Anyone Eating Clean and Need a Friend :)

I have began the journey into Eating Clean. I have been toying with the idea for awhile now and just believe that it is what I need to do. I have been on MFP for awhile now, went from doing 1200 cutting my calories even more (I know, I know) and now I just need to get healthy. I have lost 50 pounds so far, and so I am strengthened by that...but I really need some friends on here. I had a bunch when I first started, but then deleted them all when I thought I was going to delete my profile. Now I have one semi-active friend on here and need some encouragement.

I would love others that eat clean since that way I can get ideas on my food and see what they are doing to eat clean. Since I am just starting out, I am just going by guidelines I find online or in the book I bought. A good start, but I would love to see it in action in the diaries of others. And of course have the accountability to others in my diary (open to friends) as well :)


  • rrrbecca11
    rrrbecca11 Posts: 477
    I am a vegetarian and eat very clean. Add me if you'd like, I'll be happy to share thoughts and ideas and my diary will be open for you to take a look at the choices I make. :)
  • me525
    me525 Posts: 155
    i'm not sure what 'eating clean' is, but i'm interested to learn. feel free to add me (i'm so active on here it's not funny, i'm a bit ocd):happy:
  • Visser1971
    Visser1971 Posts: 131
    Hi there, I am also not quite sure what 'eating clean' is, but I am happy to have you as a friend! I am staying away from almost all processed foods and using only fresh foods (fruit & veg) and fresh lean meats and safe fish generally. Basically the stuff you find on the outside edges of the grocery store, not in the middle :-)

    Cheers, Christy
  • I'm trying to eat clean also, though I have epic fails now and then. Feel free to add me.
  • im eating better but as we know its the most difficult in this journey
  • mommajdawg
    mommajdawg Posts: 57 Member
    I would like to learn about eating clean !
    Add me I would be learning from you if that is ok
  • kimsciolino
    kimsciolino Posts: 240 Member
    Hello! I have been eating pretty clean for awhile now. I may have one or two days a month where I may have some sort of processed food but it is pretty rare. I would be happy for you to add me. Good Luck
  • MellyPfromVT
    MellyPfromVT Posts: 869 Member
    I try my best to stay away from processed foods....would love to have some support in this!
  • LuluGirl140
    LuluGirl140 Posts: 364 Member
    So happy I found this!! I'm going to try and start eating clean on Monday. I want to follow the beach nutrition guide, called Michi's ladder, and stick to the top 2 tiers. I'm a little nervous and am going to plan my dinners so I know what to buy at the grocery store. Feel free to add me, I'd love some ideas and encouragement!!
  • Skinny_Mocha
    Skinny_Mocha Posts: 208 Member
    I just started searching for clean eaters the other day. Add me! I'm fun!

    *But I'm in the middle of a cheat weekend, so avert your eyes from my food diary Friday through tomorrow.
  • alimoll
    alimoll Posts: 41 Member
    Really have a desire to eat clean! Would love some friends and inspiration!
  • astrosnider
    astrosnider Posts: 151 Member
    If this means eating a lot of organic foods and staying away from fast food and overly processed things, then I am definitely trying to do it. I would love to have others on the same journey as friends on MFP.
  • chuyortiz
    chuyortiz Posts: 1 Member
    eating clean as in washing your foods before you eat? LOLOLOLOL! please give us your definition of "eating clean"
  • I have been "eating Clean" for years if that means to try to stay away from processed foods. If you are referring to that then ...pick mee! I would love to have more friends that eat that way. i love getting ideas from others so anyone that wants to be my friend contact me! I share my food diary. I do have chocolate protein powder everyday though.
  • Jennifernellwebb
    Jennifernellwebb Posts: 209 Member
    I eat lots of fruits and veggies, daily. I have my oatmeal in the mornings, most mornings, and I usually stick to lots of salads and lean meats for dinner. Turkey, chicken breast, fish. I eat very little dairy, outside of maybe a small glass of fat free milk that I put in my "smoothies" which is fresh fruits, milk and ice. I do eat fiber one 50 calorie yogurts, but I stay away from all cheeses.This seems to be working for me and I pretty much keep everything real. My food diary is open to look at and if it goes to my mouth, it gets logged. After all, if we cheat, who are we cheating besides ourselves, right? Besides, from time to time, I would like for my other friends to give me ideas on where I might better my eating habits for better results. I tried eating at a buffet once and logging that... didn't do so well. I ate once at subway....very bad move on my part... SO.....I just stick to my own foods and that way, I know what I am cooking and eating before I ever cook it. If this is what you mean by eating clean, then feel free to add me. I would be interested in seeing your diary, as well.
  • Thanks to everyone that posted here and those who sent me private messages! I appreciate all the help and advice and am excited over some of us doing this together :)
  • LuluGirl140
    LuluGirl140 Posts: 364 Member
    Does anyone have any recipes they'd like to share? I want to make sure I cook a variety of foods so my husband and kids don't start complaining!