The road is long can I stay on it??

Really bummed/depressed :sad: this morning friends dropped in unexpected last night and even though we had had dinner we ordered a chinese I worked out I ate about 2000 calories maybe more after having a really good day. I went beyond stuffing myself to the point when I went to bed I felt sick for hours. 3lbs up this morning though I know that's water but I'm really angry :angry: at myself that I actually ate like that as I really thought through MFP I had changed my eatting habits and now I'm worried about longterm weightgain, maybe not today it will eventaully happen if I don't have self control and this is the road I have been on before. I had logged off last night and couldn't even bring myself to go in and amend my diary til this morning 3,826 calories for the day that's just sickening!!!

Any words of support would be great has anyone else on maintaince had major set backs but got back on track and stayed there thanks all


  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member
    sickening.....maybe but hey! your not doing it every day! Today is another day and you need to push that behind you or use it against your next binge....say hey that really ruined me last time is this time the best idea?
    Keep up your GOOD work and step over your bad ones!
  • sarahlucydaynes26
    Hey :)
    Firstly you have lost nearly 2 stone! CONGRATS :-D !!!
    I lastnight like you had a bloody Indian plus TWO not one but TWO BARS of cadburys dairy milk!! I COULD NOT BELIEVE IT BUT this morning i woke and there is NO WAY I am even going there again!!
    It is obviously all about calorie control and I am up 2lb before weigh in Monday morning and with a broken arm i have to be extra careful - so pfffttt right now myself lol -
    BUT A NEW DAY TODAY!! YOUR FRIENDS CAME ROUND!! Dont do it every day lol - do it as a treat once a month however dont eat dinner before hand also ;-)
    Feel free to add me as a friend? xx xx
    Sarah UK
  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    Don't worry about it - i was up and down like a fiddlers elbow but the downward trend remained solid and I got to my target quicker than I thought was possible. Don't forget that over just a short few days you can put all that right again!

    Keep on keeping on!

  • oberon0124
    oberon0124 Posts: 10,527 Member
    These days happen is all I can say! Nothing more than a bump in the road is the way to look at it. There is nothing wrong with days like this happening! They just do!!!!!!. The thing to do now is just get right back on the horse and get going again. You have lost 25 lbs qand should be very proud of that. MFP has changed your eating habits, if not you would not be so upset about what happened.
    In ending this plain and simple there are going to be days like these from time to time, they just happen. Do not put any more thought to the matter, you are doing great and will continue doing great!!!
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    Life would not be bearable if you didn't allow yourself to just relax and enjoy yourself now and again - okay - so you overdid it a bit, so use this feeling to temper what you do next time.

    But you say you're in maintenance - well - it is just that - maintenance - it still takes a bit of work now and again - don't sweat it - just trim a few Kcals here and there, or an extra 5 minutes at the gym/on the bike, and it'll all come back right again.

    Don't beat yourself up over it - enjoy the fact that your friends came round, enjoy spending time with them, and enjoy the fact that you've got the tools at hand to sort any slip-ups that you may make, and support on here when you need it.
  • lornathewizzard
    lornathewizzard Posts: 172 Member
    I'm with you, I hate days where you know you've overdone it. However, the key thing here is a) you know this is a bad thing and b) the road is long. It's not going to be without its bumps. This does need to be a lifestyle change and if you're in maintenance then you have already made that change, but it would be unrealistic to think that for the rest of your life you are never going to have another day where you over-eat. Sometimes it's just what happens.
    Don't beat yourself up, and get back on track. The negative feeling is what you need to get rid of, the extra lbs will come off in time.
  • Jayeskay
    Jayeskay Posts: 10 Member
    Easier said than done, but try not to beat yourself up about it. It's done now and we all need a blow out once in a while, or life would be very dull.
    You've done amazingly well so far....and once in a while won't hurt, so long as it doesn't become too regular. relax, today is a new day.
    Think I've run out of cliches now, so I'll stop. But they only become cliches because they are true
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    LH, just want to reitterate and reinforce what everyone else is saying... DON'T BEAT YOURSELF UP!

    Losing 25lbs is an AMAZING achievement. You look amazing and you should be very proud of yourself. And no, in this instance pride most certainly does not come before the fall. The very fact that you are here on MFP and have the support of others in the same boat shows that you're not about to fall off the wagon and go back to old habits.

    When you say you've gained 3lbs... was today your weigh-in day? or had you weighed yourself in the past couple of days and today you're 3lbs heavier? Either way, it's only 3lbs and I'm sure you'll be able to shift that in two or three weeks.

    Maybe it was a bit silly ordering in a take-away when you'd already eaten, but if you've friends round then it's inevitable that things like this will happen from time to time. Now if they're a weekly occurance, then you'll need to plan better for such occurances and moderate your intake throughout the week... getting in more veggies and cutting the starchy carbs.

    The road is long and it's certainly not a straight one...sometimes you pull over into a lay-by and you might sit in the lay-by longer than you'd hoped. You might even have to double back now and again! Nobody said there wouldn't be any detours along the way, but hey, you know how to get back on track and head on down the road again in the right direction.

    The good thing is that you are aware what's you've done and you're suffering for it. Just have a quiet day today and maybe even tomorrow.. see how you feel in a few days time :flowerforyou:
  • lazyspice
    lazyspice Posts: 8,515 Member
    "And you know that accidents can happen
    And it's okay,
    We all fall off the wagon sometimes
    It's not your whole life
    It's only one day
    You haven't thrown everything away."

    Lyrics from "Accidents Can Happen" by SIXX AM - it's become a bit of a mantra for me since I first heard it :wink:

    I used to have days like that quite often but now I don't let one day become a bad week, I just start again next day.
  • LH2011
    LH2011 Posts: 176 Member
    These days happen is all I can say! Nothing more than a bump in the road is the way to look at it. There is nothing wrong with days like this happening! They just do!!!!!!. The thing to do now is just get right back on the horse and get going again. You have lost 25 lbs qand should be very proud of that. MFP has changed your eating habits, if not you would not be so upset about what happened.

    Thanks guys what would I do without to keep me sane!!!! I really like the above thinking that my habits have changed as yes before I would not have been beating myself up so much about such a big binge. So moving on I'm just back from a really long walk and looking forward to a better day. :flowerforyou: