

    2) created my food diary and started logging my meals. This takes a bit of time at first but grows easier and faster daily.

    3) explored the community for support and helpful hints

    You can do this. We're here to support you. ☺

    Awesome! I agree, small achievable steps are the best way to go.
  • EllEile
    EllEile Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks again for the replies everyone. Going to go slow and steady and take it from there. Aiming for a 7 day streak to start with 🙂
  • gallicinvasion
    gallicinvasion Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good, stick with one small goal
    At a time! Make it as easy on yourself as possible.
  • caeye
    caeye Posts: 1 Member
    edited July 2019
    argh..... I can empathise. Don't lose hope, it's human to struggle when changing habits. Good luck :)

    P.S I found doing exercise as a class/with a group to be the most helpful means of modifying my habits. I'd never do anything on my own, too lazy and distracted to motivate myself, paying for classes forces me to attend! XD
  • WeighInn
    WeighInn Posts: 9 Member
    I have had a daily reprieve for the last couple of days. It’s a day at a time thing.

    What you said hit home. I shared your perspective with others who are trying to help me. We’re so not alone.

    Hope to connect on MFP.
  • nooboots
    nooboots Posts: 480 Member
    EllEile wrote: »
    Thank you both for taking the time to reply to me. I appreciate it and the words of support!

    I have started diving into the community and there is a real wealth of information there. I will keep doing this over the next few days and weeks.

    I logged my day for the first time in a while today, and I made myself be honest. I have this terrible habit of leaving out items that are just 50 or 100 calories by telling myself they don't matter. But honesty is important with this so everything got logged even though I was over my limit.

    Keeping it simple sounds good. Just log and see what foods are the best "value for money".

    Thanks again :smiley:

    I dont know about other people but I suspect for me, the logging 'slips' could be the road to my failure. All week I have been massively down on my calorie intake (purposely) as I am trying for a higher weight loss although Im logged to lose 1lb a week.

    Because I know Ive done 'well', and have been doing more 'neat' (which is something I learned about on here), today when I was given a coffee and a little biscuit on the side, I nearly ignored the biscuit. It was very small (like a 10p piece size), obviously home made, so I thought, oh its a load of faff, Im not going to know what it was, too small, been doing well blah blah blah

    I caught myself starting on the slope to conveniently ignoring little things which of course will add up to bigger things.

    So I think that the logging is the only thing you should do at the moment, just log it, get interested in a non judgemental way in seeing what your patterns are at meal times or what you're reaching for in terms of satisfaction and then start to tailor it for you.