apple watch?

does the my fitness pal and the apple watch link up well? I've been looking for an accurate, heart monitor like the apple watch.....but I don't see it listed as one of the devices that connects to the app. Any advice?


  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    It's the Apple Health app that connects, not the watch, you should see that in the list. It integrates sort of ok sometimes.
  • blueteacher
    blueteacher Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you for the info. I plan to get one later this year. The apple watch 5 comes out in September so the apple 4 price should drop if not....there is always black friday sales.
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    Yes, the 4 will be a good deal soon, and unless the 5 has some drastic new innovation (like the 4 and its ECG) the 4 will be just fine. I've had the 2 and the 4, going on three years now, it definitely helps keep me interested in maintaining my activity level.
  • momjbk
    momjbk Posts: 7 Member
    The health app on my phone. Mine connects everything great! MFP, Apple Watch, health app
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,175 Member
    So have the issues between MFP and Apple been resolved?
    Are you guys connecting watch to Apple Health App, to MFP and the TDEE info transfers correctly?
    Do you use third party apps like Pacer as intermediaries?
    Just wondering because to date I've seen quite a few "not working right" posts.
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    I haven't had mine connected up for some time, but the best I could do was use MFP's best activity guess and import exercise only. I suppose I could try to connect again and see what has changed.

    As you know, as we are friends, I see other apps all the time haha. None are perfect for AW, the closest I got was Lifesum for which you need your BMR and then add Move cals and you're set. I like this for maintenance because it flexes with my NEAT but I tend to creep gain on it so am still guessing a little. Their database seems to act a little buggy more than is fun, sometimes blocking all measurements of a food at the same calorie amount.

    Currently using LoseIt in a small cut and it works well for me. It withholds calories until I reach a level of burn for the day which is a bit odd but ok, it is transparent about when I will start accruing them. I like their database best of all though so I can hang with it, I've yet to run into any problem finding or adding an item. It reads my TDEE from the health app and works with that, and it also keeps track of how I am over/under for the current tracking week.

  • caindove11
    caindove11 Posts: 73 Member
    I have had no issues with my iwatch 4 connecting with my fitness app
  • Maxxitt
    Maxxitt Posts: 1,281 Member
    My Apple Watch 2 still does not play well with MFP - it ports over intentional exercise fine (I also have another app for that which syncs up with Apple Health and ports to MFP) but if I have an active day that does not include intentional exercise, none of that ports over. HOWEVER, I am able to get a reasonable figure for total daily energy expenditure and I look at that when I am figuring out if I can "afford" additional food that day.
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    I think that's how they actually want it to work, we're supposed to get the rest of those NEAT calories from MFP's daily activity setting. It's not that it doesn't work properly, per se.