Meal prep suggestions for busy server/student

t_rexy Posts: 1 Member
I work full time at a hotel restaurant and go to school part time. Because my work schedule in NEVER consistent, I find it difficult to eat healthy or at a calorie deficit. Either I don't have time to cook or I'm too exhausted and end up eating junk. Anyone have suggestions on how to maintain eating healthy with a busy schedule?

For a reference I am 5'3" and 160lbs. My goal is to lose 30lbs.


  • sytchequeen
    sytchequeen Posts: 526 Member
    There are lots of things you can eat raw instead of reaching for the junk when you've had a long day.
  • Love_2_Hike
    Love_2_Hike Posts: 103 Member
    This is what I do. Cut up a heap of raw salad ingredients. Roast a heap of mixed veggies. Boil some eggs. Roast/Pan/slow cook some protein. Cup up some fruit. Pre portion out some yoghurt. Have some low-carb wraps on hand. Then i just make Fruit and yoghurt for breakfast. Salads, wraps for lunches. Veggie sticks/fruit for snacks. Kept in containers in the fridge it will all last 4-5 days. Have a look in IG for heaps of meal prep #
  • FriendlyNeighborhoodEngineer
    I usually bake a couple pounds of chicken breast seasoned in a dish with a little bit of water every week and then take 4 oz portions out of that. Wow that's baking I will make steamable bags of vegetables and brown rice and then split them into serving sizes into plastic bags. Then you just add your chicken, and now you've got a lunch or dinner meal. That's assuming that you have a similar caloric budget as I do, I usually eat around 9500 calories a week. I hope that helps
  • texasredreb
    texasredreb Posts: 541 Member
    I work 50+ hours a week at my regular job (teacher) and 20+ hours a week at my side job (dog trainer). I just took on a third obligation (pet detective) that has me out and about a lot and watching certain social media platforms. Oh, I also teach classes (not counting my teaching job) at local shelters. I teach a 5 week class on the weekends fives times/year. I teach another 5 week class, twice a year on the weekends. I get up an hour before I have to get ready for work to walk my dog; I walk him again for an hour when I get home and then again for 30 minutes before bed. I'm pretty busy. I still manage to make a normal dinner every night. I also keep my house very clean--I sweep, mop, dust, and vacuum every single day. I tend my flowers and yard almost every day.

    I'm 55 years old and have really bad arthritis in my ankles, knees, hips, and back.

    "Busy" is a matter of perspective and priorities. I think I'm busy, most of the time. I'm often taking classes too--either online or in person. Gotta better myself, right? I don't watch television at all, but I do get a fair amount of screen time on the computer both for work and recreation.

    My health, my pet, my job, my volunteerism, and my house are my priorities. Socializing and spending time with friends and/or other forms of entertainment are low on my list. I do go out with a group of fellow animal rescuers once a month. Not eating or cooking because I'm tired is very low on my list. Basically, I'd never eat!

    My struggle is finding time for the gym! There is no gym in my hometown, so I currently have to drive 20 miles to get to a gym. Luckily there is one being built about 2 miles away. Due to open this fall. Problem solved.
  • livefreely12
    livefreely12 Posts: 71 Member
    Pick one day each week (even if that day changes from week to week) to meal prep! I agree with what everyone else suggested.. lean protein options, veggies, fruits, low calorie snacks, etc. Have it all cooked up and ready to go so when you come home from work exhausted, you can just heat it up and have a decent meal. There are plenty of cold meals you can prep to take to work with you if you're short on time. :smile:
  • Panini911
    Panini911 Posts: 2,325 Member
    Think of foods you enjoy that keeps. Either in fridge of freezer. Ex: I cook a bunch of chicken at once (when I have a bit of time) and then portion it out and freeze (keeping a few portions out for the next few days).

    I have boiled eggs around.

    Canned tuna.

    always have vegetables (fresh and frozen).

    some veggy patties that keep.

    All the above can be tossed together for a quick mean anytime. I try to remember to take out a portion of chicken but it`s also not a big deal if you forget.

    The key is stocking the house with ready to go food you enjoy.

    OH and when you DO have time, make big batches. I like curry and chili. make a big batch once, freeze in portions. Have some ready to go rice (or rice alternative) and bingo, quick ready to go meal. Ideally you take out of freezer in the morning/night before.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,986 Member
    Like others have said, on the days you do have off, you can cook a bunch of food and store it in the frig or freezer. I used to make four lunches and four dinners on Sundays, plus a work-week's worth of hard boiled eggs.

    I work from home now so often prep dinner at lunchtime for quicker cooking at dinner time.

    When I want quicker meals I make something that revolves around eggs. If it's just for me, I have a bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich.

    My OH cooks a package of bacon most of the way in the microwave and stores this in the freezer. When we want bacon, it is done after 20 seconds in the microwave.