Headaches :(

I have been waking up with a headache almost everyday for the past 3 to 4 weeks. I can't figure out how to make them go away. I am definitely not dehydrated. I don't have any muscle soreness. I started using a mouth guard for night grinding about a week and a half ago it hasn't made any difference. these headaches are in the front of my head and some or so bad I can barely move when I wake up, and some are quite manageable, like the one I had this morning. Sometimes they last all day sometimes they respond right away to Advil. I can't figure out what is causing them. There is no change to my sleep schedule. I went to the doctor recently and had a lot of lab tests done, everything is normal. Anyone have any ideas?


  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    I'll be happy if you're able to figure it out. I suffer from the same.

    Feel better.
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,464 Member
    Tension? Eye strain? Sinus and allergies?
    Since first thing in morning, maybe something to do with sleep?
    Change pillows? Sleep in different bed, if possible, white noise, sleep mask?
    Warm shower, meditation before bed?
    Lots of ideas, but no real insights, sorry.
  • gottswald
    gottswald Posts: 122 Member
    I have 'Chronic Daily Headache with Migraine'. I know a few others around here have migraines that get triggered from exercise. I would suggest seeing a neurologist to make sure it isn't something more serious.
  • MohsenSALAH
    MohsenSALAH Posts: 182 Member
    If u dont have medical problems like what @corinasue1143 says check ur sleeping.
    If u sleep less u will have headache that doesn't go with painkillers till u get enough sleep
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    edited July 2019
    When you say you went to the doctor, do you mean that you went for a general checkup, or you went and talked specifically about these headaches? Unexplained headaches lasting a month warrant a trip to a neurologist.

    If you’re trying to lose weight, how many calories are you currently eating per day, what is your current weight, and how much do you want to lose? An overly aggressive deficit could cause headaches.

    Have you recently changed your caffeine habits? That can be related to headaches.

    If your headaches turn out to be migraines, those can be triggered by many different things, and you would need to work with your neurologist to figure out your triggers.
  • ConfidentRaven
    ConfidentRaven Posts: 1,428 Member
    When did you last get a new pillow or have your eyes/teeth checked? More computer or phone time, extra stress lately? Have you added something new to your diet, for example red wine in even small amounts gives me headaches.

    For relief try a small amount of Bengay on your temples, forehead, back of neck, and shoulders after you’ve had your shower. Be careful because too much will feel like something is burning you. If that doesn’t work try a cold compress on your forehead or neck.

    And of course if you go to the doctor make sure that you have tracked your food, activities, sleep quality, severity, symptoms, and frequency of the headaches, as well as everything that you have already tried to elevate them. Trust me from experience having these ready could save you an appointment or two. Good luck, and I hope you figure it out soon because migraines suck.
  • amandaeve
    amandaeve Posts: 723 Member
    I might need a new pillow, it's been about 10 years. The bed is 1 year old. I am seeing a nutritionist in a couple of weeks,so that might help. I went to the Dr. due to concerns about my suddenly crazy hunger, thirst, and a different type of fatigue. I included the headaches when talking to the Dr. But that was a couple of weeks ago and they weren't so consistent then. I've been really hungry so I've been over-eating for about 5 months, about 2300calories a day when I maintain at 2100. I'd like to be at a deficit to drop the few lbs. I've gained over the last few months, but need to feel better first. Caffeine hasn't changed so much.

    I already do meditation, white noise, eye mask, ear plugs, sleep app, weighted blanket, etc. My sleep is quite the ordeal!

    We did get a new fan a couple of months...maybe that has something to do with it. Although, it's the same model as the last one.
  • hist_doc
    hist_doc Posts: 206 Member
    I find that barometric pressures affects my headaches. I’ve been having terrible headaches (near migraines) this past week due to weather patterns despite the fact that I take preventative medication. Have you experienced anything like this or high humidity where you live? I have to take topiramate daily to ward off migraines. It’s a lifesaver. I’m so sorry to hear you’re suffering.
  • Emmapatterson1729
    Emmapatterson1729 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I get two types of headaches that are exactly the same as you describe, that are easy to rule out.

