Just went to McDonald's and now I'm feeling super guilty.



  • __Jackie__
    __Jackie__ Posts: 39 Member
    I have to allow myself one day a week that I can eat whatever I want...and for me that is PIZZA!

    Without that, I would fail.

    I have "Pizza Friday" every week. I do not order it, I make it from scratch so I know exactly how much calories it is. Knowing that Fridays are my "cheat" days. Makes eating healthy the other 6 days super easy!

    I think one day is no big deal to cheat per week. Works for me and I have lost 45lbs
  • rachyz88
    rachyz88 Posts: 32 Member
    one time... I met my calorie goal, then my boyfriend and best friend came over... and I drank 3 smifnoff ice coolers (250 calories each) then 2 mikes hard lemonades (about 220 each)... then I got the drunchies,,, and we ordered dominos.. and I ate the ENTIRE pizza...

    A few days prior to that I ate out at McDonalds and got a meal + McFlurry... and I ate an entire bag of chips (1200+ calories)...

    And i still didn't sway much from looking like I do in my "after" picture in my signature..

    I love this! Sounds me... I'm a big drinker... And yesss pizza is my weakness ;)
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    one time... I met my calorie goal, then my boyfriend and best friend came over... and I drank 3 smifnoff ice coolers (250 calories each) then 2 mikes hard lemonades (about 220 each)... then I got the drunchies,,, and we ordered dominos.. and I ate the ENTIRE pizza...

    A few days prior to that I ate out at McDonalds and got a meal + McFlurry... and I ate an entire bag of chips (1200+ calories)...

    And i still didn't sway much from looking like I do in my "after" picture in my signature..

    *snort* that sounds like a regular friday night :)

    Then again, I don't look like your after

    or your before...

    Son of a....
  • Jelleebean
    Jelleebean Posts: 212
    you can't deprive yourself of everything you once loved. because if you do, you will find yourself down the road binging on everything all at once.
    once in a while won't hurt... and, if you had a great night out with your friends, that makes up for extra calories :)
  • EuroDriver
    EuroDriver Posts: 254
    YEWWWWWWW macdonalds yewww! i used to eat it quite often with friends as it was the only cheap place open late nights... havent had it in like 8 months.. was there once a month n half ago(only place open at like 5AM pre-work for a quick snack) was sick for the rest of day.. felt like it was going to come back out any minute
  • mamax5
    mamax5 Posts: 414 Member
    Tonight my friends and I went to McDonald's. I was planning on having a salad and water or something like that. But I ended up eating a Cheddar McMelt + Large Soda + Large Fries. And today I didn't go to the gym.
    I ate 600 more calories than I should have eaten today, but I've been eating only healthy things the whole freaking week. Do you guys think is okay to have a little "treat" every once in a while? I mean, if you eat fast food, like, once in a week, but in the other six days, you're under your calorie goal, is it going to ruin everything?
    I'd be very happy to know what you think about this (:

    Personally I think your fine...I mean you have to eat over by 3500 to gain a pound. A treat every now and then isn't going to hurt anything.
  • willdbill0712
    willdbill0712 Posts: 83 Member
    Life is about living. One bad day does not ruin a great week. Just shrug it off and keep up the good work.

    Life would be boring if everyone were perfect!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Who do you think you have harmed in breaking your diet?

    What is there to feel guilt about?
  • CoachMaritova
    CoachMaritova Posts: 409 Member
    YEWWWWWWW macdonalds yewww! i used to eat it quite often with friends as it was the only cheap place open late nights... havent had it in like 8 months.. was there once a month n half ago(only place open at like 5AM pre-work for a quick snack) was sick for the rest of day.. felt like it was going to come back out any minute

    I think I would feel that way,too, but I"m not going to test it.... have you seen Supersize Me?
  • EuroDriver
    EuroDriver Posts: 254
    YEWWWWWWW macdonalds yewww! i used to eat it quite often with friends as it was the only cheap place open late nights... havent had it in like 8 months.. was there once a month n half ago(only place open at like 5AM pre-work for a quick snack) was sick for the rest of day.. felt like it was going to come back out any minute

    I think I would feel that way,too, but I"m not going to test it.... have you seen Supersize Me?

    yeah lol that guys gross as if he did that id be throwing up on like day 2 that is if im alive after day 1
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I don't get the feeling guilty about eating something. That's the kind of thing that sabotages everything. If you become so obsessed over the total number of calories you're eating, the added stress just makes it worse.

    I ate Chinese food from my favorite Chinese place down the road on Monday, went over by around 1,000 calories. Still lost 2 pounds this week. One day doesn't matter. Cross it off and keep going.
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    I too ate McDonald's last night and could honestly care less, really. I did not care last night and I do not care today. I was hot and tired from 3.5 hours of no a/c and picking up my loud, cute kids. For that, I deserved McDonald's and the 4 cups of wine I washed it down with. I was even still under, so today is a new day.

    But, if it is going to weigh so heavily on your mind, I would suggest not putting yourself through it again.

    *Edit: to state I do not limit myself or have any off limits foods, as long as I have made room in my goals for the day.
  • CindyWarner
    i didn't get overweight because I made ONE poor choice meal. I got overweight because I made it a regular thing to "treat myself". And when I say regular thing I mean breakfast, lunch and dinner every day.

    ONE burger, fries and soda is not going to make you "Fat". You might have some temporary weight due to the sodium levels in the meal that you have eatten but that's just that. It's temporary and it's just water weight. Easier to shead than long term fat.

    Try not to feel guilty. Tomorrow is another day. Just do your regular thing on this website all will be good and be good to yourself.

  • Jetjedi
    Jetjedi Posts: 24 Member
    I had two burgers myself with the works last night and a full order of fries. Nothing wrong with it. I've found that as long as my average calories burned is more than what I consumed for the week then I still progress. Sounds like you were strict all week. Just go ahead and log it, then move on.
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    I only have fast food several times a year because I have to worry about cholesterol and because I'm old. Otherwise I would go once a week :bigsmile:
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    am i the only one who doesn't know what a cheddar mcmelt is?? it sounds bomb though!
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    am i the only one who doesn't know what a cheddar mcmelt is?? it sounds bomb though!

    You are not alone... And I live in the land of cheddar, so I'm extraordinarily confused...
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    am i the only one who doesn't know what a cheddar mcmelt is?? it sounds bomb though!
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    am i the only one who doesn't know what a cheddar mcmelt is?? it sounds bomb though!

    ewwww *LOL*
  • kaitee24
    kaitee24 Posts: 10 Member
    I agree with everyone else, of course it's okay...I do not deprive myself of anything, I just have learned to treat myself in moderation. I mean, who doesn't love Mcd's fries! But, maybe next time you have a treat you might just have a small fry, instead of a large, that way it doesn't pack on tons of calories but you still get you McD's treat. That's what I do. Instead of mowing down a bag of ships I have a small handfull if I'm in the mood. stuff like that:) don't beat yourself up regardless.