Hot Shorties by Christmas!!!!

anyone want to do a challenge?

I'm thinking we should keep it to ladies 5'3" and under? or close enough to that anyway!

height - 5'
current weigt - 153
goal weight - 120/130

list any goals you have also :)

mine is to be able to run 5k, quit smoking and fit into size 10 (uk) jeans!

feel free to add me :)


  • no one?
  • nels0071
    nels0071 Posts: 19
    I'm 5' 3" wanting to get fit.

    Currently 138. Wanting to get to 125 or just feel and looked toned.

    Love to fit back into my size 6 jeans. Also, have exercise feel like a want not a need.
  • progress check once a week to see how everyone is doing?! :)
  • shelleycolton
    shelleycolton Posts: 400 Member
    So i'm 5ft 3inc, I want to lose 26lbs before xmas and other goal to burn 10,000 calories per month. :smile:

    Yes, I think a weekly progress check would be a fab idea.
  • nels0071
    nels0071 Posts: 19
    Sound good! Currently doing 30 day shred alone with walking on my munch break. More on weekends.
  • im going to try do a long walk at the weekends, 1 hour +

    and 30mins x3 per week

    hopefully il be able to up it once i have more time on my hands!
  • im thinking tuesdays for weigh ins?

    I think I've done pretty good so far this week, trying to get in a few walks, even if its not as long as i have hoped for! Im taking my measurements over the weekend too to see which i drop quicker, weight or size?

    do you allow yourself a "cheat day"? or a treat maybe?
  • I'd be in! My journey will likely take me way past Christmas, but it'll be a start! Admittedly, I am logging in a bit less on MFP, I was addicted and spent so much time weighing, counting...which I know is important! Funnily enough, I stopped, and the weight has been coming off! Must have been the stress of my food scale haha!

    I definitely fit the short criteria, I'm 5ft 0 (maybe and a 1/2 hehe)

    My goal is to go down a clothing size by Christmas.

    I won't give a number, because the scale hates me (and I hate it!) and whilst my clothes have been feeling looser, the scale doesn't reflect that, so I'm finding the clothes a better indication of my weight loss.

    Currently I'm 159 lbs
    My goal is 135 lbs.
  • do you allow yourself a "cheat day"? or a treat maybe?

    I treat myself when I want and allow for it on my calories, whether it be that day in particular or the day after. Just push myself a bit harder when I work out.
  • Can i join too?
    I've only signed up to this site today and my stats are as follows

    height 5'3 "

    SW 159
    GW 124

    I want to get to 133 by christmas and get back in my size 10 (uk) jeans.
    I hope it would help if i check in PUBLICLY weekly lol

  • RMayHicks
    RMayHicks Posts: 9 Member
    I'd like to join. I am 5'3" currently 152 and would like to lose 10% of my weight by Christmas. Ultimate goal is 130.
  • nels0071
    nels0071 Posts: 19
    I know we said weigh in day was Tuesday, but my day is Saturday so I thought I'd share how I did. Well...I didn't lose a thing this week :( I feel better about myself but not pounds lost.

    I have been doing 30 day shred everyday, walking at lunch for 30 mins (3 times a week), and walking either treadmil or outside (3 or 4 times a week 30-60 mins).

    I wouldn't say cheat day, but if I know I am going somewhere that I want to indulge a little I workout harder to make up for it.

    I'm currently at 136, hoping to get to 125 with a toned body! I'd take 130 with a toned body too.
  • well done!! :)

    my dreaded weigh in day is tomorrow, i feel i did pretty well, for once in my life i stuck to my diet! and i exercised 3 times this week so im hoping the scales reflect that!

    taking my measurements and my before pics tomorrow too :) hopefully it'll be a great motivator!

    going to the gym for the first time in a long time tomorrow and hopefully il be able to go twice a week to up my exercise and make me fit again!!
  • im done 3.5 pounds woohooooooo!!!! :happy:

    so happy with my results! looks like sticking to my diet and exercising is really working for me this time :)

    taking my measurements later so il post those too :)
  • shelleycolton
    shelleycolton Posts: 400 Member
    Well done. I've been working hard after the weekend camping and had a go at the C25K yesterday, when I dropped it at my lighests in November, I would really love to get back to that level. Going to have another go tonight. The only thing is that I don't burn as much calories as walking fast on incline.
  • BUMP!!!

    anyone else want to join? :flowerforyou:
  • I'm in!


    CW: 133
    GW: 115

    Right now i'm working on finishing a 5k (started but due to injury had to stop and slowing working my way back up). And eating healthy while the stress and commute of school makes it more difficult to avoid snacking!
  • Well I weighed in on Friday but only just had chance to update this

    I was down 2lb so really pleased

    hoping for another 2lb on friday since been really good

    good luck to everyone else fingeres crossed for another good weeks weight loss

    Nicki x
  • Weighed in at 132.5 today, but won't officially update until my weigh in day on Thursdays!
  • Currently doing a 30DS challenge. The scale isn't cooperating with me, but the measuring tape is showing shrinkage. Hoping I'll see some movement both on the tape and scale by the end of the challenge!