Weight Gain With Injury

Cateyj Posts: 20 Member
I usually run 25+ miles weekly, plus a few strength classes. I had a hard fall a week ago and really damaged both knees (thankfully looking like just soft tissue/severe bruising that extends way above and beyond the knee) Obviously apart from walking around I have not exercised for the past 7 days and have been mindful of my food intake according (5'5" woman) usually ending my day on around 1200-1300 calories. I am in maintenance and usually hover around 8 stone 9. In the days after the injury my weight shot up by 2-3lb and wont budge. Can I seriously be holding onto that much water while I heal? Not being able to run is frustrating enough, watching my weight soar is just making me feel worse! 😭


  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,224 Member
    I had a bad fall in a trail race at the beginning of June and suffered a significant soft tissue injury to my right knee. I’m just now in the last couple of weeks able to add some walking back in.

    Not being able to run is crazy frustrating but there’s not much we can do about it until we heal.

    2-3 pounds is well within an expected range for fluid retention from healing. Maybe even a bit low.

    You may also be seeing some fluctuations due to change in activity level, weather changes (if it’s gotten hot/humid recently), stress, etc.

    Hang tight. Your weight feels like it’s soaring but it isn’t. Your body is healing. Make sure you’re giving it the fuel to do so. You will run again and all will balance out again then. Hang in there.

  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Sorry about your injury, but good decision to rest it. 2-3 lb is well within a normal fluctuation range and is far from "soaring" weight gain. :D It's also wise that you're adjusting your intake to your decreased activitiy level. From observation, that's where a lot folks get off track.
  • Cateyj
    Cateyj Posts: 20 Member
    Thankyou so much for taking the time to reply. My logical brain knows there is no way I have eaten 7k+ above maintenance but the 'I used to be 5 stone heavier' part of my brain has spun off it's axis! I have to let my body do it's job, frustrating as it is! X