Supplement Guide

What’s the best pre-workout, protein and other supplements for women trying to build muscle and cut up


  • jjpptt2
    jjpptt2 Posts: 5,650 Member
    There isn't a best... it's 99% personal preference and dietary supplementation.

    For pre-workout, caffeine is far and away the most studied, established, and proven stimulant.
    Protein is protein... do you need to supplement protein?
    Similarly, other supplements should be dictated by your goals and your overall diet, not by a magazine cover, IG model or whatever else.
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,970 Member
    @jjpptt2 is right, if there was a single best, that's all anyone would use.
  • JnelMcNelly
    JnelMcNelly Posts: 7 Member
    Supplements are something people should “earn”. If you arent eating well enough or training hard enough, its best to start there before dumping $70 on a bottle of protein.

    The best pre workout is going to be a good snack with some carbs and protein. Most powders you can buy will be very similar, but caffiene is of course the most well proven and studied stimulant. Post workout needs to be nothing more than either a meal with protein or a whey isolate or hydrolysate powder.

    There are many many other supplements out there, but whey protein and caffeine are the most common.

    If you really want recommendations, I take the Rule 1 natural whey protein twice daily and Rule 1’s pre workout and pump formula. I supplement with vitamins in the morning, but once again, its best to try and incorporate nutrients into your diet through food naturally.
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    Not sure what’s the best, but I use Size Slim BCAAS recovery. It’s Stevia sweetened and I drink it during my workout. I just bought Purely Inspired Organic Protein. It’s vegan, non GMO, and you can get it at Walmart. The French Vanilla is good with a few frozen strawberries. I drink it about half an hour after weight lifting.