    One is allergies. Didn't develop allergies until early 30s. Easy way to rule out allergies, take an antihistamine like Zyrtec or Claritin. If headache goes away for 24 hours, chances are high it's a new developed allergy. I also developed an allergy to feathers... Woke up with horrible headaches. I had been sleeping on feather pillows.

    Two, developed a sensitivity to artificial sweeteners. Sugar free gums, sodas, mints... A, front of the head, headache that will not go away for a few hours to two days. That's another one that's easy to rule out, read labels and avoid aspartame, saccharin, swerve, and sucralose, if you consume.

    Two suggestions which are easy to rule out. Hope you figure it out!!
  • mram3582
    mram3582 Posts: 2,482 Member
    My husband has had a constant headache for a year and a half now. It NEVER goes away. First we checked eyes...then allergies....made changes to the lighting in the house, bedding, tested for mold (nothing) he is seeing a neurologist that says, while not common, some people definitely DO have constant headaches that are undefined. 2 MRI with contrast are completely normal. I hope that you find an answer to yours because it is ruining our lives right now.
  • Emmapatterson1729
    Emmapatterson1729 Posts: 1,296 Member
    mram3582 wrote: »
    My husband has had a constant headache for a year and a half now. It NEVER goes away. First we checked eyes...then allergies....made changes to the lighting in the house, bedding, tested for mold (nothing) he is seeing a neurologist that says, while not common, some people definitely DO have constant headaches that are undefined. 2 MRI with contrast are completely normal. I hope that you find an answer to yours because it is ruining our lives right now.


    I have a rare disease which affects lymph nodes and causes head pains. I don't even call them headaches, because the pain and light sensitivity is so excruciating, it's 100 times worse than the handful of migraines I've experienced in my life.

    After two years of living with the daily crippling pain, I found something, completely by fluke, that ended my two year nightmare. I was researching things that would help my lymphatic system and discovered graviola tea bags.

    After a couple of cups, my head pains were gone. I still drink about a cup once a week, as a precaution.

    The tea is a controversial thing. But I was a point where I would've tried anything for lymphatic or head pains.

    When my daughter's head hurts, she asks for the tea as well, instead of aspirin, ibuprofen, or acetaminophen.

    Just thought I'd mention it. My disease only shows up in spinal taps.

    Living in pain is a nightmare! Hope you and your husband figure it out and find healing!
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,857 Member
    Are you doing keto and eating enough salt? Maybe you're sweating over night, and this tiny bit of additional salt loss gets you over the line towards headaches
  • ADaigle0713
    ADaigle0713 Posts: 4 Member
    hist_doc wrote: »
    I find that barometric pressures affects my headaches. I’ve been having terrible headaches (near migraines) this past week due to weather patterns despite the fact that I take preventative medication. Have you experienced anything like this or high humidity where you live? I have to take topiramate daily to ward off migraines. It’s a lifesaver. I’m so sorry to hear you’re suffering.

    I too find that the barometric pressure affects my headaches and sinuses. Living in South Louisiana is just going to happen and now in hurricane season the pressure some days is immense. I use Advil Sinus Congestion and Pain when it first starts. Most of the time this works, sometimes not. Good Luck.
  • mram3582
    mram3582 Posts: 2,482 Member
    mram3582 wrote: »
    My husband has had a constant headache for a year and a half now. It NEVER goes away. First we checked eyes...then allergies....made changes to the lighting in the house, bedding, tested for mold (nothing) he is seeing a neurologist that says, while not common, some people definitely DO have constant headaches that are undefined. 2 MRI with contrast are completely normal. I hope that you find an answer to yours because it is ruining our lives right now.


    I have a rare disease which affects lymph nodes and causes head pains. I don't even call them headaches, because the pain and light sensitivity is so excruciating, it's 100 times worse than the handful of migraines I've experienced in my life.

    After two years of living with the daily crippling pain, I found something, completely by fluke, that ended my two year nightmare. I was researching things that would help my lymphatic system and discovered graviola tea bags.

    After a couple of cups, my head pains were gone. I still drink about a cup once a week, as a precaution.

    The tea is a controversial thing. But I was a point where I would've tried anything for lymphatic or head pains.

    When my daughter's head hurts, she asks for the tea as well, instead of aspirin, ibuprofen, or acetaminophen.

    Just thought I'd mention it. My disease only shows up in spinal taps.

    Living in pain is a nightmare! Hope you and your husband figure it out and find healing!

    Thanks! Yeah, he is willing to try anything now. The Neurologist put him on Verapamil which is a blood pressure medicine. He doesn't have high blood pressure, but it has helped to keep the pain to manageable levels most of the time. We just went on a vacation to an arcade convention (SFGE) and now that we're back, it is day 2 of debilitating pain.
  • js3013
    js3013 Posts: 7 Member
    I have struggled with headaches and symptoms very similar to what you are describing, OP. Mine turned out to be an allergy to dairy. Not just lactose, but the protein.
  • Hyacinth_Hippo
    Hyacinth_Hippo Posts: 51 Member
    aside from all the other suggestions, have you tried electrolytes drinks or pickle juice? In the summer, for me, water alone doesn't cut it and I get headaches if I don't have pickle juice or a gatorade about once a week.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,336 Member
    The description of your headaches is pretty vague @amandaeve

    I was diagnosed with migraines in my mid thirties. I had always had intermittent headaches, but I was a drinker and chalked them up to alcohol or stress. I started having them daily in my early forties and at that time I wasn't drinking. Then one day I got one that lasted days and I ended up at the hospital because I couldn't even keep water down.

    My migraines were so bad I couldn't get out of bed when I had one. Nausea, light/sound sensitivity, vomiting, pain so bad I wanted to die...

    Definitely make an appointment with a Neuro. My mid forties were really bad (just before perimenopause.) I got several migraines per month and had lots of different triggers like barometer, exercise, caffeine, food, premenstrual. I was on several prophylactic Rx meds and had prescriptions for different triptans to use once a migraine got going. Expensive and necessary.

  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    edited July 2019
    amandaeve wrote: »
    I have been waking up with a headache almost everyday for the past 3 to 4 weeks. I can't figure out how to make them go away. I am definitely not dehydrated. I don't have any muscle soreness. I started using a mouth guard for night grinding about a week and a half ago it hasn't made any difference. these headaches are in the front of my head and some or so bad I can barely move when I wake up, and some are quite manageable, like the one I had this morning. Sometimes they last all day sometimes they respond right away to Advil. I can't figure out what is causing them. There is no change to my sleep schedule. I went to the doctor recently and had a lot of lab tests done, everything is normal. Anyone have any ideas?

    I get headaches from common household chemicals and products that have not yet "offgassed." And also from mold and dust.

    1. Is the bedding new? Brands like Lands End I only have to wash once but other brands may take numerous washes plus hanging outside in the sun.
    2. Is there new paint or carpet in your bedroom?
    3. Any possibility of mold in your house - has there been a flood or other water damage recently?
    4. Have you switched laundry detergents/fabric softeners?

    Try unscented detergent (all major brands have this now) and no fabric softener.
  • Crafty_camper123
    Crafty_camper123 Posts: 1,440 Member
    The fact that you wake up with these headaches as opposed to them coming on in the middle of the day makes me think of sleep apnea. Headaches upon waking can be a sign of sleep apnea due to the brain being deprived of oxygen during sleep. You also mention " a different type of fatigue". Fatigue is also a key symptom of sleep apnea. I have a lot of family members with it, and my dad has the kind where his brain just "forgets" to breathe at night. So I keep an eye out in case I need to get myself in, lol. I saw what he went through before getting diagnosed, and it was a bit of a run around before he got his sleep study and diagnosis.
    If you try some of the above mentioned things without relief, perhaps ask your doctor about a sleep study?
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    How often/how much OTC pain reliever are you taking? Rebound headaches are real and awful, in my experience.

    You've gotten a lot of other good suggestions here. I hope you find an answer soon